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Re: Matron de Winter's Weapons Turn In Program 2 !!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:55 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Updated, tried to contact everyone to payout, still missing a few people. I am still collecting items as well.

Re: Matron de Winter's Weapons Turn In Program 2 !!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:10 pm
by MatronDeWinter
bump, I have tried to contact all individuals who I owe money to. If you are one of these people just catch me on IRC for payment. I am also, still collecting bags. I have gathered a bit of information on the types of payouts that some of you are receiving.

Some of the lower cost per item bags were filled with items like shirts, bandanas, wands and such. One individual turned in a few hundred items, mostly shirts and clothing, which yielded the lowest cost per item return. As a general rule, I would say that the weight of the items is a better way to reflect or estimate the payout received. The highest paying item (types) are halberds, plate armor, war maces/hammers, and other misc magical weapons. Higher charge jewelry can often scoot up there in price as well, but likewise, lower charge jewelry (and clothing) can be as low as 5gp (and that is the NPC buying price!).

I put some odd items to good use, mainly various crappy magical staffs (gnarled being prefered) etc, and I highly doubt that anyone else on the server is remotely interested in them, and for the items that I find desirable, I do pay well above what the NPC's would. For the lesser items, I will usually match the NPC price (from item id) or go slightly lower if the item is a significant hassle to sell and is of no use to me and cannot act as a weighty item for traps or capet bombs.

There has been some concern as to why I am doing this etc, this is quite simply why. I have a need for some lesser items, and this is a quick way to go about getting them.

The point catagory for each item is a rating from .5-3 of how desirable the particular item was to me, it is being used to determine a winner when I decide to end this turn in season. As of now, the winner is looking at 100k gold, but the pot will rise as the season transpires. As mentioned in the main post, if I reach a limit for a particular item and no longer need it, I will change it's formula at any time. This is meant as a reference.

Re: Matron de Winter's Weapons Turn In Program 2 !!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:10 am
by TheBreadMan
I have a ton of magic items from fishing etc. would i get more from this than selling them items to vendor myself? or is that basically what you are doing?

Re: Matron de Winter's Weapons Turn In Program 2 !!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:57 pm
by Zelek Uther
Hey Matron, had a chance to look at my bag 'o' magic items?


Re: Matron de Winter's Weapons Turn In Program 2 !!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:02 pm
by Stranger
= Brilliant.

Re: Matron de Winter's Weapons Turn In Program 2 !!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:52 pm
by Sultan of Swing
whats the latest?