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Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:24 pm
by GuardianKnight
Downs wrote:
fooka03 wrote:Yea, this seems more like a racket than the cA dept of animal husbandry... :roll:
GK is secretly pristiq
I'm secretly Downs.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:52 pm
by lotus39
Corbin wrote:
Really Corbin? I really didn't expect this from you.
You're attempting to make yourself look like the only honest group out there. You'd expect me to just sit around twiddling my thumbs?
GuardianKnight wrote:Corbin and a few others asked to join and i refused for the time being. I wanted to do 3 at a time so that there was a way to keep track of each person's dealings. And to show that this wasn't going to be a big uncontrollable guild.
Umm, when did I ever ask to join? If you've not seen my signature, I have my own guild setup so that people can identify me, I have no need or desire to even be associated with your guild and now you're just falsifying information and becoming less and less credible with each post which reinforces my prior concerns.

While I don't believe you're doing what chum is suggesting and scamming people, I do believe you're trying to monopolize the market in an attempt to become the new blackfoot of the shard. While becoming a reputable tradesman is not a bad thing, trying to control the market into believing your guild is the only trustworthy group of merchants is.
Wow man someone has something up their ass.

Maybe if you got hounded nonstop to broker for people you would understand the intention, and that to get some peace and offload some of the work.

People are going to use who they feel comfortable with using and Guild titles are the only way to truely know who your dealing with.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:34 pm
by fooka03
lotus39 wrote:People are going to use who they feel comfortable with using and Guild titles are the only way to truely know who your dealing with.
I agree, but then what's the point of making this guild? People are still going to know it's GK, or Doc, or BF, so what's wrong with dealing with them directly? I still think that despite intentions it still gives an illusion of trying to establish a monopoly on brokering. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark" - The Bible, KJV

As to the most trustworthy on the shard, I'm going to go with chum. He's always fairly forthcoming with his intentions, you know what he's all about. And hell, if people in real life are going to trust him to be a real estate broker, then why not here?


P.S.: chum, I didn't realize you were in Pittsburgh! Good thing I didn't open that strange crate that was on my front step the other day...

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:10 pm
by lotus39
fooka03 wrote:
lotus39 wrote:People are going to use who they feel comfortable with using and Guild titles are the only way to truely know who your dealing with.
I agree, but then what's the point of making this guild? People are still going to know it's GK, or Doc, or BF, so what's wrong with dealing with them directly? I still think that despite intentions it still gives an illusion of trying to establish a monopoly on brokering. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark" - The Bible, KJV

As to the most trustworthy on the shard, I'm going to go with chum. He's always fairly forthcoming with his intentions, you know what he's all about. And hell, if people in real life are going to trust him to be a real estate broker, then why not here?


P.S.: chum, I didn't realize you were in Pittsburgh! Good thing I didn't open that strange crate that was on my front step the other day...

The point of making the guild is to make it easy for people to identify brokers that brokers trust.

Its also to toss a trusted name behind some very trustworthy but maybe unknown folks out there... To help offset the fact that GK is being overwhelmed with requests.

Its easier for people to say hey that person is with b*b and trustworthy, than track every single person and guild title on the shard.

Maybe if you other trusted merchants were more effective he wouldnt be so Inundated.

But rather than focus on that aspect you tear down an otherwise great idea because you think he is trying to monopolize something.

Maybe spend more time getting your name out there if you want more business, Im sure GK and the overworked Brokers on the shard would appreciate the help.

Yeah its pretty obvious where chum is at most of the time

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:29 pm
by chumbucket
lotus39 wrote:Yeah its pretty obvious where chum is at most of the time
That's just what I want you to think!

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:31 pm
by Chaos
Just because you can trust that some one will snoop you .. Doesn't mean trust that person..

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:27 pm
by GuardianKnight
Chaos the wise.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:26 pm
by GuardianKnight
Just a friendly reminder that these fine folks are continuing to do good work. Feel free to pm them anytime for some brokering.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:29 pm
by Atraxi
I had Kelektra broker a house sale for me a couple of weeks ago. It went smoothly. I recommend Brokers of Britannia to anyone wanting a quality broker.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:26 pm
by Beatingu
GK is the servers most reliable broker. He hasn't pulled a single scam since he first began brokering. What he's offering you, is a way to make sure guys like RJ, or Chum dont use one of their "fake" Gk's, BF's, etc to scam you. This vouch is brought to you by BeatingU the Mighty FYI.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:06 pm
by Pristiq
GuardianKnight wrote:
Downs wrote:
fooka03 wrote:Yea, this seems more like a racket than the cA dept of animal husbandry... :roll:
GK is secretly pristiq
I'm secretly Downs.
Why don't you want to secretly be me? :(

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:30 pm
by GuardianKnight
Then i would be married to a dude in a video game...i dun wanna be married.

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:02 pm
by GuardianKnight
I just added a long time guildmate and and trustworthy broker to our team to make up for Doc Faustus quitting.

Dastardly Duck B*B (aka DarkWing from UoH*

Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:32 am
by Freeza
GuardianKnight wrote:I just added a long time guildmate and and trustworthy broker to our team to make up for Doc Faustus quitting.

Dastardly Duck B*B (aka DarkWing from UoH*
I would never trust anyone who's main goal for UO is to spam IRC with !rules.


Re: Brokers of britainnia: broker services & IRC

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:44 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Obviously the #Brokers channel is used to lure people out of #Secondage so that B*B can IRC-scam them without the risk of banning.