Champ Spawns

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Gunslinger »

Looking forward to it faust.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Gicod »

Champ spawns, no. They would end up just like they did on OSI, a fiesta of ghost cams and a couple of strong pvp/PK guilds that run the monopoly on the rewards market. However, if you want something to improve pvp, how about perhaps a periodic city-feud, think factions-lite.

For instance, a couple days leading up to such and event, town criers could start spouting out random details about mounting tensions between 2 cities. "Trade disagreements between Minoc and Jhelom continue" "Minoc imposes ore embargo on Jhelom" and such as that. Leading up to a call to arms. "The cities of Minoc and Jhelom have called out the militia and have begun recruiting"

Players could then "enlist" in the militia of their favored city. As a member of that cities militia they would be green to other members, orange to opposing city militia, much like factions. In the warred cities martial law would be imposed and each city in lieu of town guards could have a limited number of faction-guard style NPC's that would be hostile to the opposing city. Perhaps a statloss exemption of some sort could be worked out for reds to be able to participate and not have to fear dying. Or maybe reds could participate along the lines of mercenaries in which they get rewarded somehow by bringing in heads, potentially allowing the more unsavory types to play both sides of the field. However, no free-use, everything you are carrying is at risk, much like factions. Could be a shot in the arm for the GM crafters as well. Perhaps even have militia craftsmen along the lines of the factions system of some sort to get tradesmen involved.

To spread the pvp out into the world, perhaps there could be some sort of events that flow with it in the outlying areas. Im thinking supply lines that need to be protected. "A shipment of supplies has just departed Vesper en route to Minoc" Minoc militia must protect the shipment, Jhelom millita tries to destroy it or capture it, adding to their cities stores. Seaside cities could have the potential for naval blockade and piracy as some shipments could come by sea. Dungeon areas could be included as well. "Reports indicate that Jhelom has located a hidden cache of magic weapons in Dungeon Despise" The supply level of a city could dictate how many guards that town has and how many members are admitted to the militia. The number of guards/militia members consume a cities supplies, to reduce the chance of one side just massing a defense and turtling. They would be forced to go outside the city and attack and capture supply stores to keep their city supplied. Captured supplies would need to be handed in to a supply quartermaster NPC to add to the city total. A building/buildings in said towns would be designated as supply stores and could be lootable by enemy members (i.e. supply raids) or stolen by crafty thieves from the enemy militia. As a cities supply dwindles they get fewer guards and militia recruiting numbers are affected as well.

There could be varying victory conditions, perhaps a point total based on city supplies as one, when a cities stockpile dwindles they become weaker, i.e. no guards to protect the city or guards of decreased potency as their replacement weaponry/armor never arrived, etc. There could be a town mayor or some other NPC type that would need to be protected somewhere in said city, opening up the potential for a stronghold-type defense scenario. There are quite a few possibilities.

The event could run for a pre-set timeframe, or a matter of days, or however long it takes for the victory conditions to be met. Perhaps a factions-style point score for individual players could determine the rewards for members of the winning side, i.e. the more active and productive member, based on point total would get a more valuable reward than those that joined but did little. A seperate system could be set up to rate the contributions of crafters.

Im sure it would take a shitload of coding, of which I know nothing, perhaps it might not be so bad by modifying factions code, I dunno. It could be fun tho.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Gunslinger »

Note: read ^ post tomorrow...way too drunk atm.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by makiazo »

I'm a little frustrated that we have rewards to be honest. Then on top of that, I need to be a PvP type player to earn them. Where are the games for PvM type players to gain silver?

Afterall, you need to keep the PvM type players here to keep your PKs happy. =) How about some more insentive for PvM players? =)

+1 vote for champs and/or other PvM activities.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by HI IM MIKE »

Psilo wrote:
HI IM MIKE wrote:
Faust wrote:There is a massive event divided into sub events per weekend being coded by me that one would say "resembles" the champ spawns.

My time constraints are pretty tight, so it has been really hard to find time to this elaborate and large project. It also didn't help when my PC was hit by a power surge a couple months ago. The new PC should be here sometime next week and I plan to continue my work on it when there is spare time.
Sounds crap
1. Your name is in caps
2. You can't construct a complete sentence.
3. Wrong forum buddy, shouldn't you be in trash talk being a part of the drama?

Need I say more? :lol:
1. My name is all lowercase.
2. I have had and will have more education than you will in your entire life, and I'm probably half your age.
3. I am well within my rights, as a contributing player to UOSA, when stating an idea is both a bad one and inaccurate to the era.

Need I say more? :lol:
nightshark wrote:I can't comment on going out looking for fights for the sake of fights in the field because it's never been something I've been interested in.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Faust »

Gunslinger wrote:Faust i'm loving the idea. The only downfall i see is it being held only on the weekends. That disappoints me cuz i'm never on during the weekend. I usually party and visit friends during this time. Why couldn't one of these be held nightly? Like the other events.

Also, what kind of reward system are you gonna have? I really liked the random reward plopping in your backpack after the champ/boss was killed. Are you coding it the same way? I would really hate to see it be only corpse loot.

The reason it was mainly based on weekends was population. The weekend is typically the best time for the majority of people of all ages. Work and school for most people don't apply during the weekends making this the best opportunity for the completion of such a large and lengthy event. It could end up being based on a random time span per week, but it's usually harder for people to make plans this way.

The reward structure is based on two forms or types. The item you get for killing the mini-boss or boss that can be turned in as a form of currency that is tallied onto your character. The item will be placed into your pack after the boss is slain and will be based on how much damage and healing you put out. This means everyone that participates will get an item that can be turned in as a form of currency just so long as they're alive when the mini boss/boss dies.

The system is completely designed around a "progressive state" for each dungeon level with a mini-boss on each level until the last level where the main boss resides. The next level will open up after completing the current level. The progressive state can move backwards just like in the champ spawns but only for the current level you are on. So killing mobs and mobs to summon or initiate the mini boss or boss will be quite similar to summoning the champion in the champ spawn system.

Recalling/gating into a locked level won't be possible for obvious reasons.

The currency that is tallied onto your character after turning in your item from the boss can be redeemed for a reward but the rewards will not be as predictable as the current event system. This means "choosing" or "picking" when you hit a certain amount. The rewards are just as good if not better than the current event system. The currency can be stacked or accumulated towards having a greater chance in receiving better rewards of course.

I think the system has been designed very well and people will enjoy it a lot when it's implemented. The best feature of this system without a doubt will be the fact that it takes place in the actual game world instead of an instance that takes place for 10-20 minutes.

Also, these bosses will not be easy to take down at all... The design for them isn't your standard “tank and spank” until it’s dead. Killing one will actually take some strategy to complete the task. This doesn't mean you can't tag along solo with an experienced group and dish out some damage and healing in order to receive a kill item that can be turned into reward currency though. The item you receive depends on how much damage and healing you output. The champ spawns on production shards seem to only be based on how much damage you can do to the champion where the top person on the list only gets rewarded. The system that was designed by me is based on rewarding offensive and defensive players where everyone gets a reward. The reward will essentially be based on the pie analogy. The players that output more damage and healing will get a larger slice of the pie while those that do less get a smaller piece, etc… The item that can be turned into reward currency and will not be corpse loot, but the standard loot that spawns on the NPC will be though.

This is the design of the system so far but doesn’t mean changes can’t take place from now until it’s released.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by HI IM MIKE »

Faust wrote:
This is the design of the system so far but doesn’t mean changes can’t take place from now until it’s released.
wont be released man - its not era accurate.
nightshark wrote:I can't comment on going out looking for fights for the sake of fights in the field because it's never been something I've been interested in.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Faust »

Derrick has already gave me the green light on this project many months ago.

This will be an event no different than the current events in place now.

Try reading again.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Pirul »

Nice, do we have an ETA?
<ian> 2 chicks making out are not gay

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Faust »

When there is time available for me to code the rest of it. :wink:

We have to than wait for Derrick to merge it server side which can be a daunting task itself.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by Akriel »

any news on the progress of this? I love this idea for this event.

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Re: Champ Spawns

Post by TheEttinKing »

yes bring champ spawns then i can come back to uosa and have fun

Jed Clampett on drugs story By the EttinKing.

Let me tell ya story bout a man named Jed poor man barley kept his family feed then one day he was smoking on a joint and zedd hit him with his truck...Twice.

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