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Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:01 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
Die! Die! Die!


Sometimes I fight with just my mouse no keyboard...true story. Everything is easy to get once you know how.

Once you learn to die with grace then you have fun. Why play if you never want to lose?

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:18 pm
by Boxcar Sean
This game is fun because of the risk of death and losing your stuff. The aspect of free will and doing whatever you want is what makes UOSA exciting. You can always switch to a number of theme park MMOs and raid to your hearts content, never having fear of losing anything... except maybe your dignity!

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:48 pm
by FishinPro

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:05 pm
by Still Standing
WOODY wrote:
shenron wrote:Hey guys, i want to share my tale on how i ended up quitting Ultima Online Today. My in game character is Omega Shenron, and i was a member of [NEW]. I started Ultima Online two days ago, because i heard how fun it was so i decided to give it a try. I just managed to GM Anatomy and i was macroing with a friend to raise our stats together so we could be powerful enough to go adventuring. So i spent a hour trying to prepare everything, ran to acquire the npcs that i needed, looked online for the proper macros for healing.

So when i was finally done with the entire process a someone managed to sneak into the Guild Keep of New. He killed me and my friends accounts that we were trying to rank up. All the hard work and the bandages i acquired so i can work on my healing is gone, all the weapons and armor gone.

This game is just not for me, even though i loved the game play while i play, i just can't deal with the PK's, ruining all my hard work i put in, in trying to enjoy the game fully. Anyway thanks everyone from [NEW] who helped me so much along the way for gear and a lot of advise and your hospitality. I was lucky to run into you guys, thank you Tara, Doogie, pringles, and the rest of you who helped me but can't remember your name atm.

This is were my tale ends for Ultima Online, Best of luck to everyone!



Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:56 pm
by azheman
Cool story bro.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:35 am
by Menkaure
I usually try to give gold to new players to help, but, in this situation it wouldnt matter. UO isnt the game for you dude, if you thought that was bad, you would hate this game when you find out just how many times and how much worse it can be. Go play WoW or something where theres no risk, because you sir, are a juicy p****.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:23 pm
by Wil
shenron wrote:even though i loved the game play while i play, i just can't deal with the PK's, ruining all my hard work i put in
This is why I quit UO after the OSI beta back in the day and didn't return to UO until last year. Until you get good at your particular version of dealing with the Reds, griefers positively destroy the game. Damned if I was going to pay for the privilege of getting griefed.

UO never did find a good balance for non-consensual PvP. By all reports, Trammel wasn't it. Having gangs of three on one run circles around me while spamming paralyze and flamestrike for the five seconds it takes to wipe me out isn't it either. I wasn't a fan of Survivor, but I wish we could take the griefers and "vote them off the island."

For what it's worth, if you'd like to try again I can probably replace what you lost and help you find your way forward. It would be my pleasure to do so. Griefers can make bootstrapping hard, but once you get on your feet UOSA is a fun place with fun people.

Also... don't give up on UO because of one particular shard. UOSA isn't the only game in town. I play on UOR as well. The PKs there are far, far less active. Their PvP focuses on something called "factions" which are opt-in and weren't part of second age. They also have a new player program that lets you get up to speed and get used to the game before anything (PKs or NPCs) can freely attack you.


Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:23 am
by MatronDeWinter
Wil wrote: UO never did find a good balance for non-consensual PvP.
I strongly disagree. The actual in-era UO had fantastic balance and was fortified by a very strong playerbase who often stuck together. I remember when simply walking into a town and saying "PK over at ...." would rally a mob of people to come to your aid. The problem was, that once given the opportunity to play in a consent-only system of pvp, all the players that helped maintain a balance left. Trammel really did kill the UO experience.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:39 am
by Wil
MatronDeWinter wrote:
Wil wrote: UO never did find a good balance for non-consensual PvP.
I strongly disagree. The actual in-era UO had fantastic balance and was fortified by a very strong playerbase who often stuck together.
That fit your play style and I'm glad for you. It didn't work for me so I didn't play.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:32 pm
by Loathed
Maybe one day Unicef will get into UOSA! Until then, sorry to see you go.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:04 pm
by Halbu
Pks are numerous and there's not enough active anti-pkers.

Most pvpers goto the gy where they find mostly oranges, blues, thieves, and newbies but dungeons are where the statloss bard/newbie killing reds are. If dungeons were as populated with pvpers as they are bards and pvmers then reds would have their hands too full to pk them.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:47 pm
by Wil
Halbu wrote:Pks are numerous and there's not enough active anti-pkers.

Most pvpers goto the gy where they find mostly oranges, blues, thieves, and newbies but dungeons are where the statloss bard/newbie killing reds are. If dungeons were as populated with pvpers as they are bards and pvmers then reds would have their hands too full to pk them.
And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. The game has heavy PK activity because the game mechanics of the era are strongly biased in favor of it. Murderer hunts are far harder than PKing, and the anti-PKs don't gain the value per hour from the activity that the PKs do.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:52 pm
by Halbu
Wil wrote:
Halbu wrote:Pks are numerous and there's not enough active anti-pkers.

Most pvpers goto the gy where they find mostly oranges, blues, thieves, and newbies but dungeons are where the statloss bard/newbie killing reds are. If dungeons were as populated with pvpers as they are bards and pvmers then reds would have their hands too full to pk them.
And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. The game has heavy PK activity because the game mechanics of the era are strongly biased in favor of it. Murderer hunts are far harder than PKing, and the anti-PKs don't gain the value per hour from the activity that the PKs do.
I pvp for fun and a challenge, don't care about the loot. But some pks carry pretty good loot.

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:23 pm
by Wil
Halbu wrote:I pvp for fun and a challenge, don't care about the loot.
You pvp for the challenge which you find to be invigorating and fun.

What about the guy who is challenged by the many other aspects of the game but derives no joy from pvp? Where does the equation leave him?

Re: My story on how i quit UO today

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:28 pm
by Halbu
Wil wrote:
Halbu wrote:I pvp for fun and a challenge, don't care about the loot.
You pvp for the challenge which you find to be invigorating and fun.

What about the guy who is challenged by the many other aspects of the game but derives no joy from pvp? Where does the equation leave him?
I respect all playstyles, even pking but I don't take part in it. I would rather hunt reds for the glory than kill bards. Bards are better kept alive and used as red bait. UO in 1998 wouldn't have been as compelling without all the noncombatants such as crafters and role players.