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Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:07 am
by Taboo
:arrow: Perspective.

The mare is off a red I killed. It was not standing guard. I was waiting for it to go wild to retame it.

.... and you little noob will no doubt get your ass killed over and over by reds... despite the bulk cloth.
That is one reason why new players (especially RPers) rarely last here for very long.

And if you should make it past the first THREE MONTHS, and if you are so satisfied with this haul then maybe you should consider donating to the shard "Bixby Legbone" ... as opposed to robbing the house of a member who subscribes and then talking smack on the forums.

You are an asshole who got lucky by robbing a house and then posted about it. It's bad taste IMO despite your roleplay BS and new player status.

One more thing, your name is retarded.... just absolutely retarded.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:28 am
by Jill Stihl
Taboo wrote::arrow: Perspective.

The mare is off a red I killed. It was not standing guard. I was waiting for it to go wild to retame it.

.... and you little noob will no doubt get your ass killed over and over by reds... despite the bulk cloth.
That is one reason why new players (especially RPers) rarely last here for very long.

And if you should make it past the first THREE MONTHS, and if you are so satisfied with this haul then maybe you should consider donating to the shard "Bixby Legbone" ... as opposed to robbing the house of a member who subscribes and then talking smack on the forums.

You are an asshole who got lucky by robbing a house and then posted about it. It's bad taste IMO despite your roleplay BS and new player status.

One more thing, your name is retarded.... just absolutely retarded.
Bixby probably wasn't aware of your special status. Why not put "I'm a subscriber dontcha know?" in your house sign so we all know not to rob you? :roll:

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:10 am
by chainsoar
Taboo wrote:That is one reason why new players (especially RPers) rarely last here for very long.
Ability to string a decent sentence together does not a roleplayer make.

That said, HAIL AND WELL MET, FAIR TRAVELLER. Orc, savage, bandit, barbarian and hobo - and I've been here since 2009. Your logic blows.

Great story, great haul (it really is, Taboo, grow up and admit it) and great victim rage.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:12 am
by fooka03
Please move this to tales of adventure as it is worthy of being in that company.

Forget making fancy shirts out of all that cloth, bandages is the way to go as players can pay in a large chunk. Selling that many shirts would take an eternity lol.

I'm also interested in the other resources you gathered, start posting that stuff in the trading post! :)

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:16 am
by Emforcer92 of the olden Days was finding unlocked Doors and then bragging about it on Forums?
Sounds pretty boring to me.

And no, iam not related to the Keep Owner in any way etc etc

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:17 am
by chainsoar
fooka03 wrote:Please move this to tales of adventure as it is worthy of being in that company.

Forget making fancy shirts out of all that cloth, bandages is the way to go as players can pay in a large chunk. Selling that many shirts would take an eternity lol.

I'm also interested in the other resources you gathered, start posting that stuff in the trading post! :)
On that note, looks like a good deal of that cloth is evil mage hued stuff, even some 1109 gear in there. That's worth a good bit if there's a decent amount of it.

This message brought to you by the international chainsoar organisation of rubbing salt in the wound

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:22 am
by Taboo
chainsoar wrote:
On that note, looks like a good deal of that cloth is evil mage hued stuff, even some 1109 gear in there. That's worth a good bit if there's a decent amount of it.

This message brought to you by the international chainsoar organisation of rubbing salt in the wound

*rubs temple* I hate you chainsoar. He was going to make little shirts and sell it to the npc. LIKE A TARD.

Ok, im over this.

Stay the fck out of my keep or die.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:36 am
by okgoace
So wait, the robes d ropped by evil mages can be cut up and sold at a higher price?

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:30 pm
by Wychethyl
Taboo wrote::arrow: Perspective.

The mare is off a red I killed. It was not standing guard. I was waiting for it to go wild to retame it.

.... and you little noob will no doubt get your ass killed over and over by reds... despite the bulk cloth.
That is one reason why new players (especially RPers) rarely last here for very long.

And if you should make it past the first THREE MONTHS, and if you are so satisfied with this haul then maybe you should consider donating to the shard "Bixby Legbone" ... as opposed to robbing the house of a member who subscribes and then talking smack on the forums.

You are an asshole who got lucky by robbing a house and then posted about it. It's bad taste IMO despite your roleplay BS and new player status.

One more thing, your name is retarded.... just absolutely retarded.

I think you should quit while you're ahead there 10+ millionaire - 740,000

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:30 pm
by Grifty McGrift

Well done.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:09 pm
by Blaise
Taboo wrote:
*rubs temple* I hate you chainsoar. He was going to make little shirts and sell it to the npc. LIKE A TARD.

Ok, im over this.

Stay the fck out of my keep or die.
Like a 6-day newb is more like it. Can you please contain your obvious rage and stop taking out your anger over your mistakes, on this lucky newb?
Some guy's small, I'd probably wait around to help him secure it. Some millionaire's keep.....every unlocked item of any value would be removed. I personally detest thieves, but honestly, it should be no skin off your're taking it REALLY hard.

Keep stayin madbro. This week old nub is double-extra winning at UO today. Hail the newb!!!

For reference see also: Army logging in after two years to find himself in my castle CY with the door unlocked. At least I had some semi-rares for him along with massive hoards of resources. Get good old timer.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:49 pm
by Taboo
The keep was never decorated because I don't intend on keeping it.
I am going to sell it with barebone deco and stairs to spires / roof.

Just because you find a door unlocked doesn't mean you have to go in and rob it then post pictures on the forums. You people are assholes and I don't care what I lost, it's annoying.

Furthermore how about I just go say balance and show 10 + mil. My money is not all tied up in rares like a lot of vet players I know. Like the ones who camp Idocs then try to sell whatever they find. So stop sending me PMs saying that my keep looks like trash.

You people are getting upset at me for getting upset about being robbed. Fck you and this guy is a little forum turd who probably won't have the chops to stick around.

Also, chainsoar is actually a hateful person IRL. Congrats to him for taking yet another opportunity to show it. An opportunistic hater. Bravo. Negative my forum rep more. You people are out of touch with reality.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:12 pm
by Light Shade
If you just gave it all away like me, this never would have happened. :D

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:23 pm
by chumbucket
Taboo wrote:That's my keep.

Laugh if you want, just try and remember i'm a 10+ millionaire.

Simply forgot to lock up, whatever.

The vault stays locked. So congrats on your nibbled crumbs you robber, I hope someone finds your RL front door unlocked and steals your stuff.

I'm certain that Matron's guide to UO has a few entries covering this.

Re: An adventure... reliving the fun of the olden days now!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:25 pm
by chumbucket
I also think you should move this over to Tales of Adventure!