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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:40 am
by Blaise
applejack wrote:blah blah blah, insults, trash talk
Actually, I'm trying my best not to be insulting. I have always respected what is being done here and still support the efforts. I just find it strange how unclear it can be when it's said to be so cut and dry. Mechanical accuracy wins, so why the policy decision in one regard and not another?
I don't really give a rat's ass if you respect my opinion. I've always respected Derrick and I'm just not sure why there's a line drawn where it is. I thought the line was mechanical accuracy and leaving some bad things in and not others with no clear notion of why, leaves me wondering what the reasoning is.
I know it's easy for you to just throw big red flags up because I play somewhere else too. No shit, so do a lot of people. Some left for reasons unknown, and honestly, who cares?
What they're doing where I play most is just as important to me as what's being done here. There's a drive to build something specific in the realm of Ultima, that I am very into, as a gamer.
Should we ostrasize everyone who's got a different opinion or speaks their mind about the functions here, if they play other shards? Shit, that pretty much leaves out no one.

So seriously applejack, it would be better if you haters would just save it. You're not doing yourself any favors dragging 'who plays where' into every conversation I get involved in. You don't see me bringing up (aside from once or twice in IRC) the shards cA and other guilds have/are playing on, and they still post here.
I also think more prominent/specific shards should work out Shard Gates that allow you to gate your character, with no holdings (thing Terminator style travel, just not through time), to their shards and back. It would only bring this already dwindling freeshard community, in it's entirety, closer together. Crazy thoughts for a crazy world, I know.


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:05 am
by Kander
Let me sell my gems and make archery better is all i ask.


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:00 am
by Pirul
Kander wrote:Let me sell my gems and make archery better is all i ask.
No sharks?


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:49 am
by Kander
Pirul wrote:
Kander wrote:Let me sell my gems and make archery better is all i ask.
No sharks?
Shit almost forgot about them and turkeys.


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:28 pm
by shivermetimbers
I have a better fix:

Oompa loompas run around on the top of towers/houses, and drop pianos on top of any pks that come by and try to cast spells on someone working in the house. Or how about laser turrets, moats with sharks (and lasers!), or having Magic Reflect permacast on the house, so if you try to cast a spell on a house it hits you back if you're outside?

I've never owned a house (when I played ten years ago and not yet even now), and it sounds like they are far more trouble than they are worth, so I don't know if I'll ever get one. I have 120k in the bank at the moment and assume I'm getting close to enough for a house, but why bother if you can die in it so easily?

If you're in your house safely and a pk tries to cast stuff through the walls, can you cast things back at them through the walls the same way and kill them? I'm a casual player and just melt down magic weapons into ingots when I get them to have enough room in the bank, and sell almost everything I find. That works for me, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to actually have a house. I've read the security guides, and it seems crazy all the things you have to do to keep from being looted/killed in your own home.


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:08 pm
by Blaise
shivermetimbers wrote:
If you're in your house safely and a pk tries to cast stuff through the walls, can you cast things back at them through the walls the same way and kill them? I'm a casual player and just melt down magic weapons into ingots when I get them to have enough room in the bank, and sell almost everything I find. That works for me, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to actually have a house. I've read the security guides, and it seems crazy all the things you have to do to keep from being looted/killed in your own home.
LOL, era-accurate!!!

No, of course you can't cast on them while they are outside. That would require line of sight. Didn't you know, huge stone walls work like one-way mirrors in interrogation rooms. You're right, it is silly to even bother with housing. Look at me, I've been living like a king out of my bank for a while now. It's not holding me back any. Hell, 15 characters, 250 items per (bank/backpack) = 3750 items. Who would need more than that?

Tent plz.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:41 am
by Guerrilla
fishinpro said:
It's not era accurate. They are using the demo that is from 1998 and saying you can do it on there so it must be accurate. This is BULLSHIT! NO ONE was ever killed in the middle of their house like this in ERA, and yes a lot of people had UOAssist so it would have been possible.

That demo is BULLSHIT and Kaivans logic for saying its era accurate is BULLSHIT and he knows it!
+1 for hitting the nail on the head


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:31 am
by Kaivan
Guerrilla wrote:fishinpro said:
It's not era accurate. They are using the demo that is from 1998 and saying you can do it on there so it must be accurate. This is BULLSHIT! NO ONE was ever killed in the middle of their house like this in ERA, and yes a lot of people had UOAssist so it would have been possible.

That demo is BULLSHIT and Kaivans logic for saying its era accurate is BULLSHIT and he knows it!
+1 for hitting the nail on the head
While you may believe that this is not accurate, all evidence points to this being accurate.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:18 am
by Loathed
what about ppl popping outside of houses that are public, and no friended/coown- when they log into the game? Inaccurate- public houses would not boot you to the outside. Was even a nasty lil trick ppl would pull on others in osi to get ppl trapped. I know it's not really on target with the current discussion but felt it pointless to start another topic on this since i have before in the past


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:18 am
by Chike
Interesting read here. Thanks everyone from saving me the trouble of buying a house. I remember t2a era, and that I never died inside my house. Even though you apparently could be killed whatever mechanism in use here on UOSA is well known and you will die in your house.

How can I kill people in their houses? Since I won't be buying one, let me know how I can kill people inside of every house I pass by.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:25 am
by Pirul
Chike wrote:How can I kill people in their houses? Since I won't be buying one, let me know how I can kill people inside of every house I pass by.
This is exagerating a bit. You cannot kill people inside EVERY house you pass by, but thnx for the troll post.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:05 pm
by Chike
Not trying to troll. Inadvertant trolling, perhaps?

I'll figure out how to kill people in houses soon enough, but just curious as to the methods employed when it actually is possible.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:17 pm
by Pirul
It's not rocket science. Make a macro that casts chain lightning or meteor swarm, change to target relative location x tiles away from you, and just play with the range using that macro.

Be warned: there are far more safe houses than there are vulnerable ones.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:54 am
by Trephination
There was NO program in T2A days which allowed you to target the ground under a house.
Its that simple.
It doesn't matter if the bug was in the game or not because there was NO method available to exploit it.

Back when T2A came out there was a bug where you could get into Green Acres ... (its North of T2A)

The GMs blocked it off in game on every shard.
Should we make travel to Green Acres possible here?

Back in T2A days there was a program called UOEXTREME...
It allowed you to dupe items and set stats on your player as well as items.
(Keeper used it to dupe himself 1,000,000 diamonds which GoD used to finance all their pking)
(Another guy on Great Lakes hacked himsef a bow which did so much damage it would 1 shot anyone even in FULL PLATE.
Should we make THAT possible just because it existed for a few months?

It would be ERA accurate !!!

Anyone who says this should be in the game...
Just answer me this...
Show me proof that it EXISTED on OSI ... EVER.
You cant ...


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:27 am
by Populus
This is Derrick's shard, he wanted to make a replica of the era the way it was back then.
Along came players, mouth-breathing players with stupid opinions, saying they respect Derrick's goal but 'don't we players get a say in it?'.
I think Derrick thought it was fun to see players appreciating his work, so his goal may have changed over the years because of that for both better and worse. He most definitely did not expect such a rich community of players.
Compare the era accurate mechanics left out to the ones left in and tell me the ones left in are as gamebreaking as gold-duping.

It's sickening to see some people post the stupid shit they post all day.

We're here to enjoy what Derrick & co do on their spare-time for free. Show some appreciation.