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Re: the reveal spell: not era accurate

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:36 pm
by LKP
Matty wrote:
Kaivan wrote:There have been very few changes to the reveal spell over the years, and none of them have ever involved houses. Detect hidden was the skill that was designed for use in a house with no cost attached.
i'm only using houses as an example to gauge the radius of the spell. very few people, and no pvpers, had the skill detect hidden. certain thieves did. by saying "you were able to reveal everyone in a small house using a single reveal spell" i really mean reveal covered more than a 2 tile radius.

certain things have been altered in this game without referring to the demo, right? or is that all we go by?
I don't remember reveal ever having more than a 2 tile radius. I played as a looter for a long time in T2A, and people failed to reveal me constantly. I mostly did my thing in Deceit near the exploding mushroom patch. I hid in those narrow hallways with lots of people chasing me and trying to reveal many times, and was rarely found. A larger radius seems like I wouldn't have gotten away so often.

As a side note, Kaivan is correct about detecting hidden. Even at 0 skill, if you targeted detect hidden inside a house that you owned/co-owned/were friended to, it would reveal any hidden mobiles in the whole house with 100% success.