Dark/Silver Steed Spawn...

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Bixby Legbone
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Re: Dark/Silver Steed Spawn...

Post by Bixby Legbone »

Fireball wrote:
Derrick wrote:My understanding of the Dark and Silver steeds is that they were available on SP but were never meant to make it onto the regular shards, but ended up there anyway as a result of some bug/exploit, and that they were deleted on sight by staff. There are many reports of seeing these in game during era, but the method of obtaining one is unknown to me.

This is an old thread, but as a lucky owner of a Silver Steed on the Atlantic shard, I can tell you that they did spawn there, but only for one day in the Oasis area in T2A. Allegedly this was done by one of the designers for a bit of a laugh and I was very lucky to be one of the few people to get one. In fact, I still have it, as far as I am aware (because I have not paid for my account since 2010 so can't log in), but didn't ever take it to town or stable it as we were told they should not exist and that any seen would be deleted. Later they added it to the bannable offence list for some ridiculous reason, so I only ever logged it on so I could ogle it when I was feeling low! I did once email OSI for clarification about it before they decided it would get you banned, but I never got a response. The fact that it is on their ban list should be evidence enough that they existed.

On Siege Perilous, they were available for a short while as part of the Hero/Evil system but I don't think they ever spawned there naturally, they were summoned on command. The Dark Steed was basically the same as a Nightmare but the Silver and Dark Steeds cast slightly different spells if I remember correctly. Not relevant here, unless you plan on introducing the Hero/Evil faction system which would certainly get my vote! :)

However, if you wanted to be strictly era-accurate, you could ask an errant GM to set a Silver Steed spawner for a day and then chastise him for it afterwards :lol: The data for the Silver Steed in RunUO, though, is not accurate. Mine is/was equipped with pretty much the same stats as a regular Nightmare but without the evil tendencies.

Here's a pic of me on "her" in my house. As you can see this is after the trees all died and we were able to dye crates, and had reward tree tubs but before custom housing, which may date it. But as I said; I still have it now as far as I am aware...

I want to think that the silver steeds were transitioned into what became unicorns. Wild, they would attack reds on sight, and either wild or tamed would attempt to cure themselves when poisoned. When factions came around they were also changed or became into a silver wolf.

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