Question about GM Bonuses

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Captain Nurple
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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Captain Nurple »

@Mikel: thanks for the reply. That's an interesting template idea. I had actually been thinking that if there's a place for mixing and matching at all, it would probably take the form of some sort of combination of GM skills, and then a bit of strategic lowering to provide (for example), 20 tracking. Something like that might be useful on my bard, since his survival strategy against PK's consists of "ZOMG A PK. RUN!" (I actually have 25 tracking on my bard right now to scout out my hunting areas for hidden PK's, but since he's not at 7xGM yet, I haven't had to decide whether I need to drop tracking in the end. Sounds like maybe I can figure out a way to keep it part of the template)

@nightshark: that makes sense regarding PVP. From all the reading I've done I don't think I've heard of many (any?) PvP templates that don't shoot for 7x GM (although my original question still had some curiosity even in that regard). From the sound of it, if there's a use for this sort of thing, it would be on money-making characters.

Again, thanks for the input guys.

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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Mikel123 »

So, one more thing.

There's really no such thing as a hidden PK. I don't know of anyone here who hides and waits for people. Well, I take that back - I remember one fencer who used to hide near the ancient wyrm. But it's a poor strategy, as you just end up sitting there for a while, bored.

If you want to scout ahead for reds, I'd suggest at least 50 tracking. That way, you could "track" them a few screens away, as they run through an area or something. At 20, you're really just tracking people on your screen. And let me put it this way... when you're double-clicking on "humans" to track, then looking at the name that popped up, you're probably already being attacked.

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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Atraxi »

FISHING. At GM you can pull up MiB's
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Captain Nurple
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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Captain Nurple »

Mikel123 wrote:So, one more thing.

There's really no such thing as a hidden PK. I don't know of anyone here who hides and waits for people. Well, I take that back - I remember one fencer who used to hide near the ancient wyrm. But it's a poor strategy, as you just end up sitting there for a while, bored.

If you want to scout ahead for reds, I'd suggest at least 50 tracking. That way, you could "track" them a few screens away, as they run through an area or something. At 20, you're really just tracking people on your screen. And let me put it this way... when you're double-clicking on "humans" to track, then looking at the name that popped up, you're probably already being attacked.
hmm, yeah, never thought of it that way (though I usually only track while hidden, since I've GM'd hiding). Any tips on a viable PK escape strategy then?

If it's simply that I need to accept the fact that I'm gonna get ganked from time to time, I'm willing to live with that (hell, I'm working on building a PK template myself right now). At my main hunting ground I've only seen PK's once or twice anyway. But I would certainly be interested in hearing your thoughts on genuine escape/avoidance/survival strategies if they go beyond simply "hit your recall macro as soon as you see red"...


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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Pirul »

Depends on what you want to do.

First of all you have to take into account that you will be facing somebody who is prepared to fight even before he shows on screen. Who will most likely be blessed, at full hp's, mana and stam, with a fresh mount. If he's a dexxer, he'll most probably have a bandage going. Together with all of this, the simple element of surprise makes you start with a handicap.

If you're at liches, for example, there's a good chance your Magic Reflect spell has been nullified by the liches, you probably are not at full hp's, and if you're a dexxer your reactive armor is probably gone too. What to do?

Do you want to run? Hit recall. Can't recall? Run like mad, try to make unexpected turns. Have a macro set up so that you drop a table or stool behind you when running (and obviously carry some at all times). If you have some magery, mini-heal, it will probably keep you alive until you can run sufficiently far enough to get to safety. If you can afford it, carry invisibility and teleport jewelry. It's pretty much a surefire way to get away. I'm assuming you have a reasonable number of para pouches too (some people say you need 10, I personally would go with 5, as I have not encountered anyone that has tried to para me more that 3 times, once they realize you are prepared, they will stop paralyzing).

Do you want to fight? Carry MR and Bless jewelry, and don't be afraid to use it. If you can survive the first 15 seconds of an attack, you probably are going to at least be on even footing.
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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Mikel123 »

On the main UOSA page, there is a link to FAQS. Read mine and Matron's.

Most important thing: prepare yourself like you're playing in Hardcore mode and if you die you have to start from scratch. Put in the effort to carry some red potions, some trapped pouches (set up with the Use Once agent), a couple yellow potions... make sure you have Reflect (level 5 spell) up at all times. Have a macro to hop off your horse, pause 1.000 sec, hop back on. Set it to a hotkey (and remember to re-record it if you do die, for your new horse).

Those few things will allow you to live through 80% of PK encounters that are killing you right now.

Captain Nurple
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Re: Question about GM Bonuses

Post by Captain Nurple »

Thanks for the tips guys. Definitely appreciate it! Good advice...

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