Few things I've noticed

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Post by Derrick »

I see the follower slots in the new client status bar.

I recomend using the Razor option "Use Pre-UOS Status window" on the options page since a lot of stuff in the UO Status window doesn't apply to second age.

I did some testing and couldn't find any problems with creature slots in taming or summoning, the followers count corretly increments past 5.

I'm going to see if we can't display that field as 0/0 always since in T2A there was no way to know how many creatures you had controlled but to count them yourself.

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Post by ifotwo »

It's actually kindof funny, when I do use the pre-aos status window option, under sex is lists my follower slots.


Edit: This is probably also caused by my newer client version.

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Post by Derrick »

Heheh, there's no getting rid of it I guess.

I've got a small patch going in on the next restart that will apply the following changes:
  • Removed some Faction elements, hopefully disabled faction regions
    Adjusted Skeleton Loot
    Removed control slot check for AnimalTrainer sales
    Removed SmallBOD's from vendors

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Post by ifotwo »

Just a small note, magic drops seem to be a little too requent. I was clearing out the leftover spawn on moonglow, two ettins, two trolls, and two ratment are what I killed. These are all fairly low level monsters, yet only one ratmam didn't drop a magic weapon or armor. I got one off all five kills before that last one. They weren't really the best equipment (Although the scimitar with feeblemind charges would do good against mages in pvp), but it just seemed a little excessive?

I may have just hit a lucky streak though, who knows.

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Post by Derrick »

That does seem excessive, but I think you got somewhat lucky. The chance of getting magic from a ratman is pretty low, Ettins and Trolls happen upon such equiptment more often, but I think you hit an unsually wealthy bunch.

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Post by ifotwo »

Magic clothing items (only various magic hats so far) don't show their properties. I have one that adds +10 to int but it doesn't show that it's the bless spell.

They also don't show how many charges they have left. The not showing the spell it casts on you may be intentional (because you would want to call it a floppy hat or bless or whatever. That'd sound odd. Floppy hat of intelligence/stength/dexterity might be not so bad though), but they should atleast show the amount of charges they had. Back when OSI still had magic clothing items (boots of invisability =D) they showed their charges.

Also, rings of teleportation were really rare and really handy/valuable back in the day. What's the magic clothing/jewelry system like? Would something like that be possible, or is it just limited to minor stat modifiers?

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Post by Derrick »

Magic Rings are rare, treasure hunters would proably have the greatest chance of finding one.

The + 10 int hat should display as "a hat of cunning with X charges" once identified. A hat of blessings is much more rare, and modifies str, int and dex..

I'll take a look at this and see why the properties of identified clothing might not be displaying properly.

Are the other items: jewelry, armor, weaps, wands labeled correctly?

There are many variations of magic clothing and jewelry beyond stat modifiers but stat modifiers (cunning, strength and agility) are by far the most common.

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Post by ifotwo »

Haven't found any magic jewelry yet, but armor and weapons and wands all seem to be labeled correctly, it's just the magic hats I've gotten, when I ID them, they just stay what they were before ID'd. ie - magic wizard's hat, magic floppy hat.

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Post by Derrick »

We have noted that Item ID skill is currently broken for clothing and jewelry. ID wands will however work correctly for these items

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Post by Derrick »

ifotwo wrote:Got a few more =)
Loot. Cyclops only give a little over 400 gold. They should be around the 600 range. I haven't checked orge lords, but they should be around the 1000 range. Arctic ogre lords should be even higher, because they have such an incredibly high hp, it's not even funny.
I looked over the loot on the higher end monters, some were adjusted.
ifotwo wrote:Got a few more =)
Item ID is just something you used between 5-15 times to try and id your stuff and forget about it.
ifotwo wrote:Got a few more =)
Vendors still have yellow names, but I haven't checked to see if they're mortal or not. Just making a note.
Verdors were vulerable, but their name hue was wrong, this has been fixed.

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Post by Derrick »

Derrick wrote:We have noted that Item ID skill is currently broken for clothing and jewelry. ID wands will however work correctly for these items
Item ID is now working correctly

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Post by ifotwo »

You work fast =)

It's really nice to see a shard admin that likes to stay on top of things. I appreciate the hard work.

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Post by Derrick »

You're welcome.

I'd actually felt bad about not getting this stuff fixed faster. I've still got a list that I'm going though of the other bugs we've found.

I really want to get this shard correct as soon as possible.

Its nice to have players that are as willing to find and document the problems as you've been. I really appreciate it.

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Post by ifotwo »

Another very small thing. t2a spawn is very exact, but I've noticed Dire Wolves and Brown bears (Maybe a black bear or two) spawning in the wild. And they shouldn't.

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Post by Derrick »

Thanks, this will be corrected on the next restart.

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