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Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:58 pm
by Bicchus Dicchus
I played on Atlantic from 1997 until 2003, under a few different accounts.
I don't recall any of my names, but I was a member of the Crazy Canucks, and Balls of Steel (a smith guild). I can remember another one too; our guildhouse was in the desert somewhere, as for the name.. Dunno.

So much fun, back in the day.

So much fun.

-Bicchus Dicchus

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:40 am
by Shun'Ja
I played on Atlantic up until about UOR and then moved to Great Lakes to join up with URK. On Atlantic I was mainly Ferris Bueller. I ran with my pal for years named Tigerhell. Good times!

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:21 pm
by Brimstone
Atlantic was good times for sure. I started in '99 and went til ~2003 or so. Since then I played on IPY and a couple years ago on Divinity for a few months. A few names ring a bell from this thread - GaPPa, Klein, Sticky Fingers to name a few - and I remember most of the guild names. Some of the best were the huge fights between S!S and SSJ in deceit. I led a couple different lives simultaneously and most of my PvE friends didn't know of my equally involved PvP playing.

My original char was Brimstone, although there was another more established guy by the same name, ha. I was in a guild called GOP - nowhere close to a PvP guild but it was some good times. I could rattle off the many friends I made in GOP but you PvPers wouldn't know them methinks. I spent most of my time in Minoc mining when I wasn't exploring the many wonders of my first MMO. I had a dexer named Mayhem - not to be confused with a mage by the same name. I had my own guild stone just for this char for a while always changing the name until I "loaned" it to Cecil to be the new SSJ stone when their's got glitched (probably like 2001)...I say "loaned" because it still stayed at my house...see below for how that turned out. Mayhem was a towny chaos/order dexer for a while typically patrolling brit. The only real guild of mention for my dexer was Farmers and Tailors but that was pretty close to when I stopped using the char.

My first real PvP in '99 was on a mage I created named Cinderella, initially thinking a female char would be less intimidating if I wanted to go the pk route. I joined a guild called PCL (Penni Crew Lives) which was a revival of Penni Crew, or so I gather...that would have been in the 5 or so months leading up to UO:R. What sucks is I felt like I was getting better and better at PvP and then bam, it all went out the window with trammel and shit. Some of the PvP people I rolled with daily and considered friends were Zed, Gambit, Cecil, NyX...funny how many I can't remember. I was in Cecil's little spinoff guild S$J, I guess it was for people who weren't quite good enough to be in the real one lol.

Later on when OSI made lumberjacking into a PvP skill I had a ton of fun on my LJ named Tool. The game was broken but still had some redeeming qualities. I was in a guild called EoS, run by Camaris. EoS was actually some of the best fun I had on Atl, but I blame UO:R for preventing the fun that would have ensued had trammel never been implemented. EoS didn't have the needless hardcore thuggin' clout that a lot of other guilds seem to have. I hope to find something similar on here. In the EoS days, at least a year after I had heard from from Cecil, Cam and I ran into him at the glow moongate and I guess he was grey or something. Anyway they started fighting and I didn't help Cec (or Cam, I just let them fight and attempted to get them to stop but whatever) so he decided to gank my stone and curse me out over ICQ for apparently not helping him gank my friend and guildmate...meh, as much as he helped me I guess he really was douche in the end.

I had some other chars but those are the main ones. I also played a shadowclan orc on Cats named Spag for a bit. Sorry for writing a book it's a lot of memories and I haven't scratched the surface. I guess if it really bothered you you wouldn't have read far enough to get to this point :D

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:46 am
by Anabolic
Atlantic was the shit. My name was Zelgin back then. People i rolled with were TRU, Pantera, Zeritul, my cousin was the famous IXIrredescentXI. a lot of fun. still is :)

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:25 pm
by Lenknat
I was Lenknat, Finn and Futch on ATL from 97 till about 2003. It's been fun reading about some of the old people I used to hang out with. Saw someone mention Remat. Used to hang out with Tempest, Nix, Darth Maul, Excalibur, Adam, Digital.... years of people too many to name. Nice to see all of you again.

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:38 am
by Fleck
I played on Atl back then. I'm not tell u my names. lol. :D

My friend played atl alot too. Anyone remember

Q-Ball/Storm/Misfit/Othello/Hagar/Havoc <same Guy. lol

We used to fight SSJ forever lol. SL all the Way!

P.S. Thinking about playing this shard.... :F

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:51 am
by Glenco
Phallax wrote:I played Atlantic from day one. Ran with TW and SSJ mainly, name was Sabatage. When t2a came out i usually PKed around the vesper gy entrance t2a side and of course ran dungeons(mainly deciet) with the red crews
Yorgoff wrote:I played Atlantic from late 98 ...My account is still active...Just cant seem to get the nerve to close it
My chars were Woody Woodpecker...GM smith/carp
Primative Pete...Gatherer
My original house was by Ice Dungeon entrance...DOOM was my nieghbor to the East..Remat was my "friendly" nieghbor to the north
My Son played a Character named LaZ
I had characters in "O-O" guild
Maximillion Xanti was GM ...His account is still active too I believe
good ole Remat, i dont think he had to many friends

I remember Remat. He later Joined HOT and quit off and on through all the years I played. Last I was on was up to 2010 and he was playing then..

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:52 pm
by Proteus
Hi I'm new here and started few days ago.

I played Atlantic from 97 off and on through AoS. Early years I was Amber Darkbane and Richter Darkbane, Proteus, and a few others I won't name. Mainly did the role-play thing before getting into pvp so I hang out with UND and ORC as well as being a member of ELF. I'm an a around player and enjoy a bunch of different playstyles.

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:21 pm
by dwolf
Hi I'm pretty new here...

I played Atlantic around 1999 for a few years and periodically came back up until a few years ago. Seeing some familiar names for sure but usually stuck to a small group so haven't run into many people I've known from back then.

I had characters in O-O which was a blast until the GM Max just stopped caring. Co-founded a guild called L*S after that, and GoS. Main chars were Theo and Vandalin. Hung out at East bank mostly.

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:31 pm
by Evil Galad
I spent most of my time on Atlantic. I was in LuT, S|S, and O$I.

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:33 am
by Jean-Pierre
Played on Atlantic for quite a while back then (moved to Atlantic from Catskills). My main chars names were Jean-Pierre and Daedalus (my thief). Was in the guild ALL on Jean-Pierre and could usually be found with Mr. Poison Elemental following me through Deceit so I could wipe him off on someone else, or standing by a corpse :D

Met a lot of great people on Atlantic. All of the LuT people of course, the ALL members, and the other fun guilds like SS and LBC were a blast to play with.

I started playing over here after Jack of Shadows sent me an ICQ telling me about this shard. We both moved to Atlantic from Catskills at the same time. Really glad he told me about this shard! While nothing will probably ever be 100% like it was back in the good ol' days on UO, this shard seems a lot closer than any of the others I've tried.

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:14 pm
by Kipx
Eyepatch wrote:Wow, what a blast from the past reading a lot of these names. I played Atlantic from early 1998 to 2000 (when EA murdered it). Several of the character names and guilds ring a bell in this thread, so awesome.

Some of the characters I played were:
Hot Blooded (main mage)
Larson (mage murderer atop the bounty board for 13 months)
Rob (treasure hunter)
Dingle Berry (archer/mage)
Bill Clinton (thief)

I was in Darkenbane [DB], and for a short time after DB left for EQ, Pimps of Britannia [PB] (yes, terrible name). Used to hang mostly in Minoc. During the DB era used to hang a lot in Nujelm.

I used to run around with GOLD RUSH/Quentin, Eskimo Spy, Char of DB, Majestic, Korny Juggalo, BARFALOT OF PUKE, Cold Blooded, GAMBIT, Langhorne and biasucci of the colts [tc].

Some guilds and people I remember fighting with or against (mostly against):
Kremlin (skin color was perma-white), the Teverill's (sp?) of Covetous Crew [CC]
Yellowbeard of Da Boyz [DBZ] (I think they were DBZ)
Gohan, Jarlaxle, Hermocrates, Sabatage of [SSJ]
Penni Crew [PC]
The Pluggers [TP]
Skeletor and others of Sooky Sooky [S!S]
And easily one of the funnest guilds to ever mess with in the history of gaming, the hundreds of members of LLTS.

I remember a lot of these names and guilds showing up at server down in BRIT GY every morning. Those were atop the funnest times I've ever experienced in any game. I don't know how many times I've mentioned wanting to go back to that era just to experience all that again. Gaming has never been as good since.

If any of this rings a bell to anyone, give me a shout on here. Would love to hear from past friends and enemies alike. Just started playing on this server with some friends who I used to play UO with 12 years ago that I've kept in touch with since.

I too played on Atlantic as a character named Reptile from 97-2001?, I rolled with Obsidian Order [OO] and then Covetous Crew [CC] early on in UO and have played MMO's with Covetous Crew since then.

Some names I remember besides people in CC such as Juggernaught and Kremlin(who was probably one of the better 1vs1 guys) are Plug(from the Pluggers), Jester Radics, Gohan from SSJ, Pirate Guy, D-Rock and T-Mack, CLU(my neighbor who everyone hated), Yellowbeard, who I still play with now. Alot of the CC guys still game together.

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:23 pm
by Kipx
saltyclappers wrote:Aww snizzy! I remember Atlantic like it was yesterday. I played with CC, TR, AoD... I know they are mixed up. Plug was a for sure faggot and so were all the rest of The Pluggers. LLTS was huge and ate my dick on Tuesdays. Hmmm... some of the people I played with... BrainS, Seoman Snowlock, James Kernal... damn.. Lan Mandragoran... I cant remember very well.... Ohh well. Those were good times. Hawthorne of The Regulators I met once in RL, cause he lived like 3 minutes from me.

Remember that awesome "xploit" where if you wore a fancy shirt you wouldn't take fireball damage! Muwahahahaha!
What was your characters name?

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:38 pm
by Kipx
guldan wrote:Hi guys,
it's Hermocrates or Hermo from Atlantic... long time no see! :)

was one of the founders of BC and at the end joined SSJ
anyone here remember me? :)
Yea I remember you, BC was Jester Radics guild too right?

Re: Atlantic Shard 1998-2002

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:54 pm
by Vampyra
Hi, I played Atlantic shard 98-99 up to the big fel and tram change/ guild (COG) champions of grey hawk/ vampyra/CONAN/tabatha/viperous... I briefly played a few other shards. still have the original book and tapestry. box etc. book kinda is worn out LOL.