Did you drop something? - Chapter #1

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Location: In your house stealing your stuff.

Did you drop something? - Chapter #1

Post by Arkon »

After a long day of not much excitement, minus getting killed in the swamps during my outings, I decided to check out WBB in hopes for some luck and possibly go gate hopping.

Not long after my arrival at the WBB, a gate opens up to a large patio home with Deus Atamada and FERRARI-F-FIFTY inside. Alas though, the creator of the gate went in another direction and failed to open the door for me (how rude!). Knowing that there must be some misunderstanding I decided to hang around and wait to be invited inside, after all why invite someone to your home but not let them in?


Of course, it turns out I was right! A young man by the name of Armani, carrying ingots politely opened the door, allowing me inside to enjoy the party! Once inside I realized this was a very boring party. People just standing around, doing nothing. I was just about to leave when I saw Armani accidentally drop his ingots! Since Armani was such a nice guy to let me in, I figured the least I could do is take them to be return to him at a later date. He would be so grateful!


Delighted, I decided to go chit chat with Deus for a minute, and see if he was enjoying the party. He wasn't :( He was so disgusted that in his rage he dropped his katana. Being the nice guy that I am, I picked up and decided that I'll give it back when he calms down. I'd hate for him to hurt someone (or himself) with it.


After twiddling my thumbs for a few more minutes, I decided it was time for me to go. I sure hope they invite me again, but maybe next time they'll have strippers. I also need to make a mental note to return a few things..

"If you want an image of the future, imagine a bag of milk being poured on a human face--forever."

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Re: Did you drop something? - Chapter #1

Post by Cutpurse »

a power kat and 1k ingots? Meh. Decent start.

Posts: 449
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:56 am

Re: Did you drop something? - Chapter #1

Post by Ireland »

A decent start indeed, good luck with future endeavors.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Everyone should have an Ireland's Finest action toon...

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