Establishing Player Created Guild Towns

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Boomland Jenkins
Second Age Staff
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Establishing Player Created Guild Towns

Post by Boomland Jenkins »


Guild Town Addon
We’ll start by quoting Staff of UOSA past:
“Staff do not build towns, Players do. Any town wishing to add any visual enhancements should already be well established in the community."

Guild Town Application Requirements

Candidate guilds should have a year+ of history on the shard and own a minimum of 8 houses in a 3-screen space to qualify.

5 different people must be regularly active in the guild at the time of add-on request. GM discretion on how to define “regularly active” based on what’s normal for UOSA at the time of application.

The guild should have a history of, and plans to promote in-game gatherings, such as dungeon crawls, pvp fight nights, auctions, or similar community activities.

Guild Town Application Process
To formally apply, send a DM to one of the GMs and state your intent and showcase the area for your town. Discord works best.

If your request is approved, the last step is to make a public announcement on the forums & Discord. Remind the community of who you are. What are past events you’ve held or spearheaded, and tell us some plans you have for the future.

The community reaction to your request to establish a town will play a role in the final decision on your guild’s qualification.

Creation Rules
To limit the progression of town construction, town owners are limited to having one(1) modification implemented, every two weeks.

In addition to modifying the landscape around your town, there are certain NPCs that can be paid to live in your town. We have left certain types of NPCs off the list, such as a majority of shopkeepers. That responsibility rests upon the shoulders of players to make player-run vendors.

There isn’t a full list of add-on tiles or statics that are available to choose from. Players and the GMs will discuss options and use examples from other areas in Britannia as a design palette.

Era Accuracy Concerns
On the production shards in the late 1990s, it was unclear why certain guilds received GM blessings; upgrades to their homes or surrounding landscapes. The guild town system on UOSA includes the similar upgrades. We’re offering transparency on how to qualify for these upgrades.

NPCs and Tile Upgrades:
Upkeep is paid every 3 months.

Stable Master
Purchase: 5,000,000 gold + 180,000 logs
Upkeep: 75 silver + 30,000 logs

Purchase: 2,000,000 gold + 5,000 greater heal potions, 60,000 bandages
Upkeep: 75 silver + 1,000 wool

Purchase: - 1,500,000 gold + 60,000 logs
Upkeep: 50 silver + 5,000 logs

Increased Animal Spawn (more regional animal spawn in the town area)
Purchase: 1,000,000 gold + 10,000 flax
Upkeep: 50 silver + 500 wool

Resurrection Ankh
Purchase: 2,000,000 gold + Requires Healer Upgrade
Upkeep: 75 silver + 5,000 iron ore

Duel Pit (max size: 15x14)
Purchase: 4x the price of a house deed equal to the duel pit size
Upkeep: 1 silver per tile + 100 logs per tile

Exterior Tiles (max size: 15x14)
Purchase: 500 raw resources per tile The resource spent depends on the tile type but will be iron ore, logs, fish(not steak), wool, or cotton.
Upkeep: 100 resource per tile or 1 silver per tile

Town Decay Cycle
We will do our best to reach out to the player responsible for upkeep payments. If they cannot be reached, the town will be considered in-decay. The town won’t vanish overnight, but parts of the town may start to disappear. If the guild has active members, this should give them a visual warning that something is wrong before all is lost.

Terms and Conditions
The ownership of the addons belong to the guild they’ve been assigned to. The guildmaster is responsible for making the payments. If they are inactive, but the guild has active members, then a guild member may make payments on behalf of the guildmaster. If the guildmaster remains active for a long period of time (1 year+), the add-ons may start a decay cycle.

The rules for the guild town system, or pricing on these add-ons may change in the future. Everything comes down to staff discretion in the end.

These images are just example to give you an idea of what type of additions you could create for your towns.

















Eat. Sleep. Ultima.

Blade Spirit
Posts: 173
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:41 am

Re: Establishing Player Created Guild Towns

Post by Blade Spirit »

Love this.
Prices, this time, seem adequate.
Thx for all this!

Blade Spirit
Posts: 173
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:41 am

Re: Establishing Player Created Guild Towns

Post by Blade Spirit »

I made a video with my impressions on the system if you wanna take a look.
In the video I also show UO Fiddler, awesome program!
Good work Boomland, thank you!

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