My tale of Adventure...(special appearance by Chumbucket)

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Arcott Ramathorn
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My tale of Adventure...(special appearance by Chumbucket)

Post by Arcott Ramathorn »

Ive only been on this server for a short time. I spend as much time as possible in Vesper. One day i logged in and saw a half naked fisherman(judging by his floppy hat and tan skin) asking for assistance from everyone around it seemed. I was kinda shocked at the rude responses that he received..."I R NEW GLD PLZ" said the fisher man..."GTFO" was about the nicest reply i saw him get. He seemed like a likable chap if you could see past the overuse of caps and bad grammer.. After a little observation and banter i asked the man in all sincerity,"are you really new and need help?" "Nah, im just bored"

HAH, It was like those stories your here about milionares living in homeless shelters and leaving their fortunes to their cats. I liked it so much that by the time I figured out he was a bit of a bard...I told him he should organize an army of like minded souls... an army of Chumbuckets. I told him i would be first in line to sign up.


Can you tell the which is the real Chumbucket and which is my pale copy?
I wasnt sure if he'd be flattered or pissed that i copied him...but it wasnt like i was running around doing stuff with my chumbucket!

Until...Robin of the UFC guild was bumbling around Vesper one day and approached me with a tale of having to quit UO and being in need of liquidating his assets."I have a baby comming and my girl wont want me to play so im giving gold to a friend and need to sell stuff quick...Ill sell you my house for 4k." Now since im not retarded(i think) I know you can deed a house and sell for more than 4k. So i share this info with Robin. "Well its in a good spot, it'd be a shame to let if fall, Do you want it?" Ok this guy wants to try some crap someone pulled on him back in the day. Ok ill play...but im not taking a good character that has ANY thing on them...where is my thief character...Brit...Nuts i dont have...Oh yes i chumbucket is in vesper. Ok robin ill take it but i wanna see it first...This char has a house already but i have another one that could use a house. Enter: my phony Chumbucket.

So i follow Robin to his house but im just waiting for the punchline at this point. So i waltz in the door and get immediately poisoned. No biggie i push past Robin, punch him on the way out with 0 wrestling and head back to town. I took my chumbucket out thinking doesnt matter if he dies he has nothing on him...then i thought o crap...if he kills him, he's gonna cut off his head and claim he slew the infamous chumbucket. I dont wanna have any part of that! So i just make it back to town before i succum to the poison, I run quickly and get ressed and go back for my horse. That asshat Robin is trying to kill my horse from the edge of the guard zone...O well i reaquire the horse and ride off. A few minutes later i log my chumbucket off and stay on my main. Later Robin comes back to town and i say"Wow you really got me with that scam...I hope your kid is a flipper baby!" "I have no baby on the way"(no girl either prolly) "I was tellin you riddles"(Riddles?WTF)

At this point the real Chumbucket shows up. I feel that i should come clean.


Kinda hard to see what happened in the pic. But apparantly: Chumbucket showed up and i started to let him know what happened to me....then Robin showed up and thought that the real Chumbucket was my phony Chumbucket and attacked him...then Moon attacked Robin cause he was now grey...At the end Chumbucket had Robin Gwhacked.


Imagine what a whole army of chumbuckets could do....A whole clone army! They would prolly post criers in all the major towns to sing their this guy.


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Re: My tale of Adventure...(special appearance by Chumbucket)

Post by chumbucket »

haha I remember that. I don't think the key and rune went together though. :(

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