Thank you for the memories

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Chief MaguA
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Thank you for the memories

Post by Chief MaguA »

I had a great time on the server while recovering from surgery this past week. It was my first UO experience since 2001. Back then I was one of the leading players on Pacific.

The shard is incredibly accurate. Even the players seem to be era accurate! That is, there are nice people in game and jackasses on IRC and in the forums.

The most inaccurate area seems to be taming. It appears the shard had to decide whether to focus on accurate mechanics or outcomes. In that regard, it may be accurate for the mechanics to allow unlimited pets but the outcome is that tamers with 10 dragons can kill elders gazers in 5 seconds and earn what must be more than 100K per hour. That is not era accurate and I presume it has inflated the economy and caused other problems like the proliferation of rare charged items.

Also, for all the talk about PKs, I only saw two different PKs about 3 times each. And I tried to farm every hot spot.

I don't have any housing or PVP aspirations, so this may be farewell. I hope the shard stays up even when the population gets very, very low.


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Re: Thank you for the memories

Post by Mulahey »

So why not continue when you had a good time here? Maybe you could find yourself someone to... aehm... beat you up a little so you could have another surgery to recover from... :mrgreen: BTW, I have seen you in-game. :)

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Re: Thank you for the memories

Post by inkognito »

I hope your recovery was fast and full.

I agree with your experience with tamers here. Although the initial time investment in building a tamer is larger than other farming builds such as bards and warriors. Once its done, its op for making gold.

Feel free to come back anytime. Your bank boxes will be as you left them. :wink:
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
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Re: Thank you for the memories

Post by Greywolf »

Hey bud,

Sorry to see you go. We bumped into each other in Trinsic and had a nice chat. See you if you come back!
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Re: Thank you for the memories

Post by Kasper_Valentine »

I saw you at various banking establishments, never spoke to you but sad to see you go nevertheless. Perhaps you could have a short break and then return on a clear head...?

If Second Age Britannia isn't worth giving another chance then I don't want to know what is ! Image

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