bring em back

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Re: bring em back

Post by azheman »

Pac wrote:Demanding things from staff (who owe you absolutely nothing) and making snide, condescending comments about them is a great way to get them to give you what you want guys.

I'm not sure who Pac is, but he's got some quality posts.

Therefore, I don't believe it's bongy.

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Re: bring em back

Post by Waldo »

1. Never did cash in on silver, donated 95% of my trophys to blackfoot toward the creation of the museum

2. Loved the events! Organized always started on time, my playtime is very limited as it is.

3. If I wanted 100% safety I would not be playing here

4. More events the better the odds of finding something to do in my limited playtime. Events brought players together player interaction is a good thing imo.

5. first I ignored the events until I went to one. Even tho there gone I'm still playing when I can.

6. Everyone has different interest in game the great thing about uosa is the diversity and depth to the game. All of the events were great as just about anyone could find at least 1 that fit there play style.

7. Consistency organization .

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Re: bring em back

Post by Boomland Jenkins »

Just letting those who actually are answering some/all of my questions, I am still paying attention and we are going to use some of the feedback when making decisions about the future of events. It's not just for show or talk.
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Re: bring em back

Post by WOODY »

. Are you motivated by silver? 

2. By an organized system put on by staff?

 3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in? 
No but it does make an event run smoother

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO
Yes, would be nice if they wasn't a set time. Random events that way people arnt just logging in for the event.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions,

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community?
GM events are more organized

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Re: bring em back

Post by Rik Smits »

1. Are you motivated by silver?

No, only because I came on after any real chance to earn any amount worth saving aside from this past Christmas, which I sold.

2. By an organized system put on by staff?


3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in?

Not sure what this means, I was not here for any events so I don't know how to answer this. Although, I will say I suck at PVP and a 'safe' place to practice would be nice to have.

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO?

Never played any events.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?

No, I came for the nostalgia of UOSA, playing it when I was 12-14 years old and having no real idea what I was doing but still having a blast!

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions, etc)?

The only GM sponsored event I have really gotten to participate in was the Gem-encrusted/final battle, which was awesome! I think having more automatic spawn/mobs that can possibly drop rares/items/silver will help draw people out and possibly add more PK bait, which isn't always a bad thing! I would also be very excited to try other events that I have heard so much about!

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community?

Spawn/Mobs/Unique Monsters. Player run events are hard to have consistently start on time, and from what I know/see from prize pools are VERY expensive to run!

I have been here less than a year but have had such a fun time playing. I know when I started the online population hovered around 600-700 which is now maybe half that at best. I know something can be done, and I appreciate all of the time/effort the GMs put into the game as it is. I don't think it takes fully automated events to bring some life back to the server. I think GM sponsored events can go a long way if implemented the right way.

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Re: bring em back

Post by Menkaure »

Boomland Jenkins wrote:Just letting those who actually are answering some/all of my questions, I am still paying attention and we are going to use some of the feedback when making decisions about the future of events. It's not just for show or talk.
If thats the truth then when I get home Ill type up the answers to your questions.
I just thought it was a way for you to ask people in a rhetorical way.
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Re: bring em back

Post by Budner »

1. Are you motivated by silver?

Nice to have (enjoyed the silver from trick-or-treating this year) but not a real motivator. I view owning silver as currency speculation. The more that's introduced, the less valuable silver will become. 'Course that's true of gold as well. Although we seem to have deflation these days especially in housing ....... but I ramble.

2. By an organized system put on by staff?


3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in?

No except events, if provided, should give some protection to the participants. Case by case.

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO?

Never played any events.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?

No. Events were not the reason I came here.

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions, etc)?

All of the above.

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community?

To be honest I think most events can be created by the community. However, I believe that community events that already occur can be supplemented by staff-created events, creating a larger total pool of events for people to enjoy.

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Re: bring em back

Post by Menkaure »

1. Are you motivated by silver?
No. But a lot of folks are. I can understand why, they want neat looking pixels. But not me, I care more about the fun of the game.

2. By an organized system put on by staff?
Yea. I am. Look, events wouldnt matter if we had 5000 people playing this shard like back in OSI UO, but we dont. So its hard to find any player/player interaction. And even when you do, its like oh yay 5 minutes of fun after 2 hours of nothing, and then of course its always at the GY. Events make small servers like this one more enjoyable because it brings people together to play against each other instead of hiding away macroing/bank sitting etc; Not to mention, the events were stupid fun.

3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in?
AGain, call me a trammy, I could care less. The events were fun, thats what mattered. Not to mention, its better than having an entire world of empty uo and nothing to do. Events bring people together, whether you like it or not its true. And if its in a safe environment, then guys who usually dont pvp, I wont name names, come out and test out the waters, when normally they are too scared to die. But, if they come out and test the waters maybe theyll see its fun and start pvping after the event too, I met many folks back in the day this happened to.

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO?
Yes I did. I loved it. Best time to play was an hour before the event, the hour of the event and an hour after the event. You can only kill retarded 16 year old mobs somany times, and you can only fight the same damn people day in and day out so much before it gets boring.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?
I came to this shard originally because of 2 things, 1 you had hally cycling, and 2) you had events. So, yea, I guess I did. You have out of era things now, Im tired of hearing that as an excuse. Take away everything if thats the case or dont make it a reason to not put events back in.

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions, etc)?
Im saying bring back all events. They were fun for all players, pvp and non pvp alike.

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community?
Capture the flag, DD, and the recorded tourneys that kept track of EVERYTHING. YOu can say players can recreate the events, but they cant. Players cant keep affording the prizes, players cant recreate a CTF event no matter how hard they try. That CTF event was amazing. Players cant do it like you guys can.
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Re: bring em back

Post by Brules »

Boomland Jenkins wrote:Just letting those who actually are answering some/all of my questions, I am still paying attention and we are going to use some of the feedback when making decisions about the future of events. It's not just for show or talk.
My stance has always been that I like the events, I hated the risk vs reward they offered plus the frequency of said rewards that could be earned.

I fully understand why we had automated events - small shard, low staff levels (compared to in era) and a diverse population that plays all hours of the day.

I think UOSA could 100% successfully bring events back under the following conditions:

1) Lessen the frequency - 1 a week at most maybe 1 a month at the least or every 2 weeks as a compromise. This would ensure that automated events would not steamroll player run events.
2) Remove any and all monetary rewards from the auto events. I say monetary - but keep the statues. The statues without silver attached become a status symbol only and people will no longer play events only to "farm silver". Silver farming was one of the primary ways that people like Sandro and other financed their PK opperations
3) Keep silver as it exists now - introduce it into the economy as you do now. It seems to be working well with little to no complaints (well except when event critters are not removed/turned off lol).
4) Maybe do certain events more than others - like bag ball or the bard competitions and lessen the pvp tourneys to say 1-2-3-4 times a year and make them a really big deal. Ie: make a big 1v1 tourney that happens 1 time a year and the winner gets their name on a statue that gets placed with the past winners in a cool location.
5) Fix the bugs list that was submitted, and break trading in the event tourney areas to eliminate safe trading
6) Dont allow reds to participate. This would ensure era accuracy. Reds in era were at all times subject to being killed and stat loss - having an event system that bypasses this rankled all of us purists out there. Reds should be subject to stat loss no matter where they are - there should be no safe areas (or let them take stat loss lol).

I think by doing the above - less frequency - no reds - and no monetary gain possible would make the system work for the ones wanting it, and for those of us against a no risk/great reward system.

I keep hearing people talk about how the events took away from the community - but I think they actually helped build it. I would rarely participate, but would regularly go watch events and hang out with people there, and often after events the server population would be up and stay up for hours after.

I think there is a compromise in the system somewhere and I think the shard needs the events - just not 15 a week. :)

Glad to see staff is at the least open to it - and i hope you all have people with the ability to make the changes to the systems. If so I think they can be fixed, improved and all for the betterment of UOSA.

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Re: bring em back

Post by Menkaure »

I agree no reds. To prevent that exploit. However I think multiple events per week were amazing :P

I'm not getting my hopes up though. I already heard to many rumors and seem the song and dance before. I do applaud the new gms for at least listening unlike old ones... No offense Kaivan.
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Re: bring em back

Post by Trojancow »

I joined this server when events were in place. I did not participate. I was new and was entertained by the usual UO content and thought I would eventually join events as well. I enjoyed watching duels and I liked the ranking and reward system. I couldn't give less of a crap if it was era-inaccurate, I viewed it as an extension of the original content and people had fun and bragging rights. Events got canned and eventually I got bored of the usual content, PVM, PVP/PKing/duels, etc and I quit for three years. I am playing a little, but don't consider myself out of retirement.

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Re: bring em back

Post by pollycracker89 »

I'm coming into the conversation a bit late but I get the jest of the post without reading all thousand pages of it.

Yes, bring back events and you'll again have a vibrant community and not this dull shell of a shard of what used to be.

Me, personally I would like to see CTF and bagball come back. With rewards or not it; really doesn't matter. Those games were fun just to play!

***Edit to answer roadkills questions:

1. Are you motivated by silver?

Think this was answered from the above post. but anyway, no.

2. By an organized system put on by staff?

I suppose you could say that, yes.

3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in?

Tough question to answer.. I'll say yes.

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO?

If what you're getting at is people logging on specifically just to play these events, that angered me a bit too. After the events were always the best time to pvp! But no, I would play outside of just the events.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?

I'm not a big era accuracy snob so no. I certainly cannot remember exactly how this era was however many decades ago that it was created.

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions, etc)?

The PVP tournaments were alright. It actually put some proof to all the OMGURSOBADATPVP talk that goes on but that's not really my forte. I suppose dungeon crawls are already happening so thats certainly a step in the right direction.

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community?
CTF is hard to recreate with the lack of honest people left here that won't cheat.

Just... bring 'em back! In the name of all that is good left on the shard!

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Re: bring em back

Post by Gork »

1. Are you motivated by silver? Silver would be nice, but I'd be fine with just a ranking system and other reward types... such a trophies :)

2. By an organized system put on by staff? Either automated or Staff hosted (dueling in front of staff is an extra rush, but I think a mix of automation would rock too)

3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in? If it is the only way for the events to function without douchebaggery, then yes. What if the people watching the fight are in a guard zone... but the actual fighters are not.... then its like warring in town ... but with spells doing full dmg. For pvm .. maybe you can put fighters vs beasts in the same manner and have rounds etc..

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO? I wasn't here for the events as I've only been here a year, but I'd love to see multiple events per week or day. I see myself winning tournaments then going out on the field and enjoying some wars.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?
I was hoping! Honestly, when I first joined the shard I noticed people had "statues" or "trophies" posted on their house ledges etc... It totally inspired me to one day be a guy who won a 1st place trophy :) Two days ago ... I finally got that trophy at the homecoming event. To win that event in front of GMs and Lord British made it soooo sweet! I'd love to see more events like that either gm hosted tournies or automated.

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions, etc)? I wasn't here for any of it, but bring em all back!!!! :) Have events for all styles!

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community? Well ... look at the amount of effort the community has been putting into events . It is really hard to pull off a good event that is player ran ....especially over time. I'd say the community pulls off a few events a month... just guessing somewhere around 10ish. Add some automated or GM ran events into the mix ... Match what the community does... maybe host another 10 ... then we have 20 events a month :)

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Re: bring em back

Post by Budner »

Trojancow wrote:I joined this server when events were in place. I did not participate. I was new and was entertained by the usual UO content and thought I would eventually join events as well. I enjoyed watching duels and I liked the ranking and reward system. I couldn't give less of a crap if it was era-inaccurate, I viewed it as an extension of the original content and people had fun and bragging rights. Events got canned and eventually I got bored of the usual content, PVM, PVP/PKing/duels, etc and I quit for three years. I am playing a little, but don't consider myself out of retirement.

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Re: bring em back

Post by SirPsychoSexy »

1. Are you motivated by silver?

2. By an organized system put on by staff?

3. Having a 100% safe zone to pvp/pvm in?
Yes, if it gets more people to participate. I PvPed all the time when I played regularly. Could care less about dying. But some people don't like to die so if it is safe for them to participate, then great.

4. Did you like the fact that they had multiple events per week (sometimes per day) which let you "play UO" without actually playing UO?
I wasn't here for events, but enough people want them back that I think this was a good thing.

5. Did you come to an era-accurate shard, assuming we'd always have out of era features such as automated events?
No, I came because I like this era of UO. This isn't OSI, I could care less if there are non-era accurate events.

6. When you say "bring back events" are you referring to those pvp events (DD, CTF, tournaments) that leave a decent portion of the player base on the table or are you referring to all events (dungeon raids, DD, CTF, tournaments, bagball, craftathons, escort missions, etc)?
Bring all of them back.

7. What specifically did you like about these events that you can't recreate as a community?
I wasn't here for the events. I like the fact that a lot of the PvP vets want them back. This server needs something to help get it going again.
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