Any tips on a poisoning macro?

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Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by Locksmith »

This is posted on behalf of a friend of mine who has not got his registration email for the forum yet :)

Hi Guys,

Have a question regarding razor. I am trying to macro poisoning, and I want to poison fish steaks which I can use to train healing afterwards, with another char. I have set up the following macro, but the problem is when it has to target the fish steak when using poisoning.

Here is the macro (have left out the pauses):

D-Click Keg (to refill bottle with poison)

Restock Agent (to bring in 1 fish steak to my backpack from a container or bank)

UseSkill Poisoning (obvious)

Target by type Green potion

Target by Type fish steak

Organize agent (to remove the fish steak from my backpack to a container or bank)

The problem is that the system locks itself on the first fish steak I bring into the backpack. It can move them in and out without problems, but when it has to target the fish steak when using poisoning, it tries to target the first one I used, even tho I moved it into another container or have given it to another char who have gone outside reaching range.

If I put in a:

Lift fish steak -1

Drop to [loc]

It can move the fish steak around in my backpack, but it still won’t target it when using poisoning!

Do any of you guys have a solution to my problem, or do you know how to get it to reset the lock on the fish steak?

Or can anyone make a macro that can work, poisoning fish steaks?



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Re: Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by Kryptonical »

I've had various issues with target by type with some of my macros, one thing I've noticed that usually fixes it is to keep it as an absolute target...

suggestion maybe have a pile of 2 fishsteaks in your bag at all times, bring in 1 (to make it a total of 2) poison the bunch, drag one out, and bring in a new one in (from my understanding you can then repoison this new batch of 2, and drag one out....

if I'm not mistaken then this should do the trick, but I could be very very wrong cause I've never done poisoning and I'm not completely on top of the mechanics of poisoning groups of food if you take 1 out is that one still poisoned or not?...

but with my macros absolute target seems to work much better

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Re: Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by RoadKill »

This one uses kegs to gain poisoning (change absolute target to a dagger or whatever)

Code: Select all

Or if you're an alchemist, grind and go!
This one restocks nightshade, grinds potion, poisons weapon, cures+mini heals if poisoned....

Code: Select all

Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-2
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Re: Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by Senses »

Couple points.

Keep the orginal target after poisoning an absolute target. Then move the fish steaks as part of the macro one at a time. You can also run a system msg if line to only move the fish steak when you are successfull with the poison because after the fact you really can't tell which are poisoned and which arent.

Make sure you double click a greater cure poison someone where in the macro. If you aren't poisoned it won't even use it, but if you are you will need it. They don't always work either so sometimes it helps to run a For loop like 5 times and double click on greater cure then pause 10 seconds. This way you don't risk failing the cure.

Don't go insane on the poisoning. Its tempting to run it all the way to gm despite the incredible cost, but unles you just want the catchy title, 94 is enough to succeed on poisoning 99.5 pct of the time.

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Re: Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by Skurkimedes »

I am the guy Locksmith posted the post for - finally got my confirmation mail :D

To Kryptonical:
You cannot use 2 Fish Steaks, as the poisoned and non poisoned cannot stack together - besides you can only poison 1 item at a time, so won't work anyway. I know the absolutye target works perfectly, but it doesn't fix my problem - but thanks for your try :)

To Roadkill:
Great macro, but I need one to poison food / fish steaks - I know about the absolute target, but need it to target a new one each time.

To Senses:
How do I keep the original target? - relative targets only works for the ground around you, not for a location in your backpack. If there only were a way to reset the target..
Thanks for the other good info - I have another char standing next to me with bandages, helps his healing gain as well, and saves the potions :D

Please post if you have any ideas to overcome this problem. :?



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Re: Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by Senses »

I did the same thing with a guy healing and died more times than I can count. The poison just did so much dmg so quick and I didn't have more than 50 health.

If you are not able to actually poison a stack of fishsteaks that does make things more difficult. Is there a reason you want to poison fishteaks? Personally, i just poisoned and repoisoned the same kryss over and over again.

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Re: Any tips on a poisoning macro?

Post by Kryptonical »

I believe from the OP that he wanted to use the fishsteaks to train healing later on. If this is infact the case, it would be my suggestion to do this:

to gain poisoning: to as senses says, poison a dagger or kryss or something over and over.

to gain healing later on: lure (or tame) a scorpion into a house, char a (who has 100 str and full platemail on) stands there and gets his ass kicked by the scorpion. Char B heals char a over and over

Just a thought :/

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