afk fishing...........

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Li Meiyang
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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Li Meiyang »

I've got OADD, online attention deficit disorder. This is pretty typical of what my screen looks like. So it would be great if I knew which place the GMPD was gonna show up, like in that red circle would be perfect. NE of the mast isn't good because the boat and character are already in the middle of the screen. And I didn't hear any sound effects this time. So I'm just really concerned that even though I've got my eye on it, I could still end up in the clink.

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Li Meiyang »

Ok, I spread out my open windows a little to exaggerate the point on that last pic. This, below, is a little more common. You can see the problem. I want to be able to read system messages so I can't push the UO window further offscreen to the left. And since the mast is in the center of the UO window I can't see a GM appear NE (right) of it. I was keeping the stern in sight cuz that's where the GM showed up last time.

And it's hard to read webpages with the browers any further to the right, cuz like this forum, I'd have to scroll right to read posts. Someone mentioned shrinking the UO window, and I might try that but I don't like the idea cuz I need to pop in for seaserpents, dolphines, other boats, GMs, etc. So I like to be see what's going on and be able to read the system messages, type commands, move stuff... and that would be really difficult to do on a teeny tiny mini-window I think.

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Scolex »

jailing people for fishing is ridiculous, especially in the cases that a person is not "AFK" but simply not watching the window. My other acct is active as I run around. I have been checking it the whole time ive been logged on, making sure I didnt get killed by the random serpent. I admit I died twice today, but was back with enough time to sail to the nearest island, get rezed, and loot my body.

It says there are 350+/- people on at all times, which I would bet is more like 100 active people, and we are jailing people for fishing?! Not a real way to encourage a new player like myself..

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Scolex »

3 day ban, first time ever being explained the rule.. plus lost a boat.
Sweet welcome!

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Orion GM B^D »

Scolex wrote:3 day ban, first time ever being explained the rule.. plus lost a boat.
Sweet welcome!
Sir you should have read the rules before you started playing.

They are simple to follow. I have 3 GM fisherman and not once have I been jailed.

This is a great place to play, but you have to play within the ruleset!

Good luck to you sir!
WiseOne wrote:I don't log on often, but when I do, I shop at Trinny Stone Vendors!
Trinny Stone Vendors
@Trinsic Moongate/Est. 6-2-12

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Lord Mammoth
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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Lord Mammoth »

Scolex wrote:3 day ban, first time ever being explained the rule.. plus lost a boat.
Sweet welcome!
It wasn't a 3-day ban until you paged in and said jailing for afk fishing is bs. Then went onto say you were checking back ever 10-20 minutes. That you had gone to have dinner and that you would not monitor it constantly. After that you were accessed a 3 day ban to make the point clear. You then paged in again reaffirming your position that its bs and threatened to not play here if you were accessed a 3 day ban. The rules are applied equally for everyone. Hopefully we will see you fishing the high seas in 3 days, if not that's fine too.
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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Scolex »

The book you left, which said to page you, also said that a first time offense would result in resource confiscating and some jail time I believe?

Instead of recanting an in game experience for everyone, exaggerated at that to try and make me look bad, re-write your prison books and enforce rules fairly.

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

can you target closest innocent and send a guild message if one is found...or no?
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Li Meiyang
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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Li Meiyang »

@Scolex: Yeah I agree that rules should be clearly stated, along with the penalties. This is the first time I'm hearing about confiscating resources.

I'm restarting too, and so far I only have a single small house and one other small deed. So I feel like the penalties are not nearly harsh enough. I follw the rule about unattended resource gathering because it a RULE, not just because I agree with it. Yesterday I only fished up two MiBs. If I could leave the fisherman macroing unnattended I would have a lot more right now. In fact I AFK fished a few years ago and I would go to bed with the macro running. When I awoke I might dead or whatever, but I'd have a bunch of MiBs to show for it. Same goes for jail. Cost/benefit-wise the risk of some jail time or temporary banning might even be worth it.

But I agree with the rule, and even if I didn't I would still follow it. Because UOSA is a FREE shard. Do you think the GMs running around busting AFK fisherman are having a good time? No, it's WORK is what it is. The rules are meaningless unless they are enforced. I love to be rebellious myself, but I have to admit UOSA makes every effort to be fair. So don't bitch if your account got banned a few days for AFK fishing. You deserve it because you BROKE THE RULES. Like I wrote in a previous post, they should shave some points off the fisherman's skill because jail is not nearly enough of a deterrent.

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Li Meiyang »

Scolex wrote:jailing people for fishing is ridiculous, especially in the cases that a person is not "AFK" but simply not watching the window.
There's no other way. I too would like to have the rule laid out a little more clearly (like where on the boat the GM will appear). But if the GMPD rolls up on you and you don't respond, it's AFK. End of story. There's no possible way of knowing if you were looking at another window, working, sleeping, pooping, etc. If they let you off for all that stuff, the rule would be completely meaningless, punishing only those who follow it.

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Lord Mammoth
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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Lord Mammoth »

Scolex wrote:The book you left, which said to page you, also said that a first time offense would result in resource confiscating and some jail time I believe?

Instead of recanting an in game experience for everyone, exaggerated at that to try and make me look bad, re-write your prison books and enforce rules fairly.
Just so there is no confusion and so you can see I was not exaggerating in my description of the events as it seems you have forgotten them entirely.

My paraphrased description:
Lord Mammoth wrote: It wasn't a 3-day ban until you paged in and said jailing for afk fishing is bs. Then went onto say you were checking back ever 10-20 minutes. That you had gone to have dinner and that you would not monitor it constantly. After that you were accessed a 3 day ban to make the point clear. You then paged in again reaffirming your position that its bs and threatened to not play here if you were accessed a 3 day ban. The rules are applied equally for everyone. Hopefully we will see you fishing the high seas in 3 days, if not that's fine too.
Actual pages:
IRC wrote: [22:59] -SecondAge:#secondagestaff- New Page #9 [Other] from 0x32F84 "Dude"@(5276, 1174, 0): some bs, ive been watching my fisherman on and off all day. its 7:51 and I just finished dinner, it has been about 15-20 mins in between checks.. im not going to stare blankly at the screen ALL day, though what ive been doing would constit

[23:25] <@SecondAge> #9: Derrick tells 0x32F84 "Dude": Fishing while eating dinner is AFK fishing. It's not bull, and I'm adssessing a 3 day ban on this account to make the point completely clear.

23:32] -SecondAge:#secondagepage- New Page #10 [Other] from 0x330A9 "Christian Bale"@(661, 803, 0): It is bull, and if I get "banned" for three days ill consider not playing at all. I have been watching myelf all day, killing the occasionalk serpent while fishing purely for skill gain.. Didnt figure this is howd id be treated here.

[23:35] <@SecondAge> #10: Mondain tells 0x330A9 "Christian Bale": The decision to play here are in your hands. AFK fishing is not allowed and these rules apply to all players equally. The purpose of page system is not for having a conversation about shard policy, but you are welcome to share this experience in the forums. Have good night.

Future warning to would be AFK fishers. First offense is a warning and confiscation of resources unless you page in similarly to the one above. Take your penance and move on.


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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Scolex »

The extent you are going to is hilarious.

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Vhyx »

Scolex wrote:The extent you are going to is hilarious.

No, the extent of your fisherman tears is what's hilarious.

Hythloth Tower for Sale. Contact Boondock_Saint via PMs because it's his and not mine. Azheman will broker the deal, naked.

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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by qwebirc41039 »

lol fisherman tears

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Li Meiyang
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Re: afk fishing...........

Post by Li Meiyang »

... are what the sea is made of :D

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