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The oOo
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Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:42 pm

Re: Kids...

Post by The oOo »

Swill Bag wrote:i will destroy your sons verbally and make them quit
haha better pack a lunch, they're skillin' up quick and I'm twinkin the hell out of them!

ps...thanks for the rep you guys...I didn't know stuff like this was all that interesting to anyone but me lol
oOOoOoo Ooo Oo OOoOoo oOo

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Re: Kids...

Post by malice-tg »

The oOo wrote:In 1998 my youngest son was born, my oldest in 1995, and I'd been playing UO for just a few short gf & I played till '03 or so...

Being the hardass gamers they are it ain't easy to find a game they can't beat in a matter of days...we burned through WoW and lost interest within a year, back in '08.

My youngest says "this game is HARD dad!" hehehehe [they like to do things their own way and won't listen to me about character development...but there ain't no instant gratification in UO :) ]

We finally got to take them both out on a hunt the other night and what a blast we all had! Quite an experience to take your kids out hunting in a game I last played when they were just little kids!! Nice long trip covering a big section of the map ending in a big battle with a large spawn of orcs 'n stuff...and noone died :)

Priceless line of the night..."I was wondering what kinda loot an Ettin had"

Now they're asking me for training macros hahahaha

Thanks to the're making memories :)

awesome story... uosa is great!

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