Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by okgoace »

derrick please hand us free things like we ask for.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Velgamog »

It is not unprecedented, and there is a wide spread community interest for this.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by son »

UOSA has a history of quick rise and fall guilds who muster up a lot of community interest in request of town add ons. Just as quickly these guild dissapear. UOH and Shadowmire come to mind.

I'd contrast that with long term guilds like C'V, who have been very active on UOSA, but have little requested in terms of town add ons.

I doubt your guild has established itself well on UOSA to merit town add ons. But you are also asking for change of in game environment, a change which is identical with what ALREADY EXISTS with the blockrock orcs (who themselves are probably one of the oldest guilds on the shard).

I ask again, why can you not assimilate?

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Chance »


Bloodrock [URK] is an all but dead guild on UOSA, with hundreds on the roster. Gaining control of the stone through fealty is all but impossible at this point. Shadowclan now houses at least a half dozen ex-Bloodrockers who resigned specifically to join Shadowclan (myself included). I cannot speak for the others, but I left because Bloodrock is dead on UOSA and I know from playing with (and against!) Shadowclan in the past that they are a quality guild whose primary goal is having fun while not ruining the fun of others.

*The above is stated with no ill-will or malice towards [URK], I had fun when I actively played with them and the guild had a core of really cool players.
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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Pro »

chainsoar wrote:GMs granting ingame additions for RP guilds is absolutely era accurate. As Velgamog already clearly stated, the shadowclan were granted recognition in this way on OSI. Not to mention the Bloodrock fort, or the ACE arena, or the mYm arena, or the old TB docks, or the $$$ vendor town..
mym arena is era accurate. OWNED WASSUP NOW CHAIN??? WASSUP DAWG????!

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Boone »

son wrote:UOSA has a history of quick rise and fall guilds who muster up a lot of community interest in request of town add ons. Just as quickly these guild dissapear. UOH and Shadowmire come to mind.

I'd contrast that with long term guilds like C'V, who have been very active on UOSA, but have little requested in terms of town add ons.

I doubt your guild has established itself well on UOSA to merit town add ons. But you are also asking for change of in game environment, a change which is identical with what ALREADY EXISTS with the blockrock orcs (who themselves are probably one of the oldest guilds on the shard).

I ask again, why can you not assimilate?
While UoH isn't active now, I think it's a fair to say that it didn't "rise and fall" quickly. Blackfoot held and organized a ton of events (besides the weekly UoH dungeon crawls) and managed the museum for a long time. It's unfortunate that Sebben never got around to finalize the castle, but from what I gather, RL factors got in the way. Even although UoH is inactive, a bunch of the buildings in the area, such as the Lich Tower, are still open for all to see and visit. Also, given that you haven't played for over 1½ year, maybe you should swing by the C^V area north of Vesper and check out their roads, statue, harbor and other add-ons (which I feel are rightfully deserved).

I do agree that add-ons, and especially significant ones such as "attack free zones," shouldn't be given out lightly. I feel that it would help the orcs' cause if they try to let their presence be known on the shard instead of "just" turtling up in their fort, such as leading raiding parties to dungeons. Maybe it's just not part of the play style, but I would encourage that the orcs add more mages to their ranks, so they can be more viable in PvP, and make it more difficult for people to steamroll them.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Elyron Valanthir »

I tend to think that whoever is trying to revive the Shadowclan Orcs from previous incarnations do so as they have always done. Build a guild based on their deeds not simply because they claim to be remnants of the once iconic Shadowclan.

I was in Shadowclan on Great Lakes before it migrated over to Catskills, I moved over and played on Catskills for awhile, even had a toon in UND for a time then moved back to Great Lakes as both of the guilds became larger and more of a shard-wide force.

I don't know who is running this band of orcs in the Yew Orc Fort but they don't seem to have the concept of being Shadowclan. I haven't heard of any raids being done. There has been no group events posted as of yet (there may have been and I missed it).

I've also heard some very harsh things like orcs of this "shadowclan" giving counts, that to me and I'm sure many previous Shadowclan is simply BS.

Orcs as a rule do not give counts it's simply cowardly and beneath an orc to do so. Even the lowliest peon knows this, if your orc wants to attain rank they have to challenge others in the tribe or you fight ALOT of other folks from outside the clan. Win and you gain prestige, lose and it looks bad, but at least you had the balls to fight.

I've also heard of "others" swooping in to aid these "shadowclan" members in their fights against outsiders. This I have to say is NOT Shadowclan. Orcs of the Shadowclan are fiercely distrustful of anyone who is not Shadowclan and to have others fight their battles for them is simply antithetical to who they are. Loose alliances have been made in the past but mainly it's been other orc tribes offering bribe money and tribute to gain the help of the Shadowclan (except when UND would fight against the orcs enemies and vice versa).

For this group to ask for a handout from Derrick this soon is simply ridiculous, they appear to be posers and don't seem to be associated with any thing that even resembles Shadowclan in any of it's many incarnations.

I feel that a true Shadowclan presence on this shard would be awesome if is done right and in the true spirit of the many Shadowclan tribes that have come before it. From what I've seen and heard in regards to this group I would say they have a long ways to go before they should be considered representatives of the proud heritage of Shadowclan.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Elric The Great »

I remember Shadowclan Orcs on SP. I also played on Great lakes against Bloodrock for years. These RP guilds do add a flavor and change of pace to this game. Let's be honest here. UO isn't gaining much in terms of new player base. I don't see how giving them this would hurt the server in any way. I loved fighting the orcs outside the orc forts. I'd always tend to overstay my good luck and get swarmed by them, but it was still fun nonetheless.

I would vote for something like this to happen. It's a win-win scenario for the server.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Velgamog »

Wow ok... a lot to cover here. I am head of this new shadowclan branch, by the way.
Elyron Valanthir wrote:I tend to think that whoever is trying to revive the Shadowclan Orcs from previous incarnations do so as they have always done. Build a guild based on their deeds not simply because they claim to be remnants of the once iconic Shadowclan
We are in the process of building another great branch, but being unable to defend our fort without getting murder counts and members unable to do anything but wait as a ghost to burn off counts is a serious handicap. And most of this guild is made up of long-term shadowclanners.... insinuating we are only posing as such is quite off the mark.
Elyron Valanthir wrote:I don't know who is running this band of orcs in the Yew Orc Fort but they don't seem to have the concept of being Shadowclan. I haven't heard of any raids being done. There has been no group events posted as of yet (there may have been and I missed it)
There have been dozens of spur-of-the-moment clan trips / raids so far, as well as scheduled events taking place every week. A very rude and groundless claim that is altogether wrong. Not sure how much time you've spent around our fort, but we very much do 'have the concept of being shadowclan'.

Elyron Valanthir wrote:I've also heard some very harsh things like orcs of this "shadowclan" giving counts, that to me and I'm sure many previous Shadowclan is simply BS.
The decision to give murder counts is left to the player. We encourage members not to give counts, but in the extreme cases of griefers, which we have experienced much of already, we reserve the right to.
Elyron Valanthir wrote:I've also heard of "others" swooping in to aid these "shadowclan" members in their fights against outsiders. This I have to say is NOT Shadowclan. Orcs of the Shadowclan are fiercely distrustful of anyone who is not Shadowclan and to have others fight their battles for them is simply antithetical to who they are. Loose alliances have been made in the past but mainly it's been other orc tribes offering bribe money and tribute to gain the help of the Shadowclan (except when UND would fight against the orcs enemies and vice versa)
Of course we are distrustful of others and alliances will have to be built. We have rarely received help defending our fort. In some cases help has arrived, though it wasn't expected or asked for. Again, you're throwing out groundless accusations with very little knowledge of what has transpired in-game.
Elyron Valanthir wrote: they appear to be posers and don't seem to be associated with any thing that even resembles Shadowclan in any of it's many incarnations.
How much time have you spent amongst this new branch to make a claim like this ? I've been serving shadowclan for many years on multiple games, and have held leadership positions in several of them. This new branch entirely resembles shadowclan in its purest form. simply have no idea what you're talking about. Try spending some time with us before slamming us on a very important thread

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Elyron Valanthir »

So basically by your own admission this "clan" of orcs has accepted the help of others to defend the "orcs' fort", by that I would have to say that it was human intervention, a blatant slap in the face to any self-respecting Shadowclan orc. To "need' the help of humans in defending orc territory is a sure sign of weakness and would not be tolerated in any form regardless of whether or not this was WOW or DAOC and most certainly not on Catskills.

You also admit that you "encourage" your players not to give counts, but reserve the right to in case of griefers. Well it would appear that your clan has no chain of command, something that Shadowclan holds as one of their most important tenants along with rank structure and tribe history. To allow anyone, Peon, Gruntee or grunt to do as they please regardless of what the tribe leadership dictates.....unheard of.

Orcs do as they're told by those above them.......... or else. It is the lifeblood of orc society and the means by which order is maintained within the ranks, without it a tribe is simply a band of rag-tag orcs, which is what your bunch is starting to look like by your admissions in your last post.

Better off naming your tribe Bloodrock Lite 2.0, because Shadowclan you are not. Then again maybe you'll get your act together and get a real Shadowclan tribe to show up at the fort.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Blaise »

What is the Shadowclan practice around magery? I went down to the fort with my 0 Magery warrior and encountered a solo 'orc' that cast paralyze and tried to off screen to cast Flamestrike but got interrupted by an arrow to the face. He then ran some more, cast invis, popped out, paralyzed, tried again for flamestrike, yadda yadda.

It was boring.

If I wanted to fight bad mages, I could have easily headed further south to TG Town.

I'm not here to dictate how anything is done, but I came to the fort expecting some fun and games. This 'orc' didn't say a damn thing, didn't swing a damn weapon and really just ran around and invised to avoid getting his fucking face cut off by my mighty blade. So whatever you're trying to build here, it's going bad. Work with these recruits and teach them how to be the characters they are dressed as so as not to embarass the Shadowclan any further.

I know you're not Urk but the only times I ever saw an Urk casting spells, there were generally 4+ weapon weilders on foot chasing me as well (a few instances aside).

I decided to give them one more chance and I came back later and found a few orcs fiddling around at the fort. I slew one where he stood and proceded to nearly kill another before his mage orc friend started para/poisoning me. I ran myself out of cure pots before I stated how lame this was, and proceded to walk off.

I know I shouldn't expect much from a fresh semblance of an orc RP guild, but knowing so many Urks had joined up, I expected a lot more than that. I stand by some changes being made for the guild, if you can play like an RP guild, not just a bunch of mute mages.

I would have fought to the death, with honor, toe to toe with these swine, had they actually come out to fight, not just spam spells and run.

PS: Oh snaps, you got told pretty bad by Elyron there.
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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Stephen83084 »

ADD NEW Lands if you going to have a War Zone.

If this server is going to have a War Zone for role players I think there should be new playable land ADDED to the server like they once did on hybrid. But this land has no monsters in it or anything that would drop gold to farm off of, just animals that has hide to make leather and birds to get feathers from. Few places to mine and some trees to chop down just for the basics. One small town that is in the guard zone with a few vendors in there for basic items and another town that isn’t guarded. Decent amount of wondering red healers. A few bankers to store some items in the bank like at the orc fort and at the other role playing areas. The 2 towns would have exits “moongates to leave the map. Entry places into the area that would kick you off your mount and there would be no places to stable or tame mounts in the land to make it more role playing like. So would be an on foot only area. Make sure you make the area that way you can expand to grow as this may be a very big hit and you need areas for new role playing guilds. I think the War Zone should have short term counts only.

And let’s be real with the era accurate we have events that happens for dueling and what not. OSI didn’t have this stuff like UO second age does and they didn’t have silver to buy items so this part of the server isn’t era accurate. The rest of the server would be era accurate besides specials areas like the events area that would be almost era accurate to have fun on the server. And who doesn’t play the server to have fun?

I’m sure the staff would enjoy being creative in making a new area .

This will have 2 benefits it would be like a mini server inside a server just for rule players and an area for a massive free for all to PvP in. I would consider having a red to pk in this area. This would be like a 24/7 event. If you Agree in this then reply to this Reply!!!!!!!!!

This message is pretty Long for a person that doesn’t even Role play but I would enjoy killing role players and other people that are there to do the same.
Last edited by Stephen83084 on Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Stephen83084 »

Ghazgull wrote:I played exclusively on Siege and SC was a steadfast guild. Other Guilds emulated their play style because it enabled so much fun.

I love Second Age but I think that two rules from Siege should be enacted...

1. No STAT Loss period...... Enables REDS to run freely and encourages evil guilds and good guilds.

2. Remove Recall- force groups to have dedicated mages to go places but when they get over run by Melee fighters then you have to protect your mages... Makes for more tactical battles.

I am loving being back and playing UO the way it was meant. Miss the Undead too but hey can't have it all.
One thing I miss about Hybrid was that there was no status lost. It was a lot more reds to kill on that server and you didn’t have to worry about building up your char if you die if you were red. But at the same time it makes it harder for someone new to get recourses in the game because of all the grieving so people will rage quit because of it. You do have to be careful what you do for murders it can be a lot of fun for some people and a nightmare for others.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by Velgamog »

Blaise wrote:What is the Shadowclan practice around magery? I went down to the fort with my 0 Magery warrior and encountered a solo 'orc' that cast paralyze and tried to off screen to cast Flamestrike but got interrupted by an arrow to the face. He then ran some more, cast invis, popped out, paralyzed, tried again for flamestrike, yadda yadda.

It was boring.
Any member is allowed to create a mage. One skirmish didn't go as you would have liked and so our guild as a whole is 'going bad' ?

Blaise wrote:I decided to give them one more chance and I came back later and found a few orcs fiddling around at the fort. I slew one where he stood and proceded to nearly kill another before his mage orc friend started para/poisoning me. I ran myself out of cure pots before I stated how lame this was, and proceded to walk off. .
Our main objective is to protect our fort. We do not engage in chasing tactics (shadowclan warriors don't ride steeds). If we manage to drive you away, we have won. It sounds like these orcs did their job. Sorry if the experience didn't blow your socks off
Blaise wrote:I know I shouldn't expect much from a fresh semblance of an orc RP guild, but knowing so many Urks had joined up, I expected a lot more than that. I stand by some changes being made for the guild, if you can play like an RP guild, not just a bunch of mute mages.
There have already been a number of tremendous battles taking place here on a daily basis. Im sorry your particular experience with shadowclan so far has left you wanting, but again this doesnt reflect on our guild as a whole.

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Re: Yew orc fort: a count-free warzone

Post by chainsoar »

Elyron, you must be the platemail-clad swordsman we did battle with only a few days ago. I had wanted to discuss the issue of you receiving murder counts from an unguilded, uninitiated, untested newborn with you civilly, but since you brought it here, for what it's worth none of us were happy with it, and the second we noticed you were red, guild chat began to fill up with chatter along the lines of "wut da skah? how dat oomie get burnt?"

I personally do not give murder counts. Furthermore, as a grunt, it is my intention to instil a similar mindset in as many runtees as I can possibly manage.

That said, I do somewhat resent the rising sentiment of "we're going to tell you how to be orcs based on one time I was an orc/played with an orc in the past" that appears to be dominating the last page or so of this thread. To suggest that the whole clan is flawed because of your experiences with a few members among so many is entirely fallacious, and if you are that interested in being a part of ensuring that we "do it right", well to put it bluntly, put up or shut up. Join the clan or don't preach.

However, I hope there is no bitterness. If you are indeed the player I am thinking of, I enjoyed our conflict very much and I hope to see you around the fort again in the future.
Braden wrote:I was getting ready to type a serious reply to this post until I saw who posted it.
[Uhh] Eo wrote:If there is one thing I am a fan of, it is exploring foreign holes.

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