Healing Question

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Healing Question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Gain rates are based on chance of success and failure (you must be able to fail in order to gain). When you reach 60 anatomy does that give the same rate to cure poison as GM anatomy? I am just asking because it's a faster cycle then ressing and I could just have a snake bite my dude while having him set to attack something else unreachable and keep curing him.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Healing Question

Post by MatronDeWinter »

So, you are asking if locking anatomy at 60 would decrease your cure success (with 60+ healing obviously), and thus, allow you to gain easier?

To some degree this is probably true, however you making it too easy would reduce gains, as would making it too difficult. It's a delicate balance to garner perfectly efficient gains and it would be impossible to be for certain without statistical tests and a decent sample size.

I wouldn't put that much thought/work into it. Healing is fairly easy if you just follow the "heal to 60, cure to 80, res to gm" format. It's not like bandages are a valuable resource here.

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Re: Healing Question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

:? way to ruin a good idea Matron :lol:

I was thinking about time more then bandages. I would raise it to 80 once healing got to 80. Just to test it. In the wikki it details a flat rate so it's not really certain, of course the wikki is most of the time only partially factual. You still gain on failure though...the only worry is death which can be circumvented on a GM healer who is the recipient.

I didnt finish my second chance at three accounts in character building last time around after finding my friend had lent them out while I was checking DDO out only to find DG where I used to reside when I returned. (to be fair I had no plans on returning as Ultima addiction ate my last girlfriend) So I have 14 unfinished brats running around :lol:

I tried hybrid just long enough to say wtf, I had millions in the bank and rares etc... it wasnt the same. I started to question my sexuality...I had to return here, there was more day-glo then an 80's flashback :lol:

At first I thought it was my wet dream as some of my ideas were implemented in ways that worked. I will say it expanded my horizon and so I decided to bring my vision here in the dirty real grit of T2A. Where it should be. It had substance but it lacked the ingenuity I have come to love from the second age community. I'd rather be amongst the insanely genius... to which you have become role model. I say that in deepest respect... not as some internet perv Mother Winter.

(more so since you are rumoured to range from either a sexy korean woman or fat hairy middle aged man)

To whatever you are...your presence has only enhanced this shard. I have nothing nor do I expect anything in return, that is not how we do things here. I am only hard on Chum at times because his glory faded before you and I wish to pick him out of the gutter. ( We all love you Chum so much we hate you at times)

As I look around here, I see we are returning to the time of our former glory.... a lot of new people but these new people seem to have heart. Those people also I have genuine respect for, these new people are the kind we need here.

That being said... all of us who been here ages since should not fail in our entertaining them in the same gut wrenchingingly humourous ways that have always kept us coming back.

Cheers be to you Derrick for the finest 5 years Ultima Online ever seen! Hazzah!!!
Last edited by archaicsubrosa77 on Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Healing Question

Post by faber »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:I started to question my sexuality....

I used to play Hybrid too.

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Re: Healing Question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

faber wrote:
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:I started to question my sexuality....

I used to play Hybrid too.
The only real thing I liked about Hybrid is it encouraged diversity. It taught me it was okay to be different to try to do things outside the norm. I didn't like the mechanics however, and staying true to form is best when evolving the game play.

The only reason I needed Hybrid was to show me it could be done effectively here...that is all.

Also why I am , if not one of the biggest, fans of Matron. I encourage any new players to review some of her past here, and I say this so you can be more suited to be part of this community.

Chum has more character, personality...but Matron the mind and ingenuity of what UO is supposed to be. For awhile Chum had hit hard times it appeared, but coming back he seems more lively. I expect you all will see this for yourselves very soon.

But lets get serious...this game is not about them its about you. They lead the way so you could push ahead....and we the vets here expect that kind of heroic antagonistic humorous flair from you upstarts....because this is our world here, and its our job to make it.

Don't just live your adventures share them... its not just yours it's all of ours. I want you in the spotlight because it's you that brings us here. No matter how cruel anyone's actions or words could be in game or out. T2A is a common love of all of ours. And to those new players... Welcome aboard, and watch your step :wink:
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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