Pirate Boat ideas

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Pirate Boat ideas

Post by Galm(kB) »

Ok this is not era accuracy its just a suggestion i had to make boating more fun and dangerious since fishing is a very boring and no one really can bother you i wanted to suggest these ideas i had.

1. a rope to attach to another players boat to board.

2. cannons a cannon would be very fun to battle with it could be like explosion pots

3. big boats of fun( a real pirate ship) that a carpenter could build.

4. any other ideas from other players

I think these ideas are very unaccurate to t2a but i thought they could be fun for player pirates or just fishers who want to defend there loot, or even miners to defend themselves.

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Re: Pirate Boat ideas

Post by Hemperor »

There is a shard that had all these ideas (besides the rope one) called Lothlorien and it was tons of fun.

However, none of these will ever be implemented here because they are not accurate

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Re: Pirate Boat ideas

Post by Galm(kB) »

they may not be accurate but they would make tons of fun maybe if enough players vote for these ideas they would ignore some of the era accuracy even though it would go against all the rules of this server but lets be realistic this is 2009 not 1998

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Re: Pirate Boat ideas

Post by Ronk »

Galm(kB) wrote:they may not be accurate but they would make tons of fun maybe if enough players vote for these ideas they would ignore some of the era accuracy even though it would go against all the rules of this server but lets be realistic this is 2009 not 1998
Ultimately they wouldn't be fun. The fact that we are sticking to era accurate is why most people are here. If things that are 'fun' start getting added you'll eventually end up with 2000 different people offering different ideas until this shard is no longer Ultima Online. Don't believe me? Go look at angel island.

It was suppose to be pre-UOR. Now they have so much random crap that no one uses and a population of 10.

The devs here certain have the right approach by sticking to era accurate.
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Re: Pirate Boat ideas

Post by Green Taylor »

You don't really need all this anyway, while the rope might be a nice idea to give melee fighters and thieves something to do during pirating.

But in UO the ships are only so big, usually the mages just spam fields and chain lighting, theres some sorta pvp in pirating thats a lot deadlier b/c u have little space, there was never room for melee but tons for ranged.

I dont know about you, but I'd prefer all this instead of having a huge ass boat and double click i-win cannons.

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Re: Pirate Boat ideas

Post by Red »

i-win cannons 4tw

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