Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

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Lord Dupre
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Re: Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

Post by Lord Dupre »

A bright eyed woman with a fine mustache was kind enough to return my books! Thank you Mrs Newman!

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Re: Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

Post by Pro »


Well there was a heap of clues that we all missed. Notably the spider egg and how it looked like a cave towards the top of the eastern basement. The entrance was a small gap south of that terrathan matriarch.

The second spot I only got from the clue books hidden within the shelves only accesible by bouncing yourself up and down off the cliffs to hit the right spot.

it was one tile above the corpser in the middle


Various other carnage;


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the bazookas
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Re: Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

Post by the bazookas »

Our bard ally looked around a lot but the lack of stump hack made it hard to find all the teleport spots :(
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Re: Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

Post by Tiwstacain »

oh, flea was there, bet he was whining about not getting enough silver bahahahha


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the bazookas
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Re: Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

Post by the bazookas »

Most people like us, or at least they like what we do. Regardless, we appreciate all our victims, and we hope that their encounter with us is a memorable one.
-a machine gun, a bazooka, and a grenade
... a not-for-profit organization (usually)

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Re: Tavern Talk of Topiary Terror

Post by Zyler »

Here is my account...

The Skara Brae Town Crier announced Lord Dupre’s discovery in the wilds of the Lost Lands…
a Topiary Terror!

Too-Pee-Airy? What is that I thought!? It didn’t sound Elven and certainly wasn’t an Orcish word. I consider myself one with a decent education… instructed by those of great wisdom… but was curious by what the crier bellowed. Perhaps he was being persuaded by spirits or even worse… Spirits of the Undead! Obviously there was strife in the kingdom that must be dealt with therefore I sought the counsel of Lord British.

I found much activity in Lord British’s ruling chamber… he appeared to be surrounded by counsel therefore I patiently waited to be heard. After a few moments, I realized those gathered about him were silent aside from one fellow who kept yelling, “Guards!”

They are right there fool!!!

I pushed my way through the gathering to the throne however the King was silent. Something is very wrong I thought therefore headed to the Royal Library to learn more about this Toe-Pierre-E Terror.

The library has many wonderful tombs of knowledge and luckily a steward was present to assist me in finding information on this unusual word: “Topiary, toh-pee-er-ee, the horticultural practice of training live perennial plants by clipping the foliage and twigs of trees.”

How can a twig be creating a terror I thought??? Perhaps Lord Dupre had too many spirits too! I’ve overheard such hushly rumored murmurs amongst the elite. Lord British was silent however my duty as a responsible citizen is to defend the kingdom and that takes precedence.

I called upon a good mate for assistance in finding this supposed “Topiary Terror” and we proceeded to explore the Southern Lost Lands from the Temple Island entrance however found nothing! At a small bridge, a passing party informed us of the call to Delucia for a war party. My exhausted associate had to return home to his family however I headed to Deulcia where I found a growing number of warriors eager to defend the realm. Lord Dupre appeared, briefed us on his encounter, and us lined us up against the wall for roll call.

A magical gate opened and the fervent warriors went forth to a spot distraught with moving trees and shrubs, Terathan spiders, and many more unpleasant things. We had been beckoned into widespread chaos, an assault on the realm. Lord Dupre was genuine in his call to arms.

I first stayed behind the battle lines and assisted the wounded. Our assault produced an enormous resistance. The war party fought its way to a castle nestled in a grove crawling with unsightly creatures. Walking reapers brightly green, creeping corpsers strength unseen. I found an outcrop in front of the castle and beat feverously upon my tambourine. Other musicians played their instruments aside I as the war party made it’s way into the stronghold of lady turned green.

And there she appeared above the entryway…

Is she a noble… overflowen with a rare, exotic nectar that turned her skin to the color of grass, blades now stained red, strewn with war?


Is it those who see only stumps of trees that she has fury?


After the war party stormed the stronghold and the exterior appeared mostly contained, I made my way to the eastern front. I encountered a slight resistance then attempted to breach the structure however was unsuccessful.

I then moved in! Wanting to offer help and healing however it was bending. Time was slowed, a strong repel mounted, and slaughter ensued. I made my way to the second floor chamber and found a marble table. Surrounded by repetitive death to life and life to death, I partook. Through these revelations I found clarity.

The marble table hosted several items of interest… not all that I recall. I seed of blue, a curious bottle of elixir, a caldron, a sapling alchemic book, and something else… perhaps the twig I earlier mocked.

Demeter, the Green Lady, was positioned behind the table… as if guardian of a secret. Death ensued. The War Party as I knew it was repetitively slaughtered. The countless resurrections faded my memory however here is what I recall of my actions…

In death, I peered upon the roof and saw uncommon seeds of red, blue, yellow, and one that looked normal, plain. Surrounding the pentagram of seeds there were shrubs of godly powers, perhaps the gods of corpsers, shrubs, and vines and things.

I waded my way back inside, my clarity recaptured. Destroy the seed of blue on the table and be free of the Green Revolt!

My brief attempts were for naught. My dagger did not even nick the blue seed, as if it were magically protected. I attempted to use the elixir, make a potion, use the book, anything to stop the slaughter! My final attempt was to destroy the book but that too… was futile. At that point, I faded…

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