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Post by Rykker »

How many regs do you carry when you are field PvPing on average?

I know this seems like a stupid question... but for someone pretty new to the Pvp game, I don't like to carry more than 30-40 of each reg on me. The problem is several times I have run out of heal regs during a fight.

It seems like a double edged sword. Either spend every piece of what gold I have on regs so I can run around with 100 of each (not to mention potions as well) or carry 30 or so of each so I don't lose so many when I die. It almost seems like giving away regs at times as many people here have been PvPing for several years.

Some may say don't PVP, but what's the fun in that? I typically don't go looking for a fight, but try not to just run away if attacked by a red.

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Re: Regs

Post by Pirul »

I normally carry 50ea on my guys when I go out hunting. If I go looking for PvP, I normally carry 60-75ea.
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Re: Regs

Post by LKP »

I usually carry 75 of each as well. But I'm used to playing characters from different eras with lower strength, and I like to travel a bit lighter so I can get more loot. I might up it on this shard once I get established.

I absolutely won't tell you not to PvP, but if you're having trouble in the field, why not fight some duels first? Find some good PvPers and challenge them one on one so you can learn from them. You won't have to worry about getting looted or ganked if you're smart about it. It's how all the good players I know developed their fundamentals. Granted it doesn't all carry over to the field, but most does. Since you can't run from a duel, you'll be forced to learn how to stand and heal, how to conserve mana, etc.

When you do go back into the field, I'd advise you to bring a recall scroll or two and set up a Razor macro to use it quickly to get back to your house or town. That way you'll at least have a means of escaping quickly if you do run out of regs. You should also take advantage of Razor's counters, and set them to warn you when your regs fall below 10. Ten (or more) spells should give you plenty of breathing room to remove yourself from the action and restock.

You might want to stick to 40 each for now or whatever you're currently using. But as you find yourself improving and your HP outlasting your regs, you'll want to start carrying more. Obviously 30 or 100 is a false dilemma.. there's no reason you can't carry 50, 60, or whatever number you want. If you want to be economical about it, carry more of the regs you use most often. I usually find I run out root or pearl first, so maybe carry a few extra of those and be more sparing with the others.

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Re: Regs

Post by Rykker »

It's the heal regs that get me. Maybe I need to carry more of those. Maybe I am spamming mini heals too much in fights unneccesarily.

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Re: Regs

Post by LKP »

Maybe. That's something else you can get a feel for by practicing with a partner - spell timing.

UO Magery definitely gives the benefit to the defender. The counter to every spell is faster and cheaper than the offensive spell, with the only exception being buffs and debuffs. Cure is faster and cheaper than poison, heal is faster than magic arrow, harm, fireball, and lightning. Greater heal is as fast as lightning and faster than ebolt, explosion and flamestrike and heals comparable damage to what any of those can do. Dispel is faster than summon... you get the point. What it sounds like you need to get a better grasp of is when to risk casting a greater heal; it's a lot more efficient than spamming mini-heal, but it can be disrupted while heal cannot. Greater heal potions are great to have on hand if you're not already using them, too.

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Re: Regs

Post by Pro »

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Re: Regs

Post by ariok »

If you see ebolt, either harm, or g heal.
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Re: Regs

Post by nightshark »

100 each, 15 of the important pots (red,yellow,purple), 8 of the others

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