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Post by Lambo »

I ventured into UOSA about a year and a half ago I fell in love with everything it is about. But most of my UO friends talked me into joining this new fancy shard that had just started up so I did that. After playing that a little over a year I quit UO for the good part of 3 months only to come back to a not so great expierence. I really love UO and want to play again but I want to do something a little different.

I have been hanging around brit bank and some spots this morning everything looks fairly active.

But is UOSA worth the time ? Is there any amount of PvP active guilds or Tournaments ? I see there are ample places to hunt and farm which is a good thing ... Just wondering if there was any amounts of active PvP aside from pking newbs.

Don't get me wrong I love all aspects of UO and devulge in other adventures aside from pvp , which is the only way one could retain interest in a free shard but I was just wondering how it was out there.

Thanks !

You im sure people will mention it but I already know there is a fantastic staff for sure ! +1 on that
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Re: Why UOSA?

Post by Mikanele »


I think playerbase is really important for a private server for anygame. The only two shards with a large playerbase that I know of is UOSA and hybrid. The other servers might be great but with only 10-50 online it makes the world feel like a ghost town unless your into pvm then it wouldnt be a big problem.

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Re: Why UOSA?

Post by LKP »

I'm pretty new to this shard, and I've had very limited playtime. I came from Hybrid and I found this server very refreshing. Here are a few of my thoughts on why:

1. It's T2A. T2A was my favorite era in UO, and it was fleeting. I've wanted to recapture it since it was first taken away, but no one has pulled it off quite this well in the 12 years' of its absence. From the grey font to the katana speed, this shard just gets it.

2. The staff is great. If you find a problem and bring it to their attention, and can prove it should work another way, they'll change it. There's always someone around, on the forums, IRC, and ingame.

3. The players are varied. That's essential. I ran into a real newbie the other day; he was running around Minoc looking for its mage shop. When I told him it didn't have one, I had to give him directions to Vesper. I was amazed to find someone so unfamiliar with things like that. I've also seen some real jerks, some people willing to help out newbies-to-the-shard like me, and everything in between.

4. It's legit. You can't buy GM skills here, and you can't just start with them either. You have to work for your skills, which is to say that they still mean something here, at least to some degree. The same goes for housing, items, etc. since you can't donate for gold or items.

I could go on but I'm out of time. Anyway, I'm enjoying it immensely so far when I have time to play, and I hope to see you in game.

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