Can't be 100% true to the Era

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by danzar »

First off. I love the ideal of a t2a UO. If you played in them days then you can only love that ERA because it was the best of UO. The reason I am posting is that we can not truly be 100% true to that era bcause the unbalanced of players.

We are a med to small commuitty of players right now on the server. With that amount of number we have way to many Red's ratio to blues. To be true to the ERA we need alot more blues to keep the reds honest. In the days of t2a the red's would hit and run places. The red's here are the one's that control where and when you do things.

I know I sound like I am crying about being PK'ed but I love Red's and the whole battle between good and evil, But the lack of balance is really the base of problem of good growth. It slows down everyones else growth in the game.

The fix. I really don't know what the fix is. I just wanted to state what "I" think is a problem.
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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by Red »

You're right, but the only remedy is more players of all types.

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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by danzar »

I agree. Hopefully time will fix it. :) I sure do hope so because other than that this server is one of the best.

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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by mrbojangles »

This shard has taken a little liberty with skill gains, making them easier than OSI was. I feel this makes up for any loss of productivity one might experience due to the abundance of pks.

This shard emulate the t2a mechanics, don't expect to see the culture and practices of t2a osi to reappear as well. Players have evolved and matured since then.

Don't farm gold in popular spots if you can't recall.
There are plenty of 'second rate' spawns that pks never/rarely check.

and yea, you sound like youre crying because you got pk'd.
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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by RoadKill »

Where are you hunting, I spent over 3 hours today AFK in various spots and only once did I see a PK.

You can't expect people to play the same way as they did during the T2A era, but there is nothing wrong with the current systems. There are more reasons to be blue than to be red on this shard, but if people choose to be red, that's their choice.

And FYI, I hunt liches, demons, dragons, lich lords, terathans, balrons, ophidians, and ice fiends. If you're watching your UO screen and can recall (scrolls or magery), you shouldn't die. If you do, you're reflexes or ping is the problem.
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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by platy »

I disagree.. On catskills you could go to Deceit ANY time of the day and see reds.
Only 2-3 spots in the entire dungeon were "off limits" to the reds.. 1. Bone knight room b/c 100+ newbies ganked the reds to death.
2. LL room b/c 20-30 Glorious Lords Flamestriked the reds to death.
3. Occasionally fire ele spots b/c guilds would be there hunting.
Other than that reds controlled almost every spot..
I haven't farmed here or been pk'd in a long time but reds always try to go where the people are: it just makes sense.

NTM for every red char, that player prolly has 2 blues on other accounts

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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by Xukluk Tuguznal »

I personally have only a few red chars which are all orcs. My human chars are all upstanding Anti-Pk/farming types. I play both equally or maybe even my blues a bit more. If there are other blues who want to patrol dungeons in groups considering a lot of pks do the same then I'd be game. It's pointless to argue the ratio and not take initiative to change it.

Some things are for the Admins to fix and like on OSI, some things are for the players to fix.
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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by danzar »

Xukluk Tuguznal wrote:

Some things are for the Admins to fix and like on OSI, some things are for the players to fix.

Perfectly said..

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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by Hemperor »

No one plays certain roles on this shard. On OSI, there were those true Blues, and many of them. The blues far outnumbered the reds and it was far riskier on OSI than it is here.

On this shard, no one really plays a role, thanks to be allowed 15 characters most reds also have a few blues also guilty of this.

After 10 years, it's hard to recreate the community, the whole feeling of T2A is sadly lost forever in a way, nothing can be done about that...the mechanics here are right, but thats about it.

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Re: Can't be 100% true to the Era

Post by BlackFoot »

the singularity is near
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