Aggressive Macer Tamer

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Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Macing GM
Tactics GM
Resist 80
Vet 80
Med 60
Taming 95
Lore 95
Magery 90

100 str/65 dex/60 int
120/85/60 duped on pots

Okay here is the scenerio, 2 dragon limit, an equipped macer
Magery is only for self heals and gates
Macing is for heals and offense
Med is low because constant healing in PVM is not entirely necessary
and in PVP you have alternate methods to heal, besides there maybe reason to don armor if you need to hang tight to aide a hurt pet.

I have controlled alot of dragons with 95 taming and 100 lore,
but if I had only two with slightly lower skill in lore, I am sure its manageable.

Any spells 7th and 8th I need to succeed, I am going with scrolls.

80 resist is ample chance to resist 6th circle...the primary combat cast.

There is no way to juggle magery,eval, med, and wrestling in a tamer template without sacrificing primary tamer skills or resist to do so to the point where they would be beneficial at all. Melee based seemed an obvious choice if I wanted my template to be any benefit in battle in itself, and macing the only weapon where it would be plausible. Stam drain is an awesome feature as well, besides the charged weapon deal, as anything less then max can pin your opponent in with your pets.

The major is very item dependent, and it would be good to travel with a caster companion, but who doesn't have one of those?
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by Meradin »

This char is all fucked up, it doesnt know what to be. I think this is a bad combo, Thats just me :-/

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Re: Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

and some people can't get the hang of hally cycling...
so don't play one

If you can't equip a wand to heal with pots, and then change over to a weapon...this might be too advanced for you.

Unless you are a macer dexxer who is being pummeled to all hades most people wouldn't consider healing with wands while using pots because you have no damage output. Only because they would most likely use a weapon type with charges instead and rely on bandages. In conjunction you would heal more damage going the wand,potion route without hindering yourself as your pets are your heavy hitting damage output. And the Beauty of that is you can wear full plate (if it really seems necessary), and not worry a bit about mana regen.

I like that better then being harmed spammed and hally whacked while I leave the security zone of my pets just to make sure I can get a heal off.
Last edited by archaicsubrosa77 on Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by Pacifico »

I think it is very interesting... looks fun

I'd drop Vet entirely and GM the rest of your skills... or drop vet to 50 and GM taming/lore/resist or a combo of skills

reason why I say 50 vet is because with my tamer I started with 50 and didnt train it, only let it gain in the field while hunting. I usually do level 4 tmaps and never really had a problem keeping my WW alive. (I only hunt with 1 WW)

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Re: Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by tanmits »

I'm so glad archaic is back...
S&S Yew: fully stocked bulk reagents, weapons, armor, explosion traps, and fishing spoils. Also, temporarily carrying POTION KEGS!

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Re: Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by Mikel123 »

Alright, I'll bite.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Macing GM
Tactics GM
Resist 80
Vet 80
Med 60
Taming 95
Lore 95
Magery 90
archaicsubrosa77 wrote: Okay here is the scenerio, 2 dragon limit, an equipped macer
I wouldn't limit myself to just two tremendously awesome allies, but I like your moxie.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Macing is for heals
archaicsubrosa77 wrote: Med is low because constant healing in PVM is not entirely necessary
and in PVP you have alternate methods to heal
Such as macing, of course.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote: There is no way to juggle magery,eval, med, and wrestling in a tamer template without sacrificing primary tamer skills or resist to do so to the point where they would be beneficial at all.
I don't want to jinx things, but this is actually true.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote: Melee based seemed an obvious choice if I wanted my template to be any benefit in battle in itself, and macing the only weapon where it would be plausible.
Well it was fun while it lasted. Why half-ass five synergistic mage skills when you can instead half-ass five skills that do very unrelated things?!
archaicsubrosa77 wrote: Stam drain is an awesome feature as well, besides the charged weapon deal, as anything less then max can pin your opponent in with your pets.
Of course. Your two-dragons (limit!) plus yourself, each covering one of the four cardinal directions of UO. Escape is inconceivable!

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Re: Aggressive Macer Tamer

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Let's look at it this way. A dexxer has what,10-15 seconds of self bandaging, and GHeal pots right?
A mage has spells to heal but also pots, except they can be interrupted and are limited by mana. Especially when that mana is being used in other trying to get the heck out because its not suited for combat. And if he is, the pets will suffer for it.

That's the primary concern there, fast uninterruptable heals on a character whose main objective is to stay in proximity to slow moving beasts because they can make the difference between victory and defeat as long as you are looking out for each other and have "some punch"*.

Secondly, okay say you see a red name pop *POP*! :lol: you cast meteor swarm give the all guard me (or all kill before the spell) command and release the meteor swarm on the enemy who got hit in the face with the dragon you just need to finish him off right? Okay, run up while starting a purp-pot.. and bash him in the head...not start casting as he runs off screen...GOOD GOD!

And you know those little buggers run too. So a ghouls touch weapon with 20-30 charges can help those lumbersome beasts keep up. And that's where pinning them in comes into play, they will be trying to refresh, heal himself, and pop pouches all at once if your caster friend had the heads up a good well placed energy field would be of benefit. That's alot of stamina drain taking all those hits, just you move a bit faster (and so hopefully can keep them paralyzed or drained to keep them still for the kill) can still roar while doing it if you like though.

I think maybe the mage tamer doesn't know what he wants to be...think of it that way. The tamer to me is supposed to be a bit of a ruffian.
You can tweak it in other ways...this is just a skellie temp for an idea. I like it this way though. It isn't for new players at all... but if you can outfit a pvp character only then should you decide on this one or not.

* Trash Talk reference :lol:

PS-I am limiting myself to two dragons because there is such a thing called overkill, and I like to get a bit more personal with my pets, tending to train them well before heading out
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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