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Post by PRahl »

Im confused... I was just bent over by "a dog". Good job to you for being an awesome griefer...

I was farming he showed up and somehow he got my wyrm to attack him. I was not grey but my wyrm was. He ran off so I gated to my house. He ran back and came in the gate. I waited until I thought my wyrm was blue then gated to town.

Somehow he followed attacked my wyrm got me guard whacked. He dry looted me then followed me to the healer hut and attacked my nightmare and gated it out before I could re res.

After the inital Anger that anyone would feel all I really want to know is how I can protect myself from scum like this in the future? How do I not get guard whacked for not doing anything wrong?

I remember back in the day on OSI there was an exploit that allowed griefers to get tamers killed in town is that active on this shard?

I mean why dont all griefers use this technique on tamers? Im guessing my wyrm mass cursed him why he was trying to loot the shit I was farming... but that doesnt explain why it flagged me in town several minutes later.

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Re: Exploit?

Post by Loathed »

wyrms and mares have the innate ability to cast mass curse, well wyrms for sure- if this happens and any innocent thing is within the area of effect the wyrm will be flagged a criminal. Also if the wyrm is guarding something say a gray person or just a corpse (that anyone can loot without going gray) then when it is interacted with the pet will be flagged as a criminal too.
hope this helps

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Re: Exploit?

Post by PRahl »

I get the looting thing and the mass curse thing. I am sure that is how he got my wyrm flagged in the first place.

What I don't understand is after a few minutes when I took my wyrm to town why was I guard whacked for him attacking my wyrm? Even if he was still flagged grey to the character I dont think I should have been guard whacked... Only way for him to make my wyrm attack him again was to attack him. And attacking someone in town that is flagged grey to u and only u should not get them guard whacked or in this case their owner guard whacked should it?

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Re: Exploit?

Post by Pirul »

I do not have nearly enough experience as Loathed has handling pets and the effects of commands on the owner and foes, but if you could provide some more detail as to what you were commanding your pet at what moment, might be useful.

For instance, where you doing an "XX Kill" while farming, or did you just have it wandering around? Did you have it guarding you? Following you? When you gated out, did you give it any orders? What about in town? What about the mare, was it guarding you?
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Re: Exploit?

Post by Sandro »

Most likely what happened was the wyrm performed a criminal action in town, and you being the owner, are responsible for those actions. If the wyrm mass cursed him outside of town, and you didn't wait out the 2 minute (120 second) criminal timer, he simply came back and attacked the wyrm. When it engaged him in town it committed a criminal action and thus you got whacked for it.
[14:17] <UOSAPlayer4056> cr3w guild is a joke. Ran by staff members, multi client pking, this shards a joke and a half.
Blaise wrote:Man, you guys are really stepping up your game now that you're not living in the shadow of cr3w

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