8/6/11 Patrol

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Border Patrol
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8/6/11 Patrol

Post by Border Patrol »

Hail citizens!

This patrol was not as long as my previous ones due to "certain" time constraints.

It all starts when I change from my handsome uniform so it can be properly cleaned....
1TakingOffHandsomeAttire.jpg (126.15 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

I decide to put on something more practical...
2PuttingOnPracticalAttire.jpg (137.75 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

As always I check in for my shift and for once the AFK stealth macroer with an offensive guild title is not present in East Brit this time.
3CheckingInForShift.jpg (136.9 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

Once arriving at West Brit Bill is already hard at work patroling. That is when Ahmakkan steals my anti-theft kit and after a long chase he finally succumbs to our demands via pummeling...
4AhmakkanTheThiefServedJusticeByMeAndBill.jpg (147.57 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

Bill has to depart and I am solo once again. I notice Uncle Ben the thieving rice dealer acting suspicious with a group of other blues who are not thieves yet mischevious indeed. As I try to frisk him he simply steals my anti theft kit. Once I flag him a group of other good citizens surround him and he has no where to run.

One of his blue friends is healing him with greater heals which only delays the inevitable. Uncle Ben replies to the blue healer to keep it up healing him so "I can steal all their stuff."

He then brags about how he is taking some of the citizens regs as we continue to pummel him. Eventually the healer exclaims "I am out of regs" and simply walks away.

Uncle Ben finally succumbs to the beating and I only saw him bank one thing during the beginning of the whole incident....
5UncleBenHadBlueHealerButGetsVigalanteJustice.jpg (136.95 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

After he is rezzed I notice him back at the bank. As I watched him open his bank bank box I watch what I already knew was going to happen. The only thing he had banked was my anti-theft device and his curiosity gets him killed yet again!!!!!
6UncleBenHadBankedMyAntiTheftKitButGetsServedByHisOwnCuriosity.jpg (144.47 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

The bank is quiet for a while until gates start popping up everywhere. Uncle ben comes out of one and exclaims something like this, " Need your help at IDOC! blah blah blah."

Before I can warn anyone not to go in the gate (who trusts a thief!? Seriously!) about 4 or 5 citizens run through never to return again.

About 5 minutes later another gate opens up at a different location at the bank. Uncle Ben again steps out with the same type of message about an IDOC and him needing help. This time he adds that people that help will be rewarded with purple sandals.

Only problem is he is grey! So me and a citizen who is standing near by kill him to make him pay for his wickedness and treachery...
7UncleBenPaysForTrickingInnocents.jpg (141.82 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

The bank is quiet for quite some time and Uncle Ben finally learns his lesson. I was just about to turn in for the day when I notice a grey name just sitting at the top of the bank. That is right! A criminal is bank sitting!
So, I tele up to the top of the bank and the criminal starts pleading and saying "WTF!" and runs down to the bottom accompanied by a WL member wearing all black and on a frenzied ostard. I do not remember the name but I am pretty sure it was one of the blues helping Uncle Ben earlier.

We start to tank it out and the WL member starts cross healing. We are fightin for about 4 minutes or so and the criminal says "Wow this is going to take a while!" and notices how this BPD officer is not at all just some rookie but indeed is a tough cookie.

I only respond with a quick LOL due to me having to pay close attention to the situation. Soon the healer has to mess with his bank box most likely to get more regs. After that, other blues start throwing out buffs and heals of their own and eventually they box me in with Ozzies and their bodies! This is no way to treat a BPD member!!

I have to start chugging pots to stay alive and think of how I can get out of this situation. As I look through my pack I noticed a marked rune and one lone recall scroll.

I unequip my weapon and trusty shield and start spamming my scroll to the rune with a macro. As the criminal sees me spamming it and fizzling because of my horrible magery and being physically hit, the criminal exclaims "Some one stop him!"

No one else wants to go grey so no debuffs are thrown out and finally in between a hally hit I am able to recall to safety.

Due to trying to stay alive through the whole ordeal this is the only screen shot I was able to take. It was pretty early during the whole ordeal and it got quite nasty after the first 3 minutes or so with all the blue cross healers/buffers keeping the criminal alive.
8TankingItOutWithGreedaWhoHadOneBlueHealerThenThree.jpg (142.01 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

Thank you for you time citizens and I will continue to "serve and protect" as best I can.

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Re: 8/6/11 Patrol

Post by Vhyx »

Officer Coward's official statement:

Fed up with my heavy handed enforcement practices, the oppressed "criminal element" decides to put me in my place.

I have to start chugging pots to stay alive and think of how I can get out of this situation. As I look through my pack I noticed a marked rune and one lone recall scroll. Just the thing I need to prove to the world that I can't hack it in a real street fight against the truly dangerous elements of society.

I unequip my weapon and trusty shield and start spamming my scroll to the rune with a macro. A side note, whenever I undergo this emergency procedure La Marseillaise begins to play from a music box I keep in my pocket.

Hythloth Tower for Sale. Contact Boondock_Saint via PMs because it's his and not mine. Azheman will broker the deal, naked.

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Re: 8/6/11 Patrol

Post by Vishakt »

Good story. Extra points for getting some pirate-hate. Excellent RP all around. =)

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Border Patrol
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Re: 8/6/11 Patrol

Post by Border Patrol »

Vishakt wrote:Good story. Extra points for getting some pirate-hate. Excellent RP all around. =)

Thank you for your appreciation. I try my best for roleplay but by no means would ever be able to match the RP the Urks bring to the table. The Urks are the best hands down.

Also I found this little gem when on Patrol outside of one of the cities.....
Border Patrol_8-11_20.49.jpg

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Border Patrol
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Re: 8/6/11 Patrol

Post by Border Patrol »

Vishakt wrote:Good story. Extra points for getting some pirate-hate. Excellent RP all around. =)

Thank you for your appreciation. I try my best for roleplay but by no means would ever be able to match the RP the Urks bring to the table. The Urks are the best hands down.

Also I found this little gem when on Patrol outside of one of the cities.....
Border Patrol_8-11_20.49.jpg

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