UO Not Saving Key Bindings

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UO Not Saving Key Bindings

Post by Soma »

For some reason or other, whenever I try to bind a key in the UO options (Like Fireball or target last), it doesn't save when I log out, its really a pain, considering every time I log out or crash, I gotta set up several key bindings again and again.

The only time it saved my keybindings was on my first start up, after that, any keybindings I made 'erased' themselves upon logout.

Any suggestions? I was thinking that it was just not saving to the character macros file, but I went into the macros2d.txt file to edit them personally, but to no avail, they still did't save, and just ended up deleting the new macros I added.

Edit: Turns out it only affects the home/pageup keys etc, seems they are unbindable, heh.
If anyone knows how to disable the home/end/pageup/down keys' primary function, it would be much appreciated.
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Re: UO Not Saving Key Bindings

Post by Derrick »

UO and Razor aren't very good at saving things. The most reliable way to get things save properly is to open only one client, log in, set up everything the way you want it, log out, and then close the client.

Things don't get saved when the client crashes, and each client writes to the same settings file when it closes. Once you get it set up you'll be fine until you make changes, if you do make a change, be sure that the client you made the change in is the last one to be closed, and be sure to log out and then close, rather than just hitting the [X]

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Re: UO Not Saving Key Bindings

Post by Hoots »

I have had good luck with creating different templates in razor for everything i wanted to do..

So i have a PvP template, taming/ bard template, crafting template, etc.

Once i started making templates in RAZOR (so i didnt have to do it in UO) things have been much better/more reliable. But like D said. Make changes and then log out and come back in... Client Crashes dont save

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