New to UOSA would like to join.

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:42 pm

New to UOSA would like to join.

Post by Animosity »

My name is John

I am looking to join a guild that is friendly and helpful. I have ran into a few of your members in Moonglow and they were both friendly and very helpful to a new player. (only 2 hours old when I met them.)

My past UO experience was from T2A launch to about AOS launch and I was always on Catskills shard. I have played numerous character with various skill combination, from the normal to strange. My main was an Archer/Swrd until I was able to afford to build the more costly skills. Then I switched my main to the "normal" Hally/Mage. I also Gm'd characters with all crafting and gathering skills.

At this point I have only been on this shard for a few days. And am currently working up a Melee Bard until I can afford to remake my mage. I am always willing to help others out, though at this point I might not be a huge help.
If you have any more questions or would like to talk further please look me up on IRC name will be "Animoisty" That will be the name of my mage when I get to that point.
Thank you for taking the time to consider me.

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