Screen Layout Rocking

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Light Shade
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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Light Shade »

Bicchus Dicchus wrote: Let's have a discussion. If you like, post your layouts and compare.
-Bicchus Dicchus
I used to love tinkering with stuff like this back in the day. If you ever release it, lemme know. Most of my tinkering was in the form of adding artwork as opposed to modifying, though. Like the work you've done.
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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by SJane3384 »

Last edited by Derrick on Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dolphins are NOT era accurate, and MUST be banned!

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Berock Shagando
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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Berock Shagando »

SJane3384 wrote:Dude, that's like saying someone with good eyesight is cheating, haha.
No. If you cant see what everyone else can, get fckin glasses. Thats a disadvantage that that person controls. But when only one person has this graphical "advantage" its not exactly "fair." I'm not a loot thief so I really don't care either way, and really that is the only advantage to this. But I have had loot stolen from several kills during events, which is very frustrating when you go to it in hopes of making a profit. And I'm willing to bet that its possible to run a looting macro that auto loots gold or specific items from corpses that are nearby...this, if possible, is bullshit and should be an offense worth a ban or suspension IMO. Especially during events.

Im not totally dogging on Bicchus' layout. I mean its ugly IMO, but it works for him and is functional. I just think everyone should have the same graphics. That way NO ONE has any software advantages over anyone else. The next step is using UOX to make it easier for him. UOX is an "illegal" third party program here because it gives an advantage and makes the game easier for that particular person. Bicchus' graphic alteration is the same idea, to make it easier for him. But suppose he creates a program similar to UOX. All it does is make the game easier for him right? Yes but only him, giving him an advantage over others. Like I said, the graphic editing isn't such a big deal. But where is the line drawn.

I am impressed with your work tho Bicchus. Don't take all this personally.

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Panthor the Hated »

It is cheating in the same respect as other mul edit "hacks" like shortening walls. These techniques don't give any real advantage and cannot be protected against anyways.

Much better to allow this then to try and ban it. Creativity is a good thing.

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Berock Shagando »


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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Mens Rea »

Give to me plz

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Bicchus Dicchus
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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Bicchus Dicchus »

UOX is a server emulator, a predecessor to RunUO really.

UOE (UO Extreme) is a program much like Razor, albeit ten years earlier, with features that Razor lacks, such as making corpses you've already looted invisible to you.

Panthor's right, there is no easy way to see if someone's client is modded without using some sort of checksum scheme.

Gotta run!

Since you've played nice, I'll let you check out this graphic I stole years ago.


-Bicchus Dicchus

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Bicchus Dicchus »

Sorry, I wrote that last post at the girlfriend's place.
The next step is using UOX to make it easier for him. UOX is an "illegal" third party program here because it gives an advantage and makes the game easier for that particular person.
Do you know what UOX is?

I'm gonna assume you're talking about UO Extreme (UOE), a program which hasn't been updated or usable since 1999.
If you're gonna talk about a program, be sure you know what it does.

Anything else is just libel. Or Bull.

But since I'm a kind and caring gentleman, and feeling no small amount of sauciness today, I will put you in my good grace and enlighten you somewhat.

Here's a copypasta directly from the UO Extreme readme.txt:
Macros for:
cast spell
reagent & archery counter
use object
last object
target object
last target
target self
multi last target
ignore player
open bank box (currently non-functional due to .34 patch)

Options for:
show incoming names
show humans only
weather filter
auto resnoop pack on failure
auto recast spell on failure
show player's hp
spirit speak & bard music filter
always light
guild name filter for allnames
only strip guild titles
Compare with Razor. You use Razor, right? ;)
Well, aside from some features left out, Razor is essentially an updated successor to UO Extreme, or UO Assist if you will.
In fact, Razor can duplicate or supercede most of the alleged cheats found within UO Extreme.

As for it giving the user an 'unfair' advantage over others, there can be observed to be truths on both sides of this equation.
Yes, people like myself no longer get caught up in the woods, having to hit ctrl-shift (cheating!) to see a target, but rather we can run free.
Yes! No longer do our boats block our vision of attackers, nay, we can fight back with clear eyes and conscience. Yes!

However, if I do not release this, then the freedom is mine alone.

But I'm not that kinda guy. I like to share. Most things atleast.

And if I were to release this, perhaps in the modular form I'm envisioning..
I'd percieve an adoption rate of perhaps 30-40% among shard populace, which would quickly find themselves in a higher tier of playing capabilities.

Just like how folk who play oldschool fullscreen can't keep up with windowed w/ black gui area,
or how peeps who still load the client on it's own could never hope to keep up with Razor users.

So... You're welcome ;)

-Bicchus Dicchus
Last edited by Bicchus Dicchus on Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by morganm »

I too am on a laptop and I know what you mean about being efficient with your desktop realestate. Below is a screenshot of what I do to not only use what I have well but also keep it organized. I use the same layout for all characters so I always know where things are. Ally health bars always go on the right and opponents go on the bottom. I have a ton of hot keys as well.


While I applaud your work to make it better for you... it doesn't suit my taste. Those modified graphics just ruin the "look and feel" for me. However it's your desktop and it works well for you which was the intent.

To the comment about good eyesight and cheating.... from someone who has shitty eye sight even with my glasses on... I hate you cheaters... :lol:

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Bicchus Dicchus »


Moving the window away from the corner to make space for another row and column of spell icons, it looks great!

Bicchus Dicchus

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Berock Shagando »

Bicchus Dicchus wrote:Sorry, I wrote that last post at the girlfriend's place.
The next step is using UOX to make it easier for him. UOX is an "illegal" third party program here because it gives an advantage and makes the game easier for that particular person.
Do you know what UOX is?

I'm gonna assume you're talking about UO Extreme (UOE), a program which hasn't been updated or usable since 1999.
If you're gonna talk about a program, be sure you know what it does.

Blah blah blah
First of I know what UOE was...and back when it was first popular, alot of people referred to it as UOX for "x-treme"...whatever...Before most players knew there were UO Emulators...also very rarely referred to as UOE's :o And honestly I havent even really played UO much since UO:R's release. So no, I wasn't up to date on which third party programs are still used.
Bitchface Dickface wrote:As for it giving the user an 'unfair' advantage over others, there can be observed to be truths on both sides of this equation.
Yes, people like myself no longer get caught up in the woods, having to hit ctrl-shift (cheating!) to see a target, but rather we can run free.
Yes! No longer do our boats block our vision of attackers, nay, we can fight back with clear eyes and conscience. Yes!
This just backs up my original response. And by the way, Bitchface Dickface....My name is not Bagrock. But thats ok. You will get it right when your GF is screaming "Berock" in her sleep.

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Zelek Uther »

Bicchus, Berock, you are both valued members of the UOSA community.

Gentlemen, enough with the name-calling.

We don't want a moderator to move this interesting and popular thread into Trash Talk.

Let's post some more screen layouts...
Zadok Uther - Co-founder of Society of Traders [S^T]

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Berock Shagando
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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Berock Shagando »

Only reason I was name calling is because he referred to me as Bagrock. Im not an orc. No offense to any orcs out there lol

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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Panthor the Hated »

Ee nub no wut bagrock ib. Dat nub urkish. Dun blaym uz dumhed ummie.

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Bicchus Dicchus
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Re: Screen Layout Rocking

Post by Bicchus Dicchus »

Wow, I didn't realize a typo could make someone flip out like that.

Berock, I forgive you.

Have a beer on me, and come, shake my hand like these two:


Care to post a screenshot of your screen layout? That's kinda what this entire topic is for.

-Bicchus Dicchus

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