PvM Warrior question

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Sandro wrote:People play eval dexxers all the time in tournaments, you're just giving bad advice.

You're putting everything in a perfect scenario as if it will all, always work out in your favor everytime with no flaws or disturbances in said strategy. Doesn't work that way in real time.
I know, I was just messing with you being you made a name for yourself in the tourneys. It was a nudge in the side type of praise.

But...it's always nice to have a bit more of an arsenal available to you, and on the field you (and your opponent) have alot more leg room then in tournaments. If you cast E-bolt when your Enemy Bolts and hold it until you see him stop to greater heal or recall...it makes for a dependable interrupt.

I think of it like this. You have potions to boost the other stats but intelligence so 50 intel is good as 95 dex with pots are also. In PVM...let's not use that...rather on the field it might be beneficial to occasionally cast a summon daemon, earthquake, or a more dependable gate to bank your loot and come back quick. And in instances where you want to Meteor Swarm or E-Bolt someone you have that option to do so both more dependently and with more damage.

Tracking is good I am not knocking that at all, it pays to have time to prep or recall out. But to say every temp should have it...there I would disagree.
Last edited by archaicsubrosa77 on Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by Sandro »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:If you cast E-bolt when your Enemy Bolts and hold it until you see him stop to greater heal or recall...it makes for a dependable interrupt.
This is why I say you're giving bad advice and don't know what you're talking about.

If you've waited until your opponent is casting gheal/recall (4th circle) then you've already waited too long, as the 1 second damage delay will allow them to get that spell off. In order to disrupt you have to "gamble" the disrupt and target the spell before their words of power even come up. If you wait until you see "In Vas Mani" it will never disrupt unless you're holding a harm cursor.

Now, you can stop giving bad advice to new players just to increase your post count on the forums.
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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

I said it right in my quote though...when the enemy disengages start casting. When they stop...release, or keep it precasted if you were too slow. You can use it either in retreat to interrupt an offensive cast or further pursuing depending.

Bad advice :lol:

If you were on the field more then those boxes you would see PK dexxers use magery to interrupt all the time without eval.

Tell you what. Even my 50/50 thing with provocation was right on even when the formula stated by Derrick and defined in the wikkipedia by Roadkill was wrong...not that they don't know what they are doing. Just saying Authority has been known to be wrong....even yours.

Just because you been here awhile and kept yourself in the box for so long you dont know the world outside it is there, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I advise all new players to think for themselves and reason...and never mind the super egoes here. I made mine enemies and it is relevant...or has anyone else not noticed?

Why would my advice be bad when I call on numbers against them? It's only the squirts that carry their coattails for them that I bite my thumb at. For the rest of you...advising you to be an archer in pvm is asking you to hand over your gold...do you not see this?

Why else would one call for minimum healing on a dexxer bard or minimal med without wrestling with magery to heal? It makes for easier pickings I say.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by Caswallon »

Sandro wrote:This is why I say you're giving bad advice and don't know what you're talking about.

Now, you can stop giving bad advice to new players just to increase your post count on the forums.
QFT. +1. etc.

I gave up telling incorrectsamosa he is always wrong about everything a long time ago, pretty sure hes a joke/troll account, probably Josh Lee, no one can be shown up publicly as utterly wrong every single time they post something and not learn to STFU.

Sad thing is some noobs probably follow hes "advice", and i use that term loosely, and dont have the resources to waste on redoing skills.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by morganm »

OK SOOOooo..... back on topic here...

With regards to the original post about WEAPONS .... This thread helped me a lot with understanding weapons.


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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by Pirul »

For PvM I prefer swords (as they are dirt cheap) or fencing, since you have a good mix of dmg and speed. I also use parry, and I love to be able to block that Deamon's hit once in a while. Since in PvM you are not as dependant on potions, having a shield really is a boost. A template I'd recomend is:

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by applejack »

I can't find the thread, but I remember it being stated that our wiki is wrong and 64 shown was the minimum for no fail recalls, which is what it is on stratics. I could be wrong, but that's what a few characters of mine are at specifically for that reason.
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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Situations arise all the time where a dexxer with no eval can use magery to enhance combat. Like using a precast inbetween changing from a two hander to a one hander to keep the damage rolling.

I mean come on lets say you kept a Dped Magic hally on you for just the occasion of a red stopping in and saying hello. You see a red name to the North and instead of recalling you run a bit to the south and precast meteor swarm arm the hally and engage. Hopefully it poisons him as you let him withdraw enough to try to heal for you to release the spell, switching to the katana and starting a purple pot as you run in on him.

Yes it's one scenerio out of many. But in this case the poison, the spell, the purple pot, and the Katana all pose real threats to interruption of either his spell or causing him to drink a cure instead of a heal as you lay in on him with the combo. It may not work that smooth every time, but that doesn't mean you still won't do some very real damage even if it's just to release the spell to give pause enough to heal yourself.

There isn't just one scenerio, there are many...of course that's easy to forget when UO just became a no magics no pots tourney for twirly bird tank mages where every move is seen and every route predictable.

If you want magery enough to just recall, you are probably going to use it to greater heal too, so why not make the most of it? It's a swiss army knife, and even if it doesn't look like it, a swiss army knife can be also used as a weapon depending on circumstance. It depends on how you use it, and when.

Anyone who thinks it is for one specific scenerio has not given it much thought at all...or has it in mind that since they arent the best at something...why even try?

Those who are afraid to fail are afraid to try...and those who doubt you...those are the ones who won't see it coming.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by Mikel123 »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Situations arise all the time where a dexxer with no eval can use magery to enhance combat. Like using a precast inbetween changing from a two hander to a one hander to keep the damage rolling.

I mean come on lets say you kept a Dped Magic hally on you for just the occasion of a red stopping in and saying hello. You see a red name to the North and instead of recalling you run a bit to the south and precast meteor swarm
...on your dexer with 40 INT ?!
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:arm the hally and engage. Hopefully it poisons him
50% chance to hit, times 25% chance to poison, means this happens 1 in 8 times you try it
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:as you let him withdraw enough to try to heal for you to release the spell,
85% chance of success with GM magery? I'm not even sure, I forget the percentage.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:switching to the katana and starting a purple pot as you run in on him.

Yes it's one scenerio out of many. But in this case the poison, the spell, the purple pot, and the Katana all pose real threats to interruption of either his spell or causing him to drink a cure instead of a heal as you lay in on him with the combo. It may not work that smooth every time,
By my math, it looks like about 10% of the time it will work that smoothly.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote: but that doesn't mean you still won't do some very real damage even if it's just to release the spell to give pause enough to heal yourself.

There isn't just one scenerio, there are many...of course that's easy to forget when UO just became a no magics no pots tourney for twirly bird tank mages where every move is seen and every route predictable.

If you want magery enough to just recall, you are probably going to use it to greater heal too,
In two years with a fencing dexer, a swords dexer, and a mace parryer, all with 90-100 magery, I never cast this spell once.
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:so why not make the most of it? It's a swiss army knife, and even if it doesn't look like it, a swiss army knife can be also used as a weapon depending on circumstance. It depends on how you use it, and when.

Anyone who thinks it is for one specific scenerio has not given it much thought at all...or has it in mind that since they arent the best at something...why even try?

Those who are afraid to fail are afraid to try...and those who doubt you...those are the ones who won't see it coming.
I agree, I won't see a Meteor Swarm coming from a dexer, so you have the element of surprise. On the plus side for the hypothetical me though, after I take 11 damage from the Meteor Swarm, you have no mana which means you can't Recall from me. And since I clearly have a big dex advantage, and a far better understanding of the game, me having 77 seconds until you're able to Recall means I'm likely going to kill you.

I would gladly take a MS hit at the beginning of each fight if it meant I had over a minute where my opponent could not recall.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by morganm »

I'd like to see some RPVs of all these awesome combos and scenarios.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Meteor Swarm will do about the equivelent of a flamestrike against a single target without eval.

And if you never cast a greater heal on your dexxer, you probably ran from anything that isn't AI.
Seriously...poison will disrupt your bandages. Either you run/recall way too much or you PVP in graveyards, or in gank squads where your one hit gave you a kill. That or you die more then you should.

Anyway, like I said to keep the numbers flowing in changing weapons during that one second delay or comboing with a first strike meteor swarm are good strategies. You don't have to...and in fact, I am glad if you lot don't. You want to be relentless...okay maybe YOU don't...but some people actually do commit themselves to the fight.

As far as being wrong all the time, not at all...in fact the majority of the time I am briefly wrong is believing so called vets until I find out for myself.

Most of you are griefers in forums as much as in game. I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw a pot at you.

Go play your bard without provo you ninnies. You know it all right? Yeah Right, You all fail hardcore. You are perfectly fine with 30ish hiding where you will fail constantly, but even facing a low roll on a spell is just terrifying to you...hillarious...

To be honest if you want to hide that bad going the extra thirty points in magery will give you the ability to dissappear on a whim for an ample enough time. If you are using it to pvp with as you lay in wait...that's what ghosts and gaters are for.

I will say it again...especially if you are hunting with it, GMing magery is not a bad idea at all on a dexxer. You can use it for combat despite what the twirly birds and tone def bards may say, but it's just overall useful...and less of a hassle in even doing mundane things like prepping magic reflect.

That might not appeal to you though...I couldn't see why.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by morganm »

Nobody said GM magery was bad on a dexxer... I think you're missing what people are pointing out here... which is typical from you.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

People are saying that you should not cast offensively on a dexxer without eval.

Go on test and cast meteor swarm on yourself without eval and watch, you will usually end up with around 63-70 hit points from 100. E-bolts average around 13-14 points damage.

Now if you use pots where you have to throw them based on their timer, why not use a spell where you can use it when you feel it necessary?

I see the point perfectly...

a bunch of ill mannered trolls 'ere who only discredit themselves now that test center is readily available to everyone at their leisure especially. Everybody and their mom can see you are wrong...and really don't know what you are talking about.

RPV's arent allowed it seems. So better then watch someone else do it, test it yourself.

Take it to test...throw a few pots at yourself too while you are at it, maybe with only you around you might pass that hide check :lol:
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by morganm »

You should just stop posting in this thread... it's getting really hard to find the good advice amongst all the bullshit.

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Re: PvM Warrior question

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Tell you what...
When a dexxer rolls you with a precasted meteor swarm after a Dped hally hit and you die miserably...
Make sure to keep quiet about it :lol:

Meteor swarm, chain lightning, and earthquake are considered field spells...that means they dont require evaluating intelligence to boost their damage output. Nor can they be reflected...big thing there.

And if you are throwing pots anyway, as I said way back...synching them with e-bolt even when you don't have eval will help increase your damage output and because of casting time will give you an insta hit.

SO...for interrupts you have three chances...
e-bolt, potion, hally...and even if you miss it you will still do considerable amount of damage. Just like a hally mage except you would switch to katana and press the issue instead of running around looking for a safe place to cast or do the stop and go to replenish your swing timer.

If you want to be retards fine...but everyone here can see this for themselves on test.
Instead of being trash talkers I want you to think real hard why an extra bit of damage when you throw a pot or a large amount of damage after a big hit is a bad thing...unless you are rolling low mage.

Meteor swarm itself can do 30 plus damage (on test I ALWAYS went from 100 to 70-63 with GM resist) and you can get near the same results with e-bolt, ex-pot combos. DO YOU DENY THIS...in front of the forums I want you to tell everyone here that this is wrong...come on...we are waiting.

Matron loved the MS,EQ, Ex-pot thing for a thief without eval because it wasn't necessary...I can find the quote if you like....

At times like this people can see who the real trolls are.

I also said 50 intel, you can boost stength and dex but not intelligence by twenty with potions. If magery is both your tool and weapon, higher intel is preferable. Granted these tactics would be better for medidexxers who could make use of them more often, but they are also applicable to your garden variety dexxer as well.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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