Blue Pker

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by kwhiz73 »

Not to hijack or get off topic...but remember the delay back then when you opened a treasure chest? The first step was to always rez the person picking the lock.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Clark_Kent »

BobDobbs wrote:Razor is far more era inaccurate than multi clienting.
Yeah, I'll jump in the camp saying that I actually did have 2 accounts on OSI. And to complete Matron's cliche, I also sold shit on e-bay to pay for the accounts. Eventually had a 3rd account as a counselor, but that was just the counselor character.

Although Razor is inaccurate, Easy UO, UOAutoloop, etc. were pretty common. I'll admit I used 'em and a lot of the functionality we get out of Razor could be obtained through a few third party programs working together.

I think the most solid point made in here is by Mike and the theory that we just have a lot better information now. Yes, there was Stratics--but there were also a load of casual players too which we don't have here. We're the diehard players, the powergamers, and largely the minority player base. There's a reason Trammel was put in--most of the gaming base wanted it. We're the fringe and a lot of what we see as problems here are the results of having a pure power gamer shard by and by large.
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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Mikel123 »

Right... the information is big. Many of us here played in 1999 and thought we knew everything because we had Stratics. So we though our katanas were the fastest weapon (odds are, they weren't even close).

Forums, too, were utter garbage. Stratics forums didn't take off until 2000+ so there wasn't really a good place to go to learn more, except the aforementioned Stratics.

But again... think of the lag factor. If you have a 250 ping next to a Balron, it can outrun you. Likewise a white wyrm. Imagine an additional .250 second delay on everything you do. Imagine chugging potions by moving your mouse to double-click it.

I would guess the majority of people on UOSA did not have UOAssist back in the day (just a hunch). I would actually guess the majority of UOSA forum posters did not have UOA.

Death was far, far more common back then, and was a far bigger deal. Additionally, housing was so expensive that you really couldn't afford one to macro in. It was a catch-22. If you had enough money to buy a house, you probably didn't need to macro in it. And if you needed to macro, you probably couldn't afford a house. Not to mention the GMs, in my experience, were pretty good at catching macroers.

The one piece of evidence we have relating skill gain from OSI to UOSA shows it's actually *harder* here, mechanically. And of all skills, this happens to be one that was thought to be among the most difficult on OSI.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by BobDobbs »

I had UOAssist, but not before I GMed mining and smithing before I bought it.

That was not fun.
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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Sissypants »

Without doing the death by quote....

Agree with Clark and Mikel on their points about the "ease" of character development here. I don't believe for a minute that skill gains here are somehow programmed in to be easier. It just feels that way because as was said, we've done this before so we know how to do things in a quick and efficient manner. Plus we have a lot of tools at our fingertips that make things super quick.

I really enjoy this shard, but when it comes to character development there is very little risk, and the rewards are high. We can macro to our hearts content and there is little competition for gold/resources/items.

Every time I see a "PK" complaint I have to laugh. I feel far safer here when I'm out and about, than I ever did on OSI. I'm still wary of everyone I meet, but the fact of the matter is I run in to few people out in the wild. The only time I've been PK'ed is when I let it happen, as it gave me an opportunity to use my ghost for some recon. The other attempt failed because the perpetrator was a bloody idiot.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Stratics »

As a new player to this shard and trying to get started I am finding the blue pk issue very annyoing. Its not just getting killed and looted that bothers me, i travel light most times. It is the fact that everytime it has happened the pk in question comes running on screen with his spells already cast and lights me up before i even know im not alone.

I find I don't get to actually enjoy playing the game when everytime I see a name appear on my screen I should be prepared to run or die. I know that if i didnt have such fond memories of playing this game i would have left already.

I played this game until third dawn and I never experienced anything like this. I made some very good friends just running into people and hunting or doing tmapson OSI. Since I started here ive only encountered 1 person in the "wild" that didnt try and kill me and its possible he was just working up to it.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by BobDobbs »

UOSA is far, far safer than OSI.

If you go to a popular spot with a half finished character, you're going to die, and rightly so.

If you go to a quiet spot with a half finished character, you're going to be fine.
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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Hildigam »

I know when I played on OSI I was a big time noob. I'm sure it was mostly age, knowledge, and internet connection. Now that I've done some research, am older and more efficient, and have a broadband connection I've been able to train several characters to a level it took me years to get to after only two weeks.

I do agree that my experience on Chessie was that if I saw a Blue name that I didn't have to worry. I'm sure there were blue pks and that I died to some but I can't remember any particular instance of it happening. I've had it happen several times here and it does make dungeons more dangerous. Out in the open, however, I've bumped into many people and have been able to socialize and make some new friends just the same as I did back in 1999.

To be fair, we have blue pks but we also have Shallow Grave and Hendrix. I don't think I was ever killed on OSI by a pk just for them to resurrect me and help me get back to town after taking my stuff. Blue pks suck but some of the reds here are better than OSI reds so I'll consider it an even trade.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Victor Horn »

Well I have been playing for months now, but lately I been running into a lot of Blue PK now and its getting very stupid. I use to try to talk with other players as long as they were blue. Now I find myself running from everyone because I just can’t trust the other players now. Unless I’m in a guard zone. So is there any way to redo the stats for killers. Like if you’re blue but attack someone you lose all fame and Karma and become red. I think if your character goes from Honorable or higher to Murderer with just one murder and have Zero Karma or fame then the blue PKing will stop. Since they will not be able to enter a town, but since it goes off of murder rate then they can just kill another blue from time to time without having to worry about turning complete red. Plus the same for anyone trying to steal from another. They should go to a red status if caught and you should be able to kill them without repercussions against you for attacking them.
All I know is that if this blue pking keeps up, I’m just going to leave. I don’t find it at all realistic at all and it takes away any real reason to stay on the virtue side since it’s easy to keep yourself blue. Commit a murder that’s fine. All you have to do, is go kill up to 10+ monsters and you recouped your loses in Karma.
Plus the Blue PKer only loses karma, while you lose lots of fame and Karma.
Now some one stated If you go to a quiet spot with a half finished character, you're going to be fine.
My back side. I’m a GM Warrior and I’m getting PK by other blues all the time now. Normally I’m fighting multiple monsters and just about to kill the last one. When Blue PK runs up hits me with one to two Margery spells and kills me.
Now for the one that stated he could get third party software to macro so Razor makes it era Accurate, NO what you were doing with Third party software was what they call being a hacker. I don't uses Razor even for this shard, why IM NOT A HACKER.........................
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Last edited by Victor Horn on Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Panthor the Hated »

Now thieves should go red!?

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Blackbeard »

Determining if somebody is a blue PK is relatively easy.

Assuming they don't simply attack you on sight, here's some things you can do to check your situation: First, take a look at their paperdoll. If you meet a blue mage named "The Malicious John Doe" or even somebody with no fame or karma title, you've probably met a murderer but that's no guarantee that the Glorious Lord isn't also a psychopath who just kills enough Balrons to make up for the karma loss. Second, examine their actions. Are they kind of circling you like a vulture? Perhaps in and off-screening at random intervals while you're fighting something? Are they quiet or talkative? This part can make a huge difference. Quiet people are creepy but not necessarily malicious. Overly talkative people are obviously stalling for backup. Did they loot your kill? Are they walking up right next to you? Chances are if they're doing any of these things, they're also after your backpack. Third, to protect yourself: Don't ever summon Blade Spirits, Energy Vortexes or field spells that can bring harm unless you're ready to flee or can hide. I think a recent patch made it so that you don't flag grey when somebody walks into your field spells. Lastly: Don't ever let yourself fall below 70-80% health or 11% mana, keep a magic reflect spell thrown up as often as possible, carry plenty of red potions (especially during an event because people love to block in other players to steal their crap), flag grey around other blue players without the hiding skill and set your Recall spell to a hotkey. Join a PvM guild like UOH. There is safety in numbers.
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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Victor Horn »

Determining if somebody is a blue PK is relatively easy.

Kind of hard when they appear run up to you and attack, you don’t have a chance to respond or check.
Even had a guy start talking to me and then attacked when I was writing a response.
Don't ever let yourself fall below 70-80% Kind of hard when fighting two liches.
Sorry missed typed:
Now thieves should go red: No at least go gray so they can be attacked if found trying to steal from you with out penalty to you for defending yourself from a thief.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Blackbeard »

Yeah, for warriors that rule is a little more difficult to live by but this is what off-screening is for. When you get down to that amount, off-screen, bandage up and resume the fight. Cross-healing is why traveling in groups is so much safer. You certainly shouldn't let yourself get below 40% if you're a warrior, ever. If they're attacking you on sight, congratulations. You know if that player is a blue PK. I generally refrain from speaking to people I don't know except on the most rudimentary level in the field unless it's become keenly obvious they aren't out to gank me. Generally speaking, many people will blue PK you if you run in and try to crowd their spot.
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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Panthor the Hated »

Thieves go grey every time they steal from a blue.

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Re: Blue Pker

Post by Victor Horn »

Panthor the Hated wrote:Thieves go grey every time they steal from a blue.
Only if they steal something not if you notice them trying...........

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