Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by benny- »

Before I start, I just want to say that I've always been a huge fan of this server (my all time favorite by far) and I think I understand as much as anyone the importance for sticking to era accuracy...the need to promote this alone rather than changes made for the sake of appeasing the playerbase.

That being said, one flaw that I often find with this approach is that the game itself is consistently moving more and more to a frozen state. We have a set date in place for which we strive to make this shard more and more like...every update and patch getting this server closer to the target date of Nov 99. While that is a very good thing to have; having a goal in place to model this server after, it does however alter game play in a way that didn't actually exist during the era.

That is, during the era things weren't slowing down, each update getting closer and closer to a finished project, but instead the game was ever changing with new items being introduced, changes in skills and templates, new areas to explore, etc. And while many a veteran here will admit that this was what eventually led to the downfall of UO, it did keep the game refreshing, new, and exciting...always the chance for a mechanic to change or something new to be introduced.

Now then, enough forward and to the suggestion!

As I said above, during the era things were always changing, which kept the game from growing stale, keeping people's interest perked and the like, which is something that I think should be done here through changes to our current spawns. As I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong here), spawns changed throughout the era and differed a bit from shard to shard. I've heard mention before of how on one server, a certain spawn may have a number of creatures while on another shard they were lacking. If this is the case, then era accuracy can't be exactly replicated through spawns, but instead the commonalities between the servers during the era should be how we model ours here.

This is purely for the sake of example, as it would be up to the staff here to decide how this could be carried out, but say the deceit lich room was changed one night and the number of lich lords was increased to say 3-4 spawning at a time. The lich room would still be the lich room (I'm not suggesting a different mob or anything custom of course) but suddenly it'd be crawling with activity. You'd see all sorts of pvmers trying to farm what now offers great loot, which then encourages pks to start hunting there, then perhaps the anti's come out, knowing that this is now the hotspot for pvp, etc etc.

Now then say after a few weeks, perhaps a month, the spawn reverted to it's original state. A few days later, someone catches word that a number of ogre lords (I believe this existed on some servers during the era) our now spawning on the island in lower Despise. Suddenly bards are making their way to Despise, competing for the spawn, pks follow, etc (imagine Despise being a hotspot! :D ). A few weeks later, perhaps the ogres abandon the area, the mages return, things in Despise now die down. One day a player finds an increase in the number of elder gazers at Covetous....

Anyway, I think I've painted the picture well enough. The idea would be to keep the spawns ever changing with small changes done here and there, though always reverting back to an original state thus to keep players interested in trying new areas to hunt, keep pks looking in different areas for farmers, and the like. Furthermore, if this were to be something that was done unannounced, it would keep players guessing as to when and where the next change would be. Players would continually be patrolling dungeons, revisiting once abandoned areas, always checking out the spawns to see if and how they've changed.

Hope I explained it well, but the idea is to keep the game changing, exciting, and freshen things up for pvmers (thus stimulating dungeon pvp) all in a way that wouldn't compromise the shard's accuracy and would better recreate the era's excitement by always introducing new content.

Please discuss!
- Elisud

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Mikel123 »

This is probably the best idea of this kind (forced change that's not solely for the purpose of accuracy) that I've seen here. I admit I was skeptical when I read your intro paragraphs but I think it's a solid idea. Interestingly, as you say, I believe spawns did vary from shard to shard. Certainly we know for a fact the mage salesmen in Moonglow, for example, varied across shards. It's not hard to believe that certain monster spawns were changed by GMs here and there for events, and then never changed back to their precise original values.

Another fun benefit... I'd certainly check out the many places in Brittania more frequently, if I thought I might be the first to find a triple-elder-gazer spawn somewhere, or a pack of frenzied ostards roaming the new lands.

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Rammar »

Things seem to have moved in this direction lately. The Nujel'm cemetary was overrun with an increasingly crazy spawn for weeks prior to the full-out invasion. The Yew crypts also had a much enhanced spawn weeks prior to the Minax keep event.

These sorts of things do feel a lot less forced than the (seemingly) bi-weekly Cove invasion.

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by GuardianKnight »

Didn't we just have a post asking for more gold sinks to stop inflation? Now we want more high paying monsters to inflate our currency? I'm confused.
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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by yossarian »

I beleive the OP clearly states he is talking about shard activity. Not pixel hoarding.

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Faust »

I think having more diverse auotmative PVE events in the actual world would be more suitable to get this sort of effect.

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by dimensional »

Faust wrote:I think having more diverse auotmative PVE events in the actual world would be more suitable to get this sort of effect.
I support this idea as well. I think those scripted PvE events are fantastic, and having a very large amount of high-quality, varied events would do wonders in adding a breath of life to the world, as well as encourage more field PvP. I think it would be great to see more players wandering out into the wilderness in search of something great rather than the 3 or 4 usual dungeon hot spots.

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by benny- »

GuardianKnight wrote:Didn't we just have a post asking for more gold sinks to stop inflation? Now we want more high paying monsters to inflate our currency? I'm confused.
As yossarian suggested, the idea is only for the purpose of stimulating activity. Some very small changes done one at a time (though consistently) in order to switch things up every few weeks, month, or the like. A way to keep the game fresh for everyone by giving players an incentive to hunt in new areas, explore and revisit old dungeons, and ultimately offer more field pvp in different locations. But since you bring up goldsinks, I'll comment...

Adding new spawns does not add more gold to the game. Simply because an additional ogre lord would be spawned in Wrong for a few weeks or Fire had one or two more efreets for a month does not mean the market will be flooded with too much gold. If the same amount of players would be farming anyway, but now they have the option to farm a new location instead of the same handful of hotspots they've been farming for months and months, no matter what they're still generating gold into the game.

The only way adding additional spawn could create more gold than what would normally be farmed is if more players are playing or existing players are doing more farming. That is, the only way this would create more gold than what would normally be generated during any given day is if more people are playing. If we need to worry about too many people out there playing or we're worried about things being too active....I think it'd be time to reevaluate priorities. :wink:

As for Faust's mention of events....I'm not exactly sure what you mean by an automated pve event in the real world, but the reasoning behind my suggestion is that it's a way to keep things lively and (hopefully) get more players excited about playing with very minimal staff involvement (literally 1-2 mins of work done once every few weeks or month) all in a way that feels less forced and gives players an incentive to go out and explore the map as Rammar and Mikel described. It's all about offering content and switching things up but in a way that players can generate their own fun.
- Elisud

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Faust »

I have a massive PVE event divided by sub-events in the works that is based on the original Ultima lore for every single dungeon in game. This large event triggers one of the sub-divided events on a weekly basis for a specific amount of time(couple days) that will spur a lot of players to one particular dungeon that is based around a specific theme. The design has been mention in the past here. However, it's a lot of work but still moving along gracefully.

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Pirul »

I think this is a great idea, and something that will keep the population interested once we have more stability in regards to the mechanics.
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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by GuardianKnight »

I was curious why our pve events couldn't be set up like champ spawns.
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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Yoda »

GuardianKnight wrote:I was curious why our pve events couldn't be set up like champ spawns.

A couple of these in the past were set up that way. Most recently was the lead up to Jhelom in the graveyard. Its actually something that is quite simple to do, as would be do something like the original suggestion. There is generally a great deal of coding that goes into the automation of events like the survivor game, and it makes it difficult to get more things like that implemented.

I know the town invasion can get old, but again it comes back to the time thing. Most of them are already prepared and they just have to be run. You dont know how many times I sit at the computer scratching my head going, ' I just have an hour, what kind of different event could be done today?'. I like this idea, and will run it past the boss. We are always looking for ideas to implement some new ingame content within the era. Thanks!!
<@SecondAge> Several Lichs have been spotted in the Britain Graveyard.
<@SecondAge> The cause is unknown and several townspeople were seen fleeing in fear
<Vintirex-droid> Several townspeople, Not a big enough problem imo

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by benny- »

Good Stuff! Glad to see so much positive feedback on the idea. Hopefully we'll be seeing some different content in the near future.
- Elisud

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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Pirul »

Excellent news Yoda!! Keep us posted as to what Admin thinks about this in general.
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Re: Spawns: An Idea to Increase Activity

Post by Derrick »

Firetemple is hopping tonight
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