Justa rant

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Re: Justa rant

Post by TheEttinKing »

chainsoar wrote:So...what are you saying? Ban 70% of the shard's PKs because they're ruining era accuracy?


Seriously, this shard reproduces T2A but it will never be exactly the same no matter what we do. The game mechanics, etc can be emulated perfectly but Razor + a different generation of Cocksuckers = inherently different experience.

Jed Clampett on drugs story By the EttinKing.

Let me tell ya story bout a man named Jed poor man barley kept his family feed then one day he was smoking on a joint and zedd hit him with his truck...Twice.

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Madhatter »

Why not join up with another guy to mine? Do some scouting for some intresting places.. I could name tons but then they would be scouted... Why not join a Anti PK guild... Get in there auto-map page for help when needed.. Theres lots of stuff to do man. Of course people will be fools and pk miners over and over.. they don't care about the loot just the fact they wanna dominate someone. Maybe they should increase the statloss penalty.. They wouldn't but honestly if you wanna find better spots they are out there. As for them enhancing statloss they won't but the statloss is not the same as it use to be in terms of how people know how to macro and use multiple accounts and such. Yes I am a grammer and puncuation whore!

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Madhatter »

Also sorry to post again but part of the fun back in the day was getting a group of people together to go out and fight the evil doers... So group up and set traps.. follow them watch where they recall in box there spots. Make a tinker put down trapped chests... People use to be soooo fucking creative at fucking people over.. Just stop being lazy and think hard.

Commodore Axavious
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Re: Justa rant

Post by Commodore Axavious »

Dude I got PKed the other day for the first time... went like this:

Blue guy approaches (on a horse, stacked magic gear, you get the picture)
Me: (in newbie clothes with a regular Kryss): Hi,
Him: Hey
Him again: Yes?
(at this point I'm like, huh? I didn't ask him a question)
Me: I remember the spawn on OSI being heavier around here, right?
*Him is attacking you!*
Me: Haha, enjoy my 2 bandages!
Him: (like a creepy rapist) That's right, talk shit

At this point, after about 2 hits, I die.

That was a disconcerting encounter... clearly it was, as has been said here, about dominating, as I had virtually no loot. But hell, if some weirdo necrophiliac wants to pleasure himself over my corpse, whatever. Free ghost-ride back to town.

You can't let this stuff get you down. People always say that OSI was like The Wild West... they're right, it was great. This shard, however, is more like Cormac McCarthy's "The Road". Not the same, but a cool story none the less. We don't have Trammel, but we don't have good ol' Brittania either. We have Felucca. Trammel-era Felucca, where decent folk didn't dare tread. Just how it is! I for one currently suck too bad to battle PKs, but some day I'll join the good fight in my own way.

And dude, might I suggest a Tamer Miner? Think about it... let your white wyrms cover your ass while you dig for pretty rocks :)

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Tiwstacain »

I Don't think my miner has ever been pked, and he is high 90s mining , kinda seems lame that you some how keep getting killed, do mine stupid places lol. Also get your 2nd acct and put ur anti pk hidden a lil ways from your miner and whack, or bomb hella explotion pots at ur feet, and martydom his ass


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Re: Justa rant

Post by Grom »

I just gm'd my mining, and I didn't get pk'd once in the process. The Pk's are slackin! get to work!

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Horsewang »

I also GM'ed a miner without getting murdered.
100% outside of guardzone.
You just need to place a small house by a mountain.
Put a small forge on the front steps.
Make a smelt ore macro & hotkey.
Set up an organize agent & hotkey to put ingots into a secure container.
Set up a restock agent & hotkey for pickaxe/shovel from a box.
Turn off sound.
Watch a movie and mine, mine, mine.
I mine until I'm full of ore, run back to house, smelt it, put it away, stock up on pickaxes, go back to mining.
If anyone is interested in a spot to do the above, pm or irc me.

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