Justa rant

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Justa rant

Post by MaxKool »

Sigh.... *rant*

Well Ive finaly given up on mining on this shard.

Even back in 99 I never had the rampant BS pk that goes on here. I can mabye get 5 or 10 minz in before the next wave of murderous assholes come and kill me for 100 ingots. I have a rune book full of mining spots and save for in town spots (wich are mined to hell) they are all PK heavens.
I played from beta till just before the game went to shit and while u had pks around there were plenty of peeps on the shard to keep the balance. Dont give me BS about thats how it was, cause it was never as bad as it is here. Sure U got PKd and whatnot but just as often u could mine for hours without bother. Ive gone and left 3 times hoping it would get better(IE mabye a PK hunter would patrol or somthing) Instead I log back on and find arrow weilding loosers who have nothing better to do.

I dont know how anyone does it around here but screw it. Ill just be a PK and kill miners and get my ingots that way. Even if I hop on my tank and come to try and do somthing about it they are never around by the time u get back.

I guess all anyone wants is a server full of fighting and no RP or anything else...

wooo hooo

*end rant*

hehe I know UO can be a brutal game at times but this is crazy, I went to 4 spots within one hour today. Managed about 5 minz at each spot and was promptly Pkd each time. 4 times in about 30 minz, crazy.

Oh well back to making a bard.... as thats all anyone seems to do around here...

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Pro »

stop mining in popular areas then...

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Boudoir »

Buy a boat and mine the mountain side that is on the sea. For exemple the big mountain (Mount Kendal??) north of Minoc. I usualy make 3000 ingots in 1 hour.

You may encounter pirates, but it's harder to kill someone on a boat. Also you can take aboard a mage to fight back. And you can stay hidden while mining. And at last, pirates are more or less RPing their attack, that could be fun to get involved with them.

I had the same problem with my tamer, I got killed a lot of time by n00b pk like GA+. They were coming every 2 minutes to kill tamer... lame.

Don't give up !

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Karik Verlee »

Mine inside Del its not too over mined there, buy a boat for the lost lands. Cove/Brit have guards.
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Re: Justa rant

Post by MaxKool »

Yah know what, screw it.

Ive been trying for a long time to get used to this place. I love the time period the server is trying to create. But the ratio of moronic Pks to anyone else is pathetic. When I see somone outside of town, They attack. Thats all thats ever happened, No robbery no talking nothing. Just Pks...

Today thought I would poke around a dungeon or 2. Yah I know the risk of Pks, I went to 3 dungeons and each time the second I recalled in I was attacked and killed before I even knew what was going on. This is lame, this server is only fun if yer a sociopathic moron who has nothing better to do that pk and loot worthless shit.

How bout a little creativitiy. I used to rob people on Napa back in 99... I would recall in and offer a deal of half your gold and regs or your life....

At least I was creative...

I appreciate the work the GMS do so none of this is directed at them. Its the playerbase...

Have fun and I hope the place is full of nothing but pks soon so its no fun. And mabye then somthing will be done. I can tell you right now the 600 clients are only proly 200 or so people and if you EVER want a decent playerbase it wont happen while its like this. Back in 99 there was a balance, enuf people around so it wasnt all Pks. Now that its a small base the pk thing is way worse. For tha sake of playablilty somthing has to be done, U need to compensate for the fact that there is only 200 or so unique people here and probably half of them play like this... not alot of fun for anyone else.

Ill chek back in 6 months like I did last time and let all my GMs sit n colect dust....

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Pro »

I Suggest you stop playing UO or switch to a trammel server because UOSA is so easy.

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Karik Verlee »

I suck at PvP, ask anyone thats ever fought me, sometimes I get lucky though.

But you said it best when you said
This is lame, this server is only fun if yer a sociopathic moron who has nothing better to do that pk and loot worthless shit.
Yup its worthless. Just get over it and start playing again!
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Re: Justa rant

Post by uofuntime »

Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing on the wrong shard or are people just exaggerating. I've only been pk'd once mining... and that was like one screen from guardzone. The pk was creative as you prefer, paralyzed me, did a bit of roleplay bartering (which was annoying), then explosion'ed/para'd me to death. It's okay though, now I carry trapped pouches and have magic reflect.

But I honestly doubt it's that "impossible to mine" as you say. I find this shard quite "barren", except maybe for the peak hour. Even if you're going to the popular places to mine (I think for valorite ore?) there are ways to overcome getting pk'd. Coming up with ideas through ingenuity to "outsmart" other players is what I like about UOSA. Keeping alert for pks is seriously the only thing "fun" about mining (I have a horse that I mount/dismount by the way so it's possible to escape). It's so boring just hearing the "dug dug" sounds. Or perhaps you're an afk-macro miner (I've seen a couple these days)? If so then .. yeah. Even I grief them by luring monsters near them.

p.s. You mentioned mining spots near towns are always mined dry... Try the mountains around Britain farms. I never have a problem there. I only usually encounter one other miner (and I'd avoid the places s/he already mined).

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Zydin »

Hate to say it dude, but it's people like you ranting and complaining about PK's ganking your miner that caused crap like Trammel in the first place.

Nothing needs to be done.
Ill just be a PK and kill miners and get my ingots that way.
Instead of adding to the "problem" why don't you try becoming part of the "solution" and kill some PK's instead?

Put up, shut up, or gtfo imo.


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Re: Justa rant

Post by hada79 »

I've gotten pk'ed 3 or 4 times in the past two days, but they always res'ed me right away and saved my horse... no complaints here :)

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Karik Verlee »

hada79 wrote:I've gotten pk'ed 3 or 4 times in the past two days, but they always res'ed me right away and saved my horse... no complaints here :)

Are you friended to my place?
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Re: Justa rant

Post by BenBrawl »

Ive played here for a while now, and i cant think of the last time i got pked, i just farm on off peak hours, and in unpopulated areas. If you go to destard at like 7pm, expect to get attacked, but when i go there at 9am its not as bad. Still gotta be on my toes, but not as much.

As said before, yes the pk to anti balance is messed up, but why not start killing the pks and help even the numbers OP?

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Re: Justa rant

Post by Pirul »

I wonder how I managed to GM mining without getting killed once. :roll:
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Re: Justa rant

Post by chainsoar »

So...what are you saying? Ban 70% of the shard's PKs because they're ruining era accuracy?


Seriously, this shard reproduces T2A but it will never be exactly the same no matter what we do. The game mechanics, etc can be emulated perfectly but Razor + a different generation of gamers = inherently different experience.
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Re: Justa rant

Post by chumbucket »

MaxKool wrote:How bout a little creativitiy. I used to rob people on Napa back in 99... I would recall in and offer a deal of half your gold and regs or your life....

At least I was creative...
Sigh.... *rant*
The most hackneyed routine possible is not "creative." Also, if you're getting pk'd that much, try mining somewhere else and use recall when PKs show up.

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