Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Smelly Ira »

BlackFoot wrote:You have taken a quote completely out of context and tried to use it as an argument for something completely different gg
No I didn't. I took your quote and assumed it carried certain connotations that make sense IN CONTEXT of the discussion, if you didn't mean that you should have been more specific, it was not taken out of context in the least.

Again I know you and many other support events, but I really wish you would stop making up reasons such as they don't effect other aspects of the shard, or that they are a "mechanics" decision.

The event apologetics are pointless, I wish you supporters, and the staff...would just own up to WHY the events are around, and that is simply popularity, nothing else. most of you guys have played UO for freaking years, and unlike myself I suspect you would get bored without a little something extra.

I don't mean to jump down your throat personally Blackfoot, but honestly every time there is one these decision the position that supporters are arguing from is paper thin because they are trying to justify it with all these secondary arguments.

Arguments that have NOTHING to do with why the events are still here.

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by BlackFoot »

I said automated events have no affect on players wishing to run their own events. <-- this is just truth. Read the above thread again if you missed it.

I support events. Even if automated events are gone, I will be the one out there running events. It will be much harder to run pvp events yes, but I will still continue to do so.
Read the mission statement and the thread linked. You are asking questions already answered many times over.
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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by BlackFoot »

Reading my quote above again, I still have no idea how a server event could have any bearing on a player creating their own in game content

O there's a server event! therefore: we cannot go and fight harpies or hang out at the bank. This server event completely disallows us to wander across the uo landscape and create our own in game content somhow....
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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Smelly Ira »

BlackFoot wrote:Reading my quote above again, I still have no idea how a server event could have any bearing on a player creating their own in game content

O there's a server event! therefore: we cannot go and fight harpies or hang out at the bank. This server event completely disallows us to wander across the uo landscape and create our own in game content somhow....
Not directly no, but indirectly and in a very real way, there is a big effect. In any other game this outcome wouldn't even be questioned, the effect would be acknowledged. yet somehow on UOSA we can have events that might as well be WoW or Guild Wars or something...and people claim they have no real effect.

To sum up:

1) There is obviously an actual effect other people's gameplay from the events, you can argue it is indirect, but I don't think you can reasonably argue it is insubstantial.

2) For all the claims of UOSA not being a democracy, events seem to most definitely be here due to player consensus. The justifications for them seem a bit after the fact, and a little short in the logical argument department.

The idea that these events exist due to some "policy" decision, and not the fact that stuff like this tends to be popular on freeshards..that idea is IMO a bit ridiculous.

I understand they aren't going anywhere, I just don't understand why the reasoning behind having them is so muddled, if the events were dropped, population would likely drop unacceptably (in fact, didn't this happen already?) why not just admit that THIS is reason automated events happen on UOSA?

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by BlackFoot »

Judging by the above post you did not read the mission statement or the linked thread answering the questions you just asked. If i misread sorry.

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Smelly Ira »

BlackFoot wrote:Judging by the above post you did not read the mission statement or the linked thread answering the questions you just asked. If i misread sorry.


Sigh...I have read it, and the mission statement many times Blackfoot, however whenever the subject is brought up on the forums, the response, and the logic used to justify events is completely different than what is in that post.

I'm also unclear why you think that post clears up the debate, all it does is admit that the events are to some degree inaccurate. It is not really a definitive statement one way or another. It basically says "yeah we have events, yeah they are popular"..nowehere does it say they don't effect the rest of the game, nowhere does it say they are "just policy".

I'm assuming if it were that set in stone, there would be a definitive statement from Derrick or other staff stating events will never go away do not talk about them, or something to that effect. I have never seen anything like that, if it exists i'm more than happy to be enlightened.

I don't think they will go away personally, but clearly alot of people want them to (a vocal minority, but it's there), so i don't see anything wrong with people like Benny posting about them.

If people want threads on the subject to stop due to a referral to mission statement, or a thread on events, then the mission statement or thread on events needs to be written with more definitive language. Right now as it stands the stance of the shard regarding these events is murky at best.

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by BlackFoot »

The thing is when the shard was made the statemnt was that the ultimate goal is mechanical accuracy with the exception of events.
just seems odd peopel skip that part :P
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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Smelly Ira »

BlackFoot wrote:The thing is when the shard was made the statemnt was that the ultimate goal is mechanical accuracy with the exception of events.
just seems odd peopel skip that part :P

That just says events are an exception to accuracy. It gives as much support to Benny's argument as it does to yours.

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by BlackFoot »

I don't want to put words in the mouths of people who wrote it, but most cant differentiate accurate mechanics from replication of every aspect of the era. Putting such an easy one liner in a mission statement may be an easy way of stopping people who cant tell the difference from accusing it of inaccuracy.
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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Nevermore »

As of now I haven't read this whole thread, but I read most of the thread that spawned this one. And I'd just like to propose one thing.

If anyone's willing to pay me and about 10 other people to staff the shard full-time, I personally guarantee that all automated events will be removed and there will only be staff held events at random times of varying size and variety ala OSI during this period.
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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Pro »

do you accept bisonic currency

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Pristiq »


We may not be trying to replicate OSI economy, but we can at least try to curb the eventual f***-up through introducing new rare items into the world. We need a gold sink, and all events are doing is introducing gold into the economy.

I know that in another thread you said that assets aren't equal to gold. Well, yes, that's very true, but keep in mind how often people farm gold to buy these assets. How many times do you remember GK farming his ass off then ruinning into IRC to buy trophies in order to get his statue? I know I've seen my fair share of people farming gold just to buy items. In fact, a well-known player has been farming recently to buy some of my houses. Assets aren't gold, but they are an incentive for players to seek out gold with which to buy the items.

As for the on-topic arguments:


The simple fact that OSI may have had varying events across different shards is a nonsense argument and you know it. I don't remember much of T2A, but I doubt they had their staff running ~5+ events a day. As for the "policy" argument, I'll gladly concede that the current events are a policy issue and not a mechanical one if you concede that an automated lottery that cost only 100 gold and gave someone a neon ridable llama is also a policy issue. By that logic, could an increased Balron spawn be a policy issue? After all, just like events, it's introducing items and action into the world on a regular basis. Where do mechanics end and policies begin? It's a fine line, and you seem to have an askew vision of it.


I think the current amount of non-automated staff-run events is fantastic as is. Like I said above, I don't think OSI ran events all the time.
chumbucket wrote:Everyone else, don't be a jerk to staff. Maahes cries enough already.

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Pro »

silver coins dont add gold to the economy because players determine their worth and they only have one purpose...

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Re: Events...Accuracy vs. Policy

Post by Braden »

1.) I already acknowledged that events are popular, and thus it can be assumed that for this reason they will be around for awhile. Not sure how we can be anymore clear on this.

Automated events didn't happen during the T2A era; however, like Nevermore said we do not have the manpower to run events on a steady basis. We know this is an inaccuracy, we are OK with that.

2.) Of course events affect the economy. As long as there is a reward system and events where you have to spend regeants it will affect the in-game economy. The key to handling this though is to be consistent in the reward costs, the amount of silver given, and the cost of regeants/charges, etc.
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