The Candlepin

A place to pull up a stool, drink an ale, and share your sagas with fellow patrons. (Roleplay Forum - In Character Only)
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The Candlepin

Post by Theograd »

The Candlepin is a welcome stop between the hard north road between Minoc and Vesper. A place where a traveler can resupply, lift his spirits (with spirits), and stay the night to avoid bandits. Staffed by people from all of Sosaria, it has become a gathering place for tired miners and traveling royalty alike. Stop by, and meet the locals.

Owner and builder of the Candlepin. A lifetime local from Minoc, Elston used the sum of his learned knowledge to build the establishment that became the Candlepin. He tends to the Inn upstairs, and still fiddles with crafting in his down time. As such, if you need something made beyond a weapon, such as a bed or a forge, Elston is the man to see.

One of two individuals that work the bar at the Candlepin. She's a bright eyed young woman, who preferred the chemistry set to the baking pans. Theodore holds a flame for her, but then again, most patrons do after a few ales. She can mix a mean drink, alcoholic or otherwise. See her for any alchemical needs.

A local of Vesper. Theodore keeps meaning to leave his job, but never seems to step out the door. He's dreamed of adventure his whole life, but unfortunately, the steel of his spine doesn't match that of his sword. However, that doesn't keep him from buying up treasure maps and sea soaked bottles whenever one comes his way. “This time, it'll be different”.

Lisa is a scribe in training. She's currently in an apprenticeship in Vesper, but is trying to gain admittance to Moonglow's Lycaeum. She likes to study at the Candlepin, because it keeps her away from her overseer in Vesper. She's friendly to talk to, and always has parchment and reagents in order to make a few gold to further her studies. See Lisa for all your scroll needs.

Kaethe is... Kaethe. He showed up at the Candlepin a few months ago, and spins a new tail every fortnight. Currently, he's on the run from the guards in both Minoc and Vesper for thwarting a plot to kill a rival family member, but that's just for this week. He often tricks a free drink from Theodore in exchange for some story of adventure. He spins a nice tale, but always listen with a pound of salt. He does have skills beyond a silver tongue though. He is excellent at poisons and traps. He also has an ear for information. You never know what rumors he might part with, for a price.

Der and Lore:
Der and Lore are merchants. Der is from Jhelom, and Lore is from Trinsic. Their friendship rises and falls like a wave, a wave that is powered by the amount of business they receive. Between them, they are excellent smiths and bowers, but always seem to get caught up in a fortune scheme. For now, they're dedicated to supplying travelers who are on the long walk from Minoc to Vesper.

Please feel free to use the Candlepin in any storylines or general roleplaying needs. I put it up as a tool to help this part of the community, and I hope to see it grow. Enjoy!
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Re: The Candlepin

Post by Pirul »

Visisted yesterday, excellent place of business, congratulations!!
<ian> 2 chicks making out are not gay

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Re: The Candlepin

Post by Theograd »

Thank you! Just waiting for the crafters to come out of the woodwork so I can stock the rest of the vendors.

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