Small town guards: Mainland dispatch

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Small town guards: Mainland dispatch

Post by Arkah »


Arkah Sat at the bench near his campfire with a somewhat concerned look as he attempted to peel the black crust from his burnt goat ribs. As he took his first bite he began to wonder why he and the other trainees of the Jhelom Town Guard were being dispatched to Britain. The letter posted by the captain stated that only trainees were to be sent to the mainland to aid the Royal Guard with the growing crime problem in Britain. Everyone knew that big city thieves were much tougher than the common street urchins caught in the smaller communities such as Jhelom.

The campfire dimmed as Arkah stood wrapping what remained of his rations, placing them into his side-pouch. "It will be hard obtaining a horse with as little as they pay us" he complained as he trudged down the dirt roads towards the local Moongate.

Arriving at the gate, he removed his spyglass from his belt and directed it towards the sky. He knew well the gate would do nothing but make him queasy, spitting him onto the grounds he already stood being that both moons were full. As he waited he began attempting to divise a plan to barter for a horse once he arrived in Britain. Most thieves themselves ride, as to make a quick getaway once spotted.

"Where can i find the bank?" a voice from behind calmly asked, Knocking Arkah out of his thoughtful state. "head directly West from here until you see the gold sign." Arkah pointed as he stood. "thank you." a slim but worn looking fellow wearing a beret and an Apron over his normal dress nodded and began walking as he was directed. Arkah peered into the heavens once more to notice the moons were no longer entirely full. Putting the spyglass back into his belt he reluctantly stepped into the moongate. "I hope the blacksmiths in Britain arent too expensive.."

EDIT: I plan on doing screenshots too but dont have access to them at work.

RE-EDIT: Foudn an online spell checker to use, gonan correct all spelling errors from now on
Enjoying ribs
Enjoying ribs
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Off to Britain
Off to Britain
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Last edited by Arkah on Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Small town guards: Mainland dispatch

Post by Arkah »

Large white boulders came hazily, then clearly into view as Arkah stepped through the moongate. He searched the area for any signs of activity, finding nothing worthy of notice, and began walking down he dirt path that would lead him to Britannia's capitol city.

As he entered Britain's borders Arkah began looking immediately for any local blacksmith. Wandering the streets, dodging passing horseman, and keeping a close wallet, a blacksmith shop was finally found on the northwest side of town. "Hello? Shopkeep?" Arkah said loudly as he swung the door open stepping lightly into the store. "Ahh hello sir how can i help you?" The kind armor-clad individual asked in a strong but jovial voice. The clanging and ringing of steel hammering steel made it necessary to speak loudly. Arkah removed his Skullcap and used it to wipe the sweat from his forehead. The large forge just outside the entrance made the temperature just around the doorway hot, in spite of the cold temperature outside. "I would like to purchase any bladed pole arm you have in stock please." Arkah asked, replacing the skullcap on his head and pulling his long black hair back into a ponytail. "Yes i have just the thing," the shopkeeper turned and took a large halberd off the wall, "This is our most popular polearm. It is made from sturdy sealed wood and tipped with a large Point-tipped axe blade." Arkah, Knowing that the standard issue Haleberd Guards use are funded by local nobles, assumed that this weapon might be too pricey. Leaning to look behind the shopkeep, He scratches his head and, with slight concern in his voice, asks "How much?" The blacksmith looked at the sack of gold hanging from Arkah's belt-pouch. "normally they are quite expensive, but just give me what you have there and its yours." Arkah nodded and tossed the sack of gold onto the desk to the right of the vendor. "Deal, thank you kind smith"

Arkah stood near the west britain bank underneath a signpost, leaning on his new weapon. He pulled his dispatch notice from his backpack and read it over silently to himself. Once he finished he walked over to the Bulletin board hanging from the outside wall of the bank, and using a single nail, posted the notice amongst the assorted hanging letters.

As he used his large bladed weapon to gently tap the nail in, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a woman dressed in Black clothing moving quickly away from him. She was carrying first aid bandages. Arkah checked his beltpouch and noticed HIS were missing! He looked back at her quickly in time to catch her glancing slightly back at him while mounting a green Forest Ostard. Arkah started pushing his way through he crowd after her just as she began to gallop away. "Dammit! is there NOONE who can supply me with a damn HORSE?!"

A stranger on a large black horse caught ear of arkahs rather loud complaint as he was passing through the area. "Excuse me, i am an animal tamer by profession. I could find you something to ride if you wish". Arkah sighed loudly as he spoke "Yesss. Its very hard to apprehend anyone without a way to catch them." The stranger nodded, "Wait here a moment i think i have something for you". Watching the man ride off to the south, arkah gaurded his possessions closely and waited. He watched on as laborers, adventurers, thugs, and nobles clamored about their daily dealings. No sign of any illegal activity though. "Will t his do?" The man said suddenly standing behind him on his great black horse, causing Arkah to jump. "An Ostard? Yes that will do i suppose, thank you very much sir." The man handed the reigns of the sky blue beast over to Arkah,nodding "Its not a problem." The ostard released a shrill warble as the man galloped on his way.

Arkah immediately mounted the creature and scanned the crowed for any unusual activity. He noticed a rather strong looking black man on a horse carrying a rather plain looking Maul. he appeared shifty eyed, and suspicious as held something in his own pockets. Arkah looked around fo any distressed looking individuals and found one fellow frantically searching his pack and pockets. Arkah then looked back at the man with the maul and caught him repeatedly, and quickly glancing at the frantically silent man. Arkah approached the concerned man and asked "Is there a problem sir?" The man looked at arkah a bit confused. "Yes, i...I think my gold has been taken. Arkah looked back to the man with t he maul and immediately made eye contact briefly, as the man turned and began to ride slowly in the opposite direction. "Hold it, stop right there please." Arkah said sternly, yet nervously. THe man stopped, turned quickly, and charged at arkah, maul raised high!

Arkah Drew his Halberd just in time to receive a glancing, yet powerful blow to the arm. "Shit!" Arkah cried out as he turned his ostard prepared to joust. The man was already charging back at Arkah, but this time he was prepared as the Maul came strait at his face. Arkah leaned out fo the maul's way and jabbed towards the man's horse as he charged passed him, Noticeably Injuring the animal. The man then stopped, turned strait at Arkah and galloped right up next to him. "Your under arrest!" Arkah yelled as a powerful blow struck his now Defending polearm.
The man responded with a loud "YeYe you ain't shit dawg!" Causing arkah to hesitate momentarily with his confusing dialect, as the maul crashed down onto Arkah's skull..

To be continued..
Northern Blacksmiths
Northern Blacksmiths
Blacksmith shop.jpg (79.34 KiB) Viewed 1925 times
Suitable Weapon
Suitable Weapon
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Last edited by Arkah on Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Small town guards: Mainland dispatch

Post by Arkah »

Arkah slowly opened his eyes, slowly focusing on everything around him. He tried to sit up, wincing as he held his ribs. He stood slowly and tugged downward on his plain white shirt in an uncaring attempt to release any clinging fibers on his flesh. He observed his surroundings and found he had been laying on his back far behind his Ostard. "What the hell.." He said quietly unwrapping a bandage from his head. He limped over to his ostard and made a strained, but successful attempt to climb on. "That was a bit more than i was prepared for i suppose.." He said as he carefully watched a man on foot enter his proximity. "Yo man that bird is tight, son!" The man spoke, strangely as the previous, and unfortunately hostile, individual had. "You mean my weapon?" Arkah asked, feeling rather confused. "Naw naw i mean your mount, son. That bird." the stranger pointed toward the ostard with a bit of frustration in his eye. "Oh, some passing animal tamer gave it to me." Arkah stated Nonchalantly. "Awwww son, ill give you 700 gold and a chicken for it." the strange fellow offered, digging through his backpack rather eagerly. Arkah, not caring WHAT he was riding, as long as he WAS riding, seized this opportunity to make some money for some armor. He didn't hesitate in his counter offer, "How about 700 gold and a horse." The strange man looked up in shock, revealing his now clearly browned face. "Daaaamn son! thats enough to get two horses with! How about 200 gold and a horse?" Arkah, feeling rather happy about the offer accepted, and the barefooted stranger ran Off into town as quickly as he could. Arkah, while he was waiting, took his newly earned gold to the armorsmith just behind the bank and bought himself a set of Gauntlets and a nice sturdy iron Chestplate. He returned to the bank and found that the man had already returned with a horse, a fine looking one at that. "yo son this is as brown as they come." The man said proudly, as both men exchanged reigns. "thank you every much.." Arkah paused briefly as the stranger took voer his scentence, "Tyrone Bigsby. We're tight now son, we'll leave you alone from now on." Tyrone pointed behind him to a new arrival, Causing Arkah to reel back a bit as the very man who had clubbed the shit out of him earlier was approaching. "This is my homie Tyrese Jackson." Tyrone said loudly, glancing back at the mounted thief. Arkah knew that he had more than likely just made dealings with a thief, which he knew he would probably regret later when he would find himself in pursuit of, or running from, Tyrese once again. "thank you for the gold and the horse." Arkah said with a cautious look towards Tyrese.

The First bank of Britain was bustling with Activity as it was most days. Arkah Was making his way back from the jewelry shop holding the head of a criminal he managed to kill, when a Ranger on horseback approached him, matching his pace and engaging in conversation. "I see you after alot of the local riffraff around here." Arkah turned to acknowledge the statment saying, "Yes, but not as successfully as i originally thought i would be able too, these big city thugs can be more than i can handle more often than not". They stopped at the bank window as arkah handed the head to a local Britannian guard. His new companion extended a hand introducing himself. "My name is Helvnir, Im currently training to be an archer." He said as he gave arkahs hand one quick shake. "Im Arkah Kilair, Guard in Training from Jhelom. Was sent here to help with the high crime problem." Arkah returned the handshake, and the two men stood, on horseback, near the bank's Outer Wall. "So you catch thieves, eh? Is it a crime if a citizen helps in apprehending them?" Helvnir Asked drawing a bolt into his well crafted crossbow. "I wouldn't think so, Citizen's arrest maybe? Noone seems to care if criminals die, whether by Guards or other means." Arkah replied, scanning the crowd carefully. "Wait a moment.." Arkah Tapped Helvnir on the shoulder and directed his attention toward the crowd with his armored hand, "there, on the green ostard. That woman in the black clothing". Helvnir matched Arkah's line of sight and nodded, "Ive seen her around quite a bit. She tends to have a thing for rags and bandages." Arkah recalled his first encounter in Britain. The same woman had stolen HIS bandages. "Im going to take her in." Arkah said quietly drawing his Halberd from its ties on his back. Helvnir nodded and loaded his crossbow quickly as they slowly made their way towards the woman, whom now appeared to be holding a large spear. Arkah then began a charge on the woman whom, as if she had known of their plan the whole time, Jerked her reign around to face the two men and raised her spear, tip pointing directly to them.

"Thank you for the Bandages!" She shouted, grinning as she Parried the downward thrust of Arkah's Halberd. Helvanir stopped short to steady a shot and fired a single bolt at the thief, striking her left shoulder. She quickly began to mend her wounds with her right hand as she gripped her spear tightly in her left. Arkah was already charging at her again from the opposite direction, Halberd raised high in preparation f or a devastating blow. The woman, still applying bandages held her spear tightly against the cradle of her arm and raised it just as arkah began to swing downward, glancing over his flesh as it tore through his armor. Arkah immediately felt a sharp spasm just above where the spear had scratched him."Urg.....AGG!!! Dammit what the hell is this!!!" He cried out in pain as he began to spasm uncontrollably.

To be continued
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Re: Small town guards: Mainland dispatch

Post by Psilo »

Bravo! 8)

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Re: Small town guards: Mainland dispatch

Post by Arkah »

It was no use at all continuing the fight in this ridiculous condition. The woman dressed in black pulled the bolt from her shoulder, finishing her wraps as Arkah abruptly began to retreat. She chased him through the streets of the city, losing him at the Inn on the east side of the river. She searched briefly in the alleyways before returning to the bank to find Helvanir, who was left behind.

Arkah rode East, his horse continuing to run as he cried out, contorting like a man dieing of tetanus, until he fell from his horse and, by the force of momentum, was hurled into the wall of a vacant townhouse.

A wandering healer was returning from gathering Ginseng and garlic in the woods when he discovered Arkah, face down and unconscious. "Sir are you alright? Hello?", the man said cautiously. He kneeled by Arkah's side and examined him, noticing the cut on his side almost immediately."My god, this man has been poisoned." ,the healer said as though he had seen it many times before. He removed a pouch of orange garlic powder from his robes and applied a bit to the puss oozing wound before wrapping it with a clean bandage. He then slid an arm under arkah's head, supporting him and causing it to lean back with his mouth open, and removed a small bottle of yellow liquid from his belt pouch. The healer poured the contents into Arkah's mouth slowly and held his nose.

Arkah awoke coughing and sputtering as the bittersweet yellow potion flowed down his throat. "Am i still in Britain?" Arkah said weakly as he tried to sit up. "Yes, the residential district. Your lucky i found you." The man helped Arkah to his feet. "Bobby!" Arkah yelled cupping his hands over his mouth. He whistled loudly as his horse came running from the forest, stopping in front of him. "Well, i thank you for your help," Arkah nodded politely and handed the healer a small bag of gold,"this is for the medicine." The man accepted the coins graciously and smiled "Like i said, your lucky i came along." Arkah waved farewell as he rode off tot he west back towards the west Britain bank.

Arkah returned to find Helvnir watching what seemed to be a small riot in front of the bank. Arkah approached Helvnir slowly as he watched many small robed men shouting obscenities to locals and spooking mounted horses, causing the rider's great annoyance as they struggled to stay on. "what the hell is all this?" Arkah asked Helvnir still watching the madness,"Are those men wearing wigs?!" Helvnir shrugged and said "they all showed up at once, and yes they appear to be wigs.." Arkah noticed one madman drop his hairpiece, noticing that it was long and black, resembling his own hair. "Hey, crazy men, what is going on here? what's wrong?" Arkah asked loudly,sternly, and approached them cautiously. "I am your mother you man loving fool!" one of them shouted as several began surrounding him. They all sounded off one after the other as if it had been rehearsed.. "I'm Arkah Kilair!", "I'm an ass!", "I let small boys touch my naughty area!"

Arkah blinked in shock. "You are ALL Arkah?? ME?" He asked a bit annoyed. The men, in their now apparently unthinking, irrational nature, began shouting insults such as "Ass" and "sodomite", and occasionally what appeared to be a long string of random, very angry, cursing. "It seems like just one thing after another with you Arkah. you wouldn't happen to be cursed would you?" Helvanir, half joking, half serious, rode up beside Arkah, stretching out a bandage and dismounting. "I have an idea" He said, As the Insane "Arkah's" continued to shout obscenities. Arkah nodded as if he had been thinking the same thing and climbed down from his horse. He also removed a bandage from his pouch and unravelled it, stretching it tight in front of him as he approached one of the men. "What're you gonna do you dumb asses! Your fucking Shit eating Homosexuals!" one of them cried out as Helvnir leaped towards him.

To be continued...
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