The Daemonic Cult

Here you will find guilds to join and were you may recruit members to join your Roleplaying Guild.
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This forum is strictly for post Guild Information, Recruitment and Contact Info. Do not post inflamatory remarks in other guilds threads.
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The Daemonic Cult

Post by princesspeach »

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1. Must have good experience in player versus player combat, and must consider yourself good at your skills in combat.

2. Must have AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) for this is where we conduct our clan meetings.

3. If accepted into the clan must have at least 200,000 gold to donate. Gold will not buy you rank and will not buy you status, it is only required and greatly appreciated among the clan.

4. Must have a basic knowledge of all of the established guilds on UOSA. As well as a moderate knowledge of players and their tactics.

5. Must have at least two player versus player characters into the clan that are on stand by ready for combat at all times.

6. Must have a daemon name prepared for your title. It cannot be Lucifer, Bael, Satan, or anything like that. You can find a good list of them here.

7. All chars that you want to be in the clan must be known murderers.

*Notice- If found out you are in another guild you will be immediately expelled from the clan and will be hunted.*

If you agree and exceed these requirements you may fill out an application located in the fourth post if you wish to do so.

Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
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Re: The Daemonic Cult

Post by princesspeach »


1. Even though are you free to do as you please. There is one rule that exceeds all other rules of the clan. You will obey my orders in direct combat on the field, if you fail to do so I will kill you myself.

2. Do not ever ask me to get Vent or Teamspeak or Skype. I could care less about taking my beautiful escape from the real world to talk to people in real life. Also it lags me in the game so makes me weak in battle. You may feel free to use microphones amongst yourselves but I will never have any part of it. Most of my reactions in combat require no communication whatsoever.

3. Sparring and practicing combat between the clan must be on the test shard and in private away from the main arenas. You must not be seen by anyone. Most of our training and practice will be in real combat on the field.

4. Respect the ranking system and always respect the higher rank than you. Even though fighting amongst the clan is not permitted whatsoever, verbal fights are fine, just don't take it to far. It is inevitable this might happen sometimes, but even still shouldn't happen barely at all. If I feel any ill intent towards me or the clan you will be killed and expelled and hunted.

5. Do not leave your fellow comrade behind in battle. We fight until we die, and we retreat only to seek a better advantage in battle when we return.

6. You must donate at least once a week to the clan wither it be gold (20,000 minimum) or in items. We need to help each other, we don't believe in a thing called greed here either, we are above it. All gold goes toward the clan.

7. You must post on our private forums at least 2-3 times a week. This is where we will share some tactics and private information regarding targets and other priorities of the clan. At any rate all of our private discussions will be conducted in AIM.

8. Help each other. We are a team. If you want to be a hero and go out alone that is your choice and your choice alone and it will not be frowned upon.

*Notice- Even thought the rules and requirements may seem strict. We are in actuality a very laid back and reasonable clan. We do as we please when we please. The reasons for the recruitment thread to be strict should be self explanatory. )
Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Re: The Daemonic Cult

Post by princesspeach »

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First circle ~ This is the highest rank and I, Monika, am the only one in this rank. All ranks will obey and respect me on all aspects.

Second circle ~ The second highest rank. This is reserved for Neirro, who is the co-leader of the guild. He only answers to me and me alone you will obey him and respect him or you will have to answer to me. (or him which would be unfortunate for you.)

Third circle ~ The third highest rank. This is reserved for Untouchable. He only answers to Neirro and me alone. All lower ranks will obey and respect him or you will have to answer to me. (or feel his wrath.)

~ We are the three highest ranks and we respect each other in the highest regards. You find us three leading you all into combat. ~

Fourth circle ~ These are reserved for two. Whoever these two are will only answer to the above three circles. They will be the generals on the battlefield, and will lead the fifth and sixth circles into battle in regiments. They are to be obeyed and respected by all lower circles.

Fifth circle ~ This is reserved by four. Which will be led by either the four above circles. They will be obeyed and respected by the sixth circle.

Sixth circle ~ This is the lowest rank, our loyal minions. It is reserved for six people. This circle will act as a lone support group that act on their own and may be commanded by the first through fourth circles alone. Even though they will obey and respect the fifth circle the fifth circle will not be leading them into combat. The sixth circle must stick together always and act as a concentrated unit to divert the enemy while all other forces strike the core.

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Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Re: The Daemonic Cult

Post by princesspeach »

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Just private message me back the application with it filled out. All answers must be at least two complete sentences, save for number 5 if the answer is no.

Please note that all applications sent in will be saved in a special folder. You may or may not get a response concerning the application. However, please do note that the date of your application will still be credible even in the distant future. Should you come to know the clan well on your own terms in the game this may as well weigh into your consideration of being accepted into our clan.

Do not further private message me or try and contact me about your sent application, I will not reply.

Also know that all application are private and considered highly confidential by word and honor of the clan.

*Official Application*

1. Why do you wish to join our clan?

2. How long have you played UOSA?

3. Did you play Ultima Online before UOSA?

4. What guilds have you been in and for how long?

5. Have you ever been Order or Chaos? (If no you need not explain, if yes please explain which and your experience in it concerning O/C combat.)

6. How long have you been participating in player versus player combat?

7. Describe to me your three most glorious battles on the field.

8. Describe your strengths on the field.

9. Describe your weaknesses on the field.

10. What are your player versus player character templates? Enter detailed template information including stat and skill numbers.

11. If you could be an animal which you would be and why? (related to combat)

12. What are your goals and ambitions in the game?

13. Will you be loyal to me and the clan and explain why.

14. List your player versus player characters that you would want admitted into the clan.

You can use this space to write down anything extra you want to say regarding your application to the clan.

*End of application*

Also if you have any other GENERAL questions about the clan (and that does not concern your application) please feel free to message me.

Good luck, and may the gods bless you in battle. [/color]
Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge


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