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Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:13 am
by MatronDeWinter
The news hit, an associate of the guild's mining camp was being scouted by enemy brigands. I was told that a criminal by the name of SHANKER was roughing-up the locals, in order to secure the location for himself. I gathered my belongings and rushed into action, the scene was quiet, but a quick check of my surroundings told me that I was not alone, Armani was just ahead, the suspects miner!

I observed the fellow carrying a heap of ore, slowly lifting and setting until it was in the right place by the forge. Surely these were stolen goods I thought to myself as I slid it from out of his view when he paused to check the forges tempurature.

He seemed puzzled as to what happened,

The evidence was too heavy to lift, I called in for backup and we safely gated the resource to our evidence locker.

Upon return, I noticed something was aloof. The area was plagued by dangerous beasts. It appeared to be an attempted grief! But who would do such a thing? Wrangling this many creatures is far to big a task for one scalliwag.

Out of a gleaming blue portal, none other than Deus Atamada (his alt FERRARI-F-FIFTY) appeared. This notorious scammer(PrivateDetective1) brought with him his team of trusty goons, and together they corralled the animals into a pen type formation.

That's when the danger escalated! I was revealed, it was time to turn tail and retreat.

I fled to the north woods, when I discovered Deus and the whole gang in the surrounding broke-down shanty-town. They made abode in a small patio house, I needed to further investigate, but the doors were locked tight. They fumbled around in the house a bit and the door swung open. FERRARI-F-FIFTY rushed out as if he has something urgent to attend to. I crept in and let the door close shut quietly behind me.

Everyone inside seemed preoccupied. I riffled around and came across more stolen contraband. How long has he been stealing the mountainous resources from across the way? I gathered what I could, as well as some neatly-packed gems, regs, and magic fencing weapons, packed them away and went for the door.

A house deed on the floor caught my eye! I attempted to secure it, but it seemed to be bolted to the floor (locked down). I clicked it out of curiousity, it was no house deed! It was none other than THE famous "generic" deed, scraps from the scammers last attempt! I seized what I could carry from the vast fishstick pile on the floor by the door on my way out. I could only carry what was important, re-entrance would be tough.

Safely away I looked through the materials, Hundreds of colored ingots valued at 5 to 40 gold pieces each, this was a huge heist, this illegal blood money must be drove from the corrupt hillside!

When safely back at the station I tipped off a rival gang of their whereabouts. I have a feeling that mYm(formerly -F-) was in debt to the Terror Guard as they seemed more than willing to show up and take care of any crime that I missed. What happened after that I do not know. I cannot even say for certain that they showed up.

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:05 am
by ArchaicSubrosa
This whole two parter is grand...I wouldn't have guessed you to be so sly Matron.

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:41 pm
by ShastaMcNasty

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:08 am
by FireflyWash
Lolz, what a great story with a happy ending!

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:05 pm
by MatronDeWinter
FireflyWash wrote:Lolz, what a great story with a happy ending!
What were you doing there!

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:17 am
by FireflyWash
Imagine my surprise after leaving my L house to go next door and call on Shasta for a night cap. My nightly brisk walk ended with me stumbling upon this horrific sight. I couldn't resist looking through their packs to relieve them of their overburdening contents. Alas these greifing murderous ruffians took offense to my kindness and quickly dispatched me.

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:19 pm
by ShastaMcNasty
Finesse/SHANKER: If all of your sheep are at my house, then what, pray tell, are you left with to sodomize???

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:54 pm
by Pro
ShastaMcNasty wrote:Finesse/SHANKER: If all of your sheep are at my house, then what, pray tell, are you left with to sodomize???

your mother

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:13 pm
by Wise
Markmosthandsome wrote:
ShastaMcNasty wrote:Finesse/SHANKER: If all of your sheep are at my house, then what, pray tell, are you left with to sodomize???

your mother


Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:02 pm
by ShastaMcNasty
another 'grief' attempt thwarted...
Donar Thunderfuq_6-8_16.58.jpg
Donar Thunderfuq_6-8_16.58.jpg (215.92 KiB) Viewed 6477 times

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:20 pm
by MatronDeWinter
The fellow from "SHANKER is attacking you!!!" above...


Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:48 pm
by Sukha
God I wish I had the skills and knowledge of this game to do things like this :-/
*Totally awesome*

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:58 pm
by kayla22
Very Nice!!! Oh yea, Dn EVER UNDERESTIMATE THE SLY SKILLS OF Matron de Winter. LOL

Re: Matron de Winter, Private Detective! Episode 2.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:08 pm
by Lazarus
Cool. Gonna have to go and read part 1 now.