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Is there interest? Recruiting thread

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:54 pm
by Lambo
***Just to clarify this is a recruitment thread. Not "hey you guys make a guild so I can bring back all of N-C vets and blow everyone up". Although there are some still around that would hopefully partake. I'd like to get some dedicated UOSA players whom are interested into the swing of things. I've been told [PP has a group, if I can do something hopefully one more person can take up a side. Three small groups would be ideal, i.e Taboo or anyone looking to lead possibly.

PM if interested --

Personally did not believe there was much pvp interest let on UOSA. But the events have brought out consistently diverse and good numbers. Is there an interest for guilds to form and begin creating an active server again, field pvp wise?

I have some ideas and time coming up in the next several months. If there is any interest PM. If not , understood. The number of different faces I've seen At the events is really interesting, but they could all be there for silver which is fine.

The population isn't high enough anymore to just bounce around the GY and find groups. Maybe people are interested but don't know where to start ? I'm not sure. If there is interest let me know.

Remember there is a great deal of focus on bringing back old vets. From what I've seen there's 10-15 players right now who like to pvp (in events at least) ... If you enjoy what you currently have and make it fun the vets will come back. They have to see it before they'll return. But trust if they start seeing some new "prey" your numbers could jump quick.

Anyway .. Thanks for letting me ramble. I havnt heard of a great deal of guild field pvp action but from the looks of events there's people out there. Either they aren't interested or scared to talk to each other in voice idk .. Thanks

Re: Is there interest?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:05 am
by Nickodemuse
im down to join a guild and put up some fights!

Re: Is there interest? Recruiting thread

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:30 pm
by Ill Gates
Give up

Re: Is there interest? Recruiting thread

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:08 am
by dorrancethomas
i am still here man!