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"We love the night"

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:08 am
by SighelmofWyrmgard
I've been meaning to do this for forever, now, and just haven't done it: aggravated-by-myself-because-I-haven't-done-it, I am finally doing it.

I recall reading somewhere (I can't recall where; I had performed a couple of searches, to no avail) that our Derrick had expended a lot of personal effort in "getting night right" for UOSA; IIRC, the remark was delivered in the context of lamenting that Razor's lighting filter would obviate the effort.

Well, so far as I am concerned, "I love the night": I use the Razor lighting-filter only immediately-before I delve into a dungeon (sometimes, I catch myself --in that I have not turned it off-- and kick myself over it); my houses are adorned with lit lanterns, and I have been wont to wander about at night, carrying a lantern (and I know of at least one other player/character who, at least sometimes, also does this).

I would like this thread to serve as a 'thankyou note' for everything UOSA is (ha! warts and all!), and a reminder to him --and to all of us-- how much his efforts have always been appreciated (particularly since a lot of it never receives any mention).

Anyone else who "loves the night", please post here. I decided on this specific venue just in case some inspired member felt like turning it into an actual in-game event (maybe a bunch of characters turn out, at night, in candle-lit procession).

There exists also, to my sensibilities, some perverse humour in marrying any such event with "April Fools Day": I assure all, however, that I am in earnest.

Any/all who "love the night" (or, just UOSA), please, let's let Derrick know, and in a manner that acknowledges, and demonstrates appreciation for, all of his efforts.


Re: "We love the night"

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:14 pm
by Roser

Re: "We love the night"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 am
by SighelmofWyrmgard
night1.jpg (150.13 KiB) Viewed 3948 times
night2.jpg (146.48 KiB) Viewed 3948 times
night3.jpg (132.76 KiB) Viewed 3948 times

Re: "We love the night"

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:53 pm
by Anna
I've always loved the natural beauty of the night, so I have never turned on the light level filter. I did this image by using dark nights and some communication crystals, this castle still stands in the brit swamps, and you can only make this happen at the stroke of midnight :)

