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Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:03 pm
by Nameinuse
Goodbye second age. Its so sad but I refuse to spend my leisure time with griefers and losers. It's my birthday today and I just lost everything, then everyone in IRC mocks me? wow. Enjoy each other's company. I'll never play here again. This is unbelievable. You fools make me sick.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:07 pm
by Naughtington
And tomorrow they will whine about population decline.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:17 pm
by Malaikat
Was bound to happen sooner or later. This game isn't for everyone. If your parents taught you that no one wins and that life is always fair, you need not apply here...

Enjoy your liberal fantasy while it lasts.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:30 pm
by orevamp
agreed! kids today have this sense of entitlement that is sickening. Get a damn escape macro and some defense tactics this isn't trammel. population decline do to whimps?

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:30 pm
by azheman
sorry for your loss

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:31 pm
by orevamp
oh by the way Happy Birthday! your more special than everyone else!

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:05 pm
by nubnub

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:03 pm
by GuardianKnight
You people do realize that this is Second Age discussion and you are advertising us as bullies that send newbies packing on their birthdays, right?

This new batch of no nonsense douchebaggery that we call our current, non vet, playerbase, is exactly why we don't get nice things. Who really wants to make events for ungrateful, *also grief entitled*, snotbags.

The difference between the past and the present is that people did horrible things to each other as a fun little gag. Now, you folks have made it into a daily job. It seems that EVERYONE wants to live the dream of the era and be the bad guy. You do realize that this server needs a balance of good and bad to stay afloat, right?

Don't we have enough greedy, self centered, egomaniacs? I think so.

Honestly, there is no point in being trustworthy and reliable. You crap all over the people.

Welcome to the new era of second age; where pvp is the only thing you are allowed to do and people think you are garbage for not being garbage. Also, no one stays here unless they like being abused. You were all newbies here at one time and I imagine myself and a few of my broker colleagues saved you all from being scammed or donated to you at some point.

You are hypocrites.

None of you are special. You aren't brilliant. You are lucky.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:18 pm
by inkognito
Nameinuse wrote:Goodbye second age. Its so sad but I refuse to spend my leisure time with griefers and losers. It's my birthday today and I just lost everything, then everyone in IRC mocks me? wow. Enjoy each other's company. I'll never play here again. This is unbelievable. You fools make me sick.
You lost "everything" just from being killed in town? Everything? What did you possibly have on your persons in town (afk i assume) that was "everything"? Did this town not have bank (cove)?
This is either the worst ragequit troll attempt in recent history, or you really are that bad. My guess is alittle bit of both.

Enjoy the next game you play!

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:19 pm
by GuardianKnight
I mean, really. Take our crap or leave? Who do you people think you are? You are players here. Most of you are barely even that. Who are you to tell someone that something isn't for them?

Maybe you all should consider not posting on these forums until you learn how to treat people on the very first page anyone sees when they come here. It isn't the game that people get burned out on; it's this community. You aren't even a community at this point; just a gang of bullies, waiting to jump someone.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:25 pm
by inkognito
GK: This person lost "everything" though? Really? From being killed in town? I'd have alot of sympathy under usual circumstances. But this is obviously an embellishment aimed towards stirring up negativity.

I don't have any irc logs, but I'm sure if this individual came to the forums looking for alittle advice and help, there would be half a dozen people throwing gold/housing/advice their way. All they have to do is stem their rage for one post and they would see a lot of helpful people on the shard. The "hypocrites" is just the hard outer shell of the uosa community. Formed over time to keep the bacterial infection out. Not proud of it, but its not going to change.

This particular person's first couple of posts were about how the shard's housing limits are to lax, people who "play" the housing market are greedy exploiters etc etc...
I didn't use the forums alot at all back when i first played. But my first posts were asking if anyone could teleport past housing blockades (lol) and how to seperate keys from a key ring. I mean c'mon.

*** Upon further review this person's accounts are 1100 days old and owns a small near the serpents hold bank valued (to them) at a buyout of 150k. Did they really lose "everything" - even their placed serp's house - in town to griefers?

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:20 pm
by orevamp
^ agreed!. I can appreciate your argument GK because there are some individuals who are cold hearted bastards who enjoy rez killing and griefing all day. But this dude is being a btch! I don't have the logs either but I'm sure it was one, maybe two people mocking him and its probably because he came off like a prick about getting offed while afk in town. Yes we were all newbs and yes we all received help if we needed it, and nothing has changed aside from people becoming even more generous! I was never given a free house and gold like these new care bear days, but then again I never asked because I'm not entitled to fkn handouts. There are the woods here is a sword go make some gold! I was just killed by someone I thought was a friend, started to say hi and started being attacked and lost everything! lol probably more than what the town dweller did, So what! lesson learned moving on. And I made a polite stink about it in Irc "not flipping out or raging just disappointed" and was offered another mare for free! I did not take it, but the gesture was awesome. Bottom line here if your going to carry a chip of entitlement on your shoulder and a bad attitude be prepared to deal with the hardened shard vets that will eat you alive.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:51 pm
by nubnub
From my understanding the OP was killed in town by an orc while afk with a 2-story deed in his 2nd layer pack. If true, sounds like massive griefing to me. :roll:

Then, even after he was attacking the entire community in IRC, the looter PM'd the OP to make arrangements for the lost items and the OP told him to F-off. The grandstanding is a nice touch though GK, really adds to the birthday party.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:11 pm
by Pac
What was this guy's character name? I've been townkilling/drylooting (trashing all the loot of course, including gold/regs) around here for the past couple days and wonder if it was my handiwork.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:25 pm
by nubnub
Pac wrote:What was this guy's character name? I've been townkilling/drylooting (trashing all the loot of course, including gold/regs) around here for the past couple days and wonder if it was my handiwork.
Provocation iirc