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Llama Shop Semi Monthly PVP Tournament RESULTS

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:46 am
by AshBorn
1ST - Supra
2ND - Abyz
3RD - Yitamin
4TH - Menkaure

Everything was fun! Had a few headaches but thats okay. I'm sure a few people are mad at me but unfortunately when you host a tournament with so many people in UO, it has to be my way or the highway.

Maybe I don't always make the best decisions, but it is what it is. I have to stand by my decisions to move the tournament along quickly. If you felt like you got a raw deal, I apologize and hope you'll attend the next one. Unfortunately attacking peoples mounts and griefing yields a ban. If you were banned and want to it undone, please contact me.

The JUGGERNAUT Battle went great! Menk and Supra killed Yitamin (JUGGERNAUT) Twice and each won an extra house deed!

Straker won the Free For All and won 2 small house deeds!

Stay tuned tomorrow for bandicam videos of the FFA and Juggernaught fights!

For full results, click here -

Also, there will be a prize raffle tomorrow for all competitors!



Re: Llama Shop Semi Monthly PVP Tournament RESULTS

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:53 am
by Service Unknown

Good job keeping the shard active with these events Ash.

Re: Llama Shop Semi Monthly PVP Tournament RESULTS

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:54 am
by Menkaure
This was great fun.

I think I fixxed my lag issue, 4th place is unacceptable. Im guaranteeing a win next one.

Regardless, was still tons of fun! Thanks as always AsH!