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Missing something? [smithing platemail]

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:08 pm
by Aeris
Was just crafting some plate suits, and it took a ridiculous number of non-exceptional successes (and another few total failures to create anything) before finally crafting an exceptional. In the picture you see the bag with one of each item (there are actually 2 of each item stacked on top of each other) which are all my eventual 'exceptional' successes, and in the other picture you have all the non-exceptional successes. In the journal is displayed 5 consecutive failures to create anything, which are just a few of many more that happened. Am I missing something, or is this just how smithing was in t2a? I was well fed too, which sometimes helps it seems.. it seems like even 3 months ago it wasn't this bad...

Anyways, don't take this as a complaint. Just hoping I'm not the only one losing an ass-load of ingots to plate crafting, and looking to hear if anyone else is having the same bad luck :oops:

Re: Missing something?

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:16 pm
by Pirul
Sounds about right. Food will not help either. You might have had a streak of bad luck (while hungry) and a nice coincidence after you ate, but staff has stated repeatedly that there's nothing in the code where your hunger affects either skill gain or success in something.

Re: Missing something?

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:42 pm
by Lord Blaze
I remember having a conversation with kaivan at the end of 2011 and we were discussing that he believed based on code that the difficulty for smithing needed to be increased. Maybe he was able to work out the details an it was implemented. I have noticed that platmail is very hard to craft and I fail alot more on katanas. I've raise my prices on plate sets because of this.

Re: Missing something? [smithing platemail]

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:58 am
by Aeris
Thanks for the replies! I guess I will just have to adjust as well, but glad it's not something like needing Arms Lore or something that I'm missing.

Re: Missing something? [smithing platemail]

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:19 am
by Peetrik
The plate chest piece has a very small chance to make exceptional, like 5%. Making 1 out of 20 exceptional would not be out of this world. Plate legs are 20%ish chance, so 1 of 5 should be exceptional.