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Profile for a resource gatherer

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:13 am
by Wil
Thought I'd share this for grins.

Profile: Resource Gatherer

Str 100 / Dex 74 / Int 51

Tinkering 100
Lumberjack 100
Mining 100
Hiding 100
Provocation 100
Musicianship 100
Magery 51
Wrestling >0

Starting skills:
Magery 50
Tinkering 49
Provocation 1

This character unloads mining and lumberjacking from your crafter character, saving him space in the 700 skill cap for actual crafting skills.

Key points about this character:
  • 100 strength for 390 stone ore/board carrying capacity

    51 magery + 51 int allows casting of gate travel via scroll

    74 dex so you can move a short distance while overloaded. You will be frequently overloaded.
The hardest part about mining and lumberjacking: you very quickly wear out your tools. Tinkering lets you make more shovels, axes, and my preferred carpentry tool the jointing plane.

Hiding from reds is just good sense. They won't waste skill points or reagents running around detecting hidden unless they already think you're there. Stop your macro when the name appears in your journal, stay put and let them run on by.

Provocation lets you avoid monsters while gathering: just sic 'em on each other. Wrestling lets you kill the easy ones without consuming carry weight for a weapon. The initial 1 in provocation yields a blessed musical instrument which stays with you if you die.

Don't waste starting skills on mining/lumberjacking. Lumberjacking builds fast and mining builds fast enough as long as you can tinker new shovels on the spot.

Building this character:

You will need 2000+ gold before starting this character. A mining house (adjacent to a mountain), a rune book with decent runes and a supply of recall scrolls make things easier. You will also want a small forge deed that you can place on the front stoop of your mining house.

Buy hiding, mining, lumberjack, and wrestling up to 30 or so each.

Macroing first:

Dump every item you want to keep into the bank, find a quiet spot in town and macro hiding.

Use skill Hiding
wait 10.1 seconds

It's a day or so to 90, longer to 100.

Provoking next. Have another of your characters train a couple creatures and pull them into your house. Wall them off from each other with boxes and release them. Then place your gatherer in the center of the house, make sure he doesn't touch either of the creatures horizontally or diagonally, and macro provoking one against the other. This will build both provoke and musicianship to 100 in a day or so.

Use skill: provocation
if (sysmessage "what instrument")
wait for target
target by type: (your instrument)
end if
if (sysmessage "you must wait a few")
pause 5.0 seconds
wait for target
absolute target (first animal)
wait for target
absolute target (second animal)
pause 5.0 seconds
end if

If you don't have a house, provoke creatures in a stable. Unload your character of any valuables first; unattented characters at the stables are easy prey.

Next, build your str/dex/int by macroing herding. Buy a shepherds crook. Use the animals from your house from provocation training or find a rat in town. Herding should move your str/dex/int up to the target values. Alternately, buy up random skills (except herding) to hit the 700 cap. Then, see-saw herding and another fast macro skill but pointing herding up and another skill down, herd quickly to 10, then point herding down and the other skill up, and macro herding back down to zero. All skills build fast from 0 to 10 with a correspondingly fast bump to the str/dex/int attributes they affect.

Wield your shepherds crook (put it in your hands).
Then Macro:
double click (shepherds crook)
Wait for target
absolute target (animal)
wait for target
exec: target self
pause 1.0 second

Once you hit 100/74/51, mark herding down. You'll never need it again.

You can let magery rise naturally or if you want gate travel immediately you can macro it up one point now.

Done afk macroing.

Tackle mining first to build a supply of ingots. Mine near your house if you have one: usually no one else is competing for those mountains. Place the small forge on your front stoop so that you don't have to unlock the house (and maybe let in hidden theives) every time you smelt. Once you get to 500 or so ingots, drop them inside.

Alternately, wall off the front of your house with tables, place the forge and secure container within that wall, and leave the door unlocked. Run in at need and drop collected ingots in the secure container.

Put a small forge on your front steps regardless! It's just plain courteous to other miners. You'll quickly find yourself thankful to the other kind souls who've done the same.

Drop off everything except your 3 shovels (never more), 2 tinker tools, a shirt and pants before you go mining. Tinker more shovels and tools in the field. You'll burn a lot of ore until tinkering gets up to 70 or so but that's OK: the ore goes to improve your tinkering skill.

Don't carry anything else. In fact, leave the boots at home. You can even mine in the buff if you dare. For one thing you want the weight available for ore. For another, even when you hide a Red may find you or a snake may poison you. Don't give 'em a free rune book.

If you don't have a mining house, mine west of Britian in the guard zone. East of minoc is more crowded with less available mountain, so the ore is more often gone. When mining west of Britian, it helps to use two pack horses so you can collect a lot of ore before running back to the forge.

Do not, do not, do not macro-mine while you can't see the window. Mining while away from the keys is banned and will get you banned.

Mining macros:

Mine Here (where standing):
Use Skill: hiding
Pause 0.6 seconds
For 1 to 5
Doubleclick shovel (target by type)
wait for target
target relative location: 0,0
Pause 1.75 seconds
end for

Mine Down: target relative location: 2,2
Mine Up: target relative location: -3,-3
Mine Left: target relative location: -3,3
Mine Right: target relative location: 3,-3

If you get "target can not be seen" just move a little away from the mountain.

I bind these macros as hot keys on 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 on the number pad with numlock off. 5 is the mine-here macro.

Make shovel:
First, use a set-last-target hot key to target the iron ingots in your pack. Then:

Double-click: Tinker Tools
Wait for target
Exec last target
wait for menu
menu response 1 (tools)
wait for menu
menu response 11 (shovel)
pause 7.0 seconds

Once you have a few hundred ingots, you can trade off mining and lumberjacking. I personally found it convenient to boost my tinkering to 60 or 70 by making jointing planes instead of burning ingots on failed attempts to make shovels. YMMV.

For a good time, find someone's empty open house, hide, and fill it with piles of jointing planes. Jointing planes in the house is UOL's version of packing foam in the cubicle.

I run a macro where I basically just behind trees while it goes. Whenever I'm directly above a tree (and more or less obscured by the tree) it hits and gathers logs.

lift hatchet
equip to left hand
for 1 to 100
exec use item in hand
wait for target
target relative location 1,1
pause 1.0 seconds
if sysmessage (can't use an axe on)
pause 1.9 seconds
if ( hits <= 99 ) (this part is only if lumberjacking in a guard zone like Yew)
say guards
end if
if sysmessage (not enough wood here)
if (weight >= 392)
double click by type (jointing plane)
wait for menu
menu response 1
wait for menu
menu response 1
pause 7.0 seconds
if sysmessage (you broke your axe)
lift hatchet
equip to left hand
if (weight >= 404 )
double click by type (jointing plane)
wait for menu
menu response 1
wait for menu
menu response 1
for 1 to 10
if (weight >= 391 )
pause 1.0 seconds
end for

This macro doesn't bother hiding. IMO, you won't be at each tree long enough, nor will you have collected enough boards at any given time to bother. If the Reds find and kill you, just rez and go back to it. Laugh at the waste of their time -- they gained squat. If you want to hide, put use skill hiding at the top of the macro and then stop the macro before leaving each tree.