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Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 12:06 pm
by Red_Man
I would like to post my hotkeys because so many people use a poor hotkey system.

F12(hotkeys on and off)
Mouse wheel down Screen shot

F1(cure) F2(Gheal) F3(heal) F4(target self) F5(recall) F6(toggle invis item)
F7(toggle magic reflect item) F8(trapped pouches) F9(horse remount macro)

1(heal potion) 2(cure pot) 3(red pot) 4(white pot) 5(blue pot)
7(apply bandage self)

q(toggle halberd) w(toggle katana) e(weaken) r(clumsy) t(feeblemind)
y(mindblast) u(poison)

a(harm) s(fireball) d(lightning) f(ebolt) g(explosion) h(explosion potion)

z(target closest innocent humanoid) x(target closest grey humanoid)
c(target closest murderer) v(target closest enemy)
b(attack last combatant) n(attack last target)

Space bar(last target)

Ok, top end is defense, middle is power, bottom are targets.

You can easily cast defensive spells and target yourself with F1-F4

Tab out and hit recall and toggle invis gear fast and you will recall out of danger every single time.
If you do it well enough, people won't see you cast recall.
I just target the rune myself, I do not use a macro, but you can make one.
Change the timeout delay on 'wait for target' to like 2 or 3 seconds though.
This way the macro will end, and not cause your next spell to auto target rune.

I got mindblast and poison right after the feeblemind debuff, great line of attack against dexxers.

All of my toggle hotkeys are operated through the Dress tab in razor. Add the item you are going to toggle. Some folks just use arm or dress, instead of toggle, and then also use a disarm hotkey. This is a good idea because sometimes the toggle dress feature can go crazy.

I don't use a double hotkey system, like hold control and then hit a hotkey.
I would just use a hotkey for turning off your hotkeys.


Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 12:12 pm
by Pro
I use f1-8 and 1-8 numbers + mouse wheel for targets.

seems a bit easier.


Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:28 am
by UsualSuspect
Nice setup. Mines similar, I might adopt a couple keys from you.


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:04 am
by newhate
i read this and automatically find myself in awe that i really never even considered using the giant fkin space bar as a hot key wow.. do i feel silly thanks. i like ur hotkey system mines in the middle of remaking but i use f1-f8 1-7 and then q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b not forgetting mouswheel up and down and side clicks on mouse and now spacebar thanks again


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:43 am
by Loathed
oh my, you don't even wanna know mine lol- they're so retarded but i been using them since 1997 so..
to name a few that are linked to ctrl

Ctrl + :
p- paralyze
g- explosion
h- gheal
j- miniheal
r- reflect
w- RA
d- ebolt
f- fs
e- mindblast

just to name a few