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Stealth, Armor and Weight

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:08 pm
by Wydstrin
Ok, so I have searched the boards and Wiki, and cannot find a straight answer to this.

It says on the wiki that one can stealth with 18ar, however I find this to be untrue. I fail.

Do armor types matter? 18ar but only with leather? Ringmail is too much wieght/sound?

I also find that when I have more than 100 stones worth of items that I seem to fail more often as well.

Has anyone else figured out if weight actually matters?

I seem to be ok with stealthing with almost never fail with 13ar.

Re: Stealth, Armor and Weight

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:18 pm
by Brutus
From a fellow 0rc,

I usually run around in magical sets of smooth leather, and when I hide a have a second macro to undress everything but my pants and gloves, which brings my AR to about 4-8. After the macro is done downgrading my Orc I have about 5 more seconds and then I start to stealth. The only time I fail is sometimes I am too close to a oomie or another orc and I 'fail' at stealth.

I have not experimented much with ringmail outfits. And odds are I am usually 1v1 against a mage, or I am sneaking to a strategic location, or I am trying to get a killing blow on an enemy who thinks he/she is safe running a screen away from the fort.

Bottom line, downgrade your armor after you hide. I know it kills the immersion but we 0rcs have to use our wits.
